Thursday, January 26, 2012

Up for Adoption . . .

I have a very large basket of rolled quilt tops that are waiting to be made whole, given soft innards, so they can find someone who wants to snuggle with them, love them, and live happily ever after. Some of them have been waiting quite awhile. And as with everything else, I felt it was time I took a look at what I have and reassessed a little bit.

This morning, I pulled a somewhat small Civil War/1800s style quilt top out of the basket. I thought I might give it away, but as I looked at it on the design wall, I realized I kind of liked it--kind of alot, in fact. So I rolled it back up and put it back. Then tonight, I found this one:

It's made with Thimbleberries fabric and I won the partially completed blocks and some of the fabric at one of my Thimbleberries Club's raffles a couple years ago. I finished putting the top together, rolled it up, and stuffed it in the "to be quilted" basket.

And while I kind of like the quilt top, I have a lot more quilt tops I like more, so this one will probably languish in the basket for years and years. I decided, instead, so see if anyone wanted to offer it a good home. No, the cat is NOT included, but you will, no doubt, receive some of Spike's fur if you are lucky enough to win the quilt top. And, in the photo, it's on my daughter's double bed, so you can kind of judge the size.

Please leave me a comment if you live in the US or Canada, aren't allergic to cats, and would like to adopt this poor quilt top. I'll pick a winner--assuming I have some volunteers--on Thursday night (tomorrow) and post the winner on Friday's blog post. Anyone interested?


  1. I would love to have one of your quilt tops (this one, I mean)!

    Oh, and I live in Orangevale, so I could meet you somewhere to pick it up (meaning no cost for shipping on your part :)


  2. It is a lovely quilt top! I'd be honored to finish it, and it would brighten up my bedroom.

    I would gladly cover shipping costs!

  3. Love the quilt, love the cat, and am not allergic. Thanks for the chance to win.

  4. Thanks for the giveaway! How generous of you, I am not allergic to cats. I also love the quilt!

  5. I would love to adopt your quilt top. I have cats so what's a little more cat fur :)

  6. I would love to win this top. I have a double bed it would work great on.

  7. Wohoo!! That box of scraps is coming to live with me!!! thanks Kim! Emailing you my address right now :) Good luck to those entering for the lovely quilt today:) Leave me out Kim....even though I like it, cat hair and all, I want someone else to have a chance!

  8. Kim I would love to win the top. Lizi from Colorado formally CA. I will be in town the first week in March. At Saturday Thimbleberries.

  9. I love your quilt top and would also like to win it. I still love TB fabrics and it would look great in my guest bedroom. (and even though the cat doesn't come with it I suppose I could persuade my little dog to snuggle on it)

  10. I looked at it and liked it, my Lillian sat down and fell in love with it! She says it is a pretty yellow... don't ask, god I love that girl! LOL I would have called it a blue quilt!! But i guess we each see what we want!!

  11. Oh how lovely! I'd be happy to adopt it. =) Thank you for your generosity!

  12. I would so love to adopt this quilt top! The cat hair will just make me feel like I am visiting my son. Thanks so much!!

  13. I would be honored to adopt one of your quilts. It would be perfect for a bedroom that I am redoing in blues.

  14. Love the cat...but I would settle for the quilt top! You are so generous!

  15. What a great idea for a giveaway! I would love to adopt your quilt.

  16. Love th quilt top! Thanks for the chance to adopt it. I really enjoy your blog and look forward to reading each day.

  17. I would love it. I recently bought a longarm and could use the practice! When finished I would donate it to the Children's Hospital in a close by city to be given to a sick child whom I'm sure would treasure it. It would be win win for everyone!
    Conny from Red Deer, Alberta

  18. I'd love to win your quilt top. It's really pretty and I could practice machine quilting on it and give it to my daughter. Of course she'd prefer the cat but would have to settle for the quilt. LOL. Thanks for being so generous.

  19. Adorable! Would love to give it a new home...and any stray cat hair! Thanks for a chance.

  20. No Cat included?? Well, I could just pet the quilt top and be very happy. What a lovely and generous giveaway. I can see it now on my guest room bed. Oh how lovely it will be.
    Thanks for chance to win this beauty and good luck to all.

  21. Being the kind and thoughtful person that I am, it is only in my nature to want to help you out of your predicament. Isn't is a sin to have too many half completed quilts? Possibly even one of the seven deadly kind...
    All joking aside, you are too generous!

  22. Hi Kim. How generous of you. I live in a small town in the southern interior of British Columbia and every second week a group of us get together to make quilts for donation from our scraps, which we give to local people in need. We would love to add this beautiful top to our collection, Marilyn

  23. OMG, a chance to win a Kim's Orignal, count me in!! Hugs!! Miss ya!


  24. Don't add me in the giveaway...I am deathly allergic to cats...just wanted to are wonderful!

  25. It's the cat that I am really interested in ... LOL You are very generous and while I would love the quilt top I know I would never win. Your friendship is good enough for me. You Rock!

  26. I would gleefully adopt it and get it quilted up too! Thanks for the chance! I love Thimbleberries! I love how kitty hopped up and posed for you. :-) Have a happy day!

  27. I'd love to adopt your quilt top, cat hair and all. I need practice on machine quilting. Thanks for the sharing - your words and your unwanted quilt items.
    cindy cke49 at yahoo dot com

  28. I confess that I don't want the quilt top as I have a stash of my own and don't care for the color gold, but I do like the cat.....


  29. I would love to adopt your quilt top

  30. Sandy from ThimbleberriesJanuary 26, 2012 at 2:14 PM

    I would love to win something you have made. You can enter me in the drawing.

  31. Wow - I would be happy to provide a great home for your Thimbleberries quilt top (and attached cat hair!) Thanks for the generous opportunity. I have only pieced together mini-quilts, so a full sized one would be terrific to have in my home.

  32. I would be happy to give this quilt top a home....fur and all. lol
    I hope how ever wins the tops enjoys it and the work you put into it.
    Thank you *smile*

  33. Would love to take care of your TB quilt. You are so generous to offer this! Thanks.

  34. I LOVE Thimbleberries!! I LOVE kitties!! I LOVE this quilt top!!! And I would be thrilled to win it!! Thank you for the incredibly generous giveaway! :-)

  35. *gasp* I really love the color and design of the quilt. Pick me me me!!!! I would embrace the quilt like a child!!!

  36. OH YES! I love the adoption idea! Inards and cuddling. Cuddling is one of my favorite things to do! :) I have two doggie's (and a hubby too) which are my main "cuddlees"...
    We aren't alergic to kitty kats :-)
    My doggies would probably find the top very, verrryyyy interesting.
    Thanks for the chance to win one.
    Cathy Byrd
    byrd at

  37. I'd love to win your quilt top! How fun to be pieced by Kim and quilted by another Kim.

  38. I love the quilt and would love to give it a good home. I am not allergic to cats and are looking to adopt a cat now so our cat would be very comfortable on that. Thanks for the chance. I live in the us.

  39. Quero isso mas...sou brasileira e não posso estar no sorteio.pena... beijos a você


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