Monday, February 6, 2012

Did You Notice I Was Missing?

So Saturday night, I was working in the Sweat Shop when I felt this tug on my big toes, and the next thing I knew, the floor under the sewing table opened up and I was sucked down a giant tube slide into the land of the quilter's elves. Remember when you'd go to the drive-thru at the bank and they had those vacuum tubes? Same thing! It was rather frightening at first, especially since the elves didn't speak English and I couldn't understand what they wanted. Well, and I didn't even know they were quilter's elves at first! But they soon had me relaxing in a hot tub, sipping on champagne, watching videos of George Clooney and Johnny Depp, and nibbling finger foods and chocolate. And did I tell you about the mani/pedi? Most excellent!

As midnight approached, I told them I had to go back to post something on my blog, but they said no, I had to stay with them until they were done with me. Of course, I put up a little bit of a struggle, because I knew some of you would miss me and worry, but they insisted.

When they finally returned me home at 3:30 a.m., guess what I found? The elfish cleaning crew had been hard at work in the Sweat Shop, finishing up the cleaning for me! Yay elves!

Now you'd think that I'd have all Sunday to play, right? Well, in all the time I've been working on the Sweat Shop the last couple weeks, I've let the rest of the house go, so a good part of the day Sunday was spent in cleaning up the house and putting up the Valentine's/spring quilts. Finally, FINALLY, Sunday night I was free to sit down in the Sweat Shop and survey my domain. But what should I work on first?

I decided to work on a little project that involves some embroidery and some wool and some other things, but I can't tell you what it is just yet. I've made up little kits for my stitchery friends because we'll be getting together on Saturday and I don't want to ruin the surprise. I CAN show you my first two embroidered snowflakes though. At least I THINK I can--they probably don't show up very well because it's white embroidery thread on a cream fabric background. Here, take a look:

I wanted to give you a quick little look at the new and improved Sweat Shop now that the elves have cleaned--before I make a mess. In many ways, the room still looks the same, but it's crazy the number of containers--baskets, buckets, totes, etc.--I was able to eliminate because I could finally get all the fabric onto the shelves.

One of the hardest things I found was figuring out how to store precuts, and they really ended up being all over the room, but in an organized way. For instance, I have two places I'm keeping charm packs. You can probably see a bit of a little suitcase open on the desk--that's full of charm packs. Layer cakes were a challenge, but I finally removed the cardboard backing and rolled them up and put them all in a wire basket--

This surface also has many fewer things cluttering it up. That wicker suitcase basket now contains all sorts of little "kits" and projects--most of them are little wool stitchery things I've collected over the years and not gotten to. Most of them had been stuffed here and there--too hard to find even if I'd wanted to work on something!

And see that blue topped glass jar up on the shelf? That jar contains slips of paper with the names of 12 unfinished projects--many are simply blocks collected from swaps or BOMs that weren't finished. All are Thimbleberries. I've decided to draw a slip of paper out each month and try my hardest to complete the project sometime during the month--most should be fairly quick.

I also took everything off the bulletin board that's behind my chair and replaced only the things that I really needed/wanted there, like the month's projects. If you look closely, you'll see a strip of paper pinned to the board; it tells me that the first project I drew was Thimbleberries birthday blocks. You'll see what that is as the month goes by, I think. And then there's this month's Schnibbles pattern. Important stuff.

I know many of you have either been cleaning out your spaces or encouraged to start. If I see them again, I'll send the quilter's elves to visit you and help out, okay? Until you've experienced it, you just can't imagine what a blast it is to party with the elves on Saturday night until the wee hours.


  1. I'm just glad those elves let you come back! Sounds like a blast and your room looks great!

  2. I'm jealous....oh to have a clean sewing room and a stash like yours! Glad the elves brought you back..

  3. Of course we missed you! Glad you enjoyed your time with the elves though and your friends did an excellent job of helping you organize. Happy quilting.

  4. heck, send them my way for the Mani/Pedi!! LOL!!

  5. where the h-e-double hockey sticks did my comment go?!?

    anywho - what i SAID was ... don't DO that to me first thing on a monday morning when i'm not quite awake and i think there might be a mouse in the house ... you scared the beejeezus outta me!!!

    and NOW the word ver has changed from karkra to cargoof - which sums up most of the men i know...

    i'm just sayin'...

  6. WOW! Looks great Kim!

    Thanks for all the info you sent me in your emails.....

  7. I am seriously in awe of your space. It's wonderful.

  8. Of course I missed you! You are my everyday stop. Glad you had fun with the elves. L O V E your newly organized padded room! :-) Have a happy week!

  9. Kim, welcome back! Your room looks great! And if you DO see those elves again, tell them I will PAY triple overtime, if they come and clean, organize my pit!!!! Missed your post yesterday, but, glad that you took some time for yourself, that is important!

    Doris A.

  10. Missed you, for sure! I was just wondering..... Are those elves only good in the sewing room? Or do they do other rooms? I just keep thinking I'd have time to sew if someone else would cook and clean the house and do the laundry.... or maybe I'd have time to sew if I wasn't sitting here on the computer.... maybe...

    So... If the elves are interested in doing housework, send them my way!

  11. Your room looks lovely. I thought my stash was large but yours is humungous!!

  12. Looks great!! Have the elves come to see me. Missed you yesterday.

  13. Yes, we missed you. Glad to hear that you survived the quilting elves. And you can add my name to the list of those who would like to be visited by those elves - either for them cleaning or taking me away from it all. Thanks for sharing.

  14. wow....if I go missing from blogland let it be to wherever you went LOL love what you (they?) have done with the Sweat Shop....I need some inspiration to get my sewing room organised.

  15. What a wonderful night you had with the elves! I love everything you have done in the "Sweat Shop!"

  16. Looks great! I too just cleaned out my sewing room, but I love your ideas for storing precuts. AND the pick a UFO out the jar for the month. Great idea! I might try this.


Tell me what you're thinking--I'd love to hear from you!