Sunday, February 26, 2012

Because You Can't ALWAYS Play . . .

As much as I'd like to spend each and every day playing--in the Sweat Shop, spending time with friends, dreaming creative dreams--every now and then reality slips into my world and I force myself to do the things that need to be done. Like house work.

And that's what I spent most of my Saturday doing. Sure, I thought about doing it one evening last week so I didn't have to give up a weekend day . . . but I didn't. I put it off. Until today.

But now it's done, so I think I deserve a little treat. This is what I think I'll do--

Right after I put on my comfy jammies, grab a good book, and climb into a newly made, soft bed. Yum!


  1. Oh, Sunday! I think I will have the best of both worlds, jammies and stitchin all day long! Does that make me a bad person? LOL

  2. My drink of choice is Alpine hot cider, but the rest works for me!!!

  3. That Miss Jean always has good ideas too!
    Working through the book for my book group this coming Friday and putting off housework. Sending a big hug!

  4. The thing I love most about the end of a houseworking day is climbing into a bed with freshly laundered sheets.....nothing compares!


Tell me what you're thinking--I'd love to hear from you!