Saturday, February 11, 2012

Getting Ready for My Stitching Friends

On Saturday, it's my turn to host our monthly stitchery gathering. I can hardly wait! I've been getting things ready: I've moved furniture (because our home is tiny, it's hard to accommodate six ladies and their projects without some adjustments and space planning. I've done some food prep (I want to spend as little time in the kitchen as I absolutely must). I've put together some little gifty treats (because my friends deserve them). And I've prepped a couple projects of my own to work on. Now I just need to get a good night's sleep and then take care of a few last preparations in the morning. They'll be here at 10 a.m.

I have another little giveaway treat for you too:

This is another of those projects I'm clearing out. At one time, I made a quilt top with nine Mary Engelbreit panels and then decided I needed something smaller, so I removed four of the panels. What's left will need to be taken apart and re-done. There are five panels (two designs) and sashing. If you'd like to adopt this project and you live in the US or Canada, please leave me a comment, letting me know you'd like to be included in the drawing. I'll pick a winner Sunday night to be posted on Monday's blog post. Good luck!

As for me, it's off to bed. It won't be long now until my friends arrive.


  1. Would love to win. Have a daughter that move into a new home and she would love this.

  2. I would love to adopt this quilt top. I am a big Mary Engelbreit fan. I used to work in her store in Dallas about 15 years ago and I wish I had gotten more of her fabric. Now that I have a daughter, (I was in my 20's when I worked for her) I have a giant collection of her books, your quilt top would be a nice addition to our collection.

  3. Love Mary Englebreit!!! I have many of her things in my sewing room! Thank you for the chance to win!

  4. I would so, so love a chance to win this one!! My sister is a HUGE Mary Englegreit fan. I am constantly telling her about another project I need her to make for me (it's amazing that after five years or so she hasn't spit not ONE of those out for me - go figure!!). Anyway, this screams her and I'd love for a chance to surprise her with a project I'd made for her that I know she'd love. Thank you for the chance!!

    Cindy in SC

  5. Anon and I are in the same mode - my sister looooves ME. I would love to use the project for her.

  6. Oh I would LOVE to be included, I am a big Mary Englebreit fan!I promise to give this a good home and not put it right into my "To DO" pile! Not to be confused with my "SO Cute" pile and my "What will I do" get the idea!

  7. A girl has everything if she has good girlfriends - and you do! You are a treasure!

  8. OH!!! I would really love to win this. Good Luck with your sewing party. It sounds like it is going to be fun. Hugs

  9. I'd be game to do it too. I love Mary things! :-) Have a fun day with your friends!

  10. Oh I love Mary Engelbeit! I would love to take this cutie off your hands :)
    Have fun with your stitchery group!

  11. Kim I would love to give this a new home. It would be ideal as a house warming present for some special friends. Thanks for being so generous.

  12. I'd give this a good home! :-) I love Mary Engelbreit! :-) Hope you had a ton of fun with your stitchery group! Whew! You were up late! Are you a night owl like me? I have to force myself to call it a night-- there's always "just one more thing" I want to do! :-)

  13. I would love to win if it's not too late. Pauline

  14. These look like my Mother In Law!! I would love to rework them and make them work for her!! She would LOVE them!!

  15. Oh, I just love Mary Engelbreit! I would love to adopt them! Louise


Tell me what you're thinking--I'd love to hear from you!