Friday, January 6, 2012

More Than a Cold, Less Than the Plague

That's how PCFlamingo summed up this illness. And because I think the only person truly fascinated by updates on my health is me, I'm going to give you guys a couple days off while I attempt to recover and find a life that doesn't revolve around tissues.

I found out today that another Girl's Bowling Night attendee, the Lovely Wife to be Someday, also came down with this thing over the weekend. It's a scary thing when the whole female side of a family--including its extended members--is wiped out as a result of bowling. But you know how dangerous I think exercise is.

I'll be back sometime this weekend, when I feel better and have something to say. In the meantime, if you signed on for the 11 in '11 challenge (your name would be in my sidebar), you were successful in the challenge, and you haven't already emailed me that you posted photos of your projects on your blog or in the Flickr group, please do so soon. There may be rewards involved.


  1. Hope you get over this horrible bug very very quickly. Being unwell is never fun - had my 2 weeks worth just before Christmas. Commiserations and cyberhugs sent your way. Have a good rest and hope to see you back blogging and stitching soon.

  2. I should never -- and I repeat NEVER -- read your posts while I am drinking coffee. Laughed so hard I sprayed all over the keyboard! Who new bowling could be so dangerous?

    Feel better!!

  3. I hope all you gals get well quick.

  4. Speaking of germs...I also caught your cold! They must have heard that I was in your State and that I was having WAY too much fun! Thanks for that...I wonder who gave me the Flu two week ago?...that wasn't YOU, was it?? Anyways thanks again...hope you're feeling better soon...(sniff sniff...HONK)
    Take care!

  5. rest relax and get better! See you soon!!

  6. Take care and I'll pray to the Quilt Gods and Blog Gods for a quick recovery so we don't get to bored out here in blogland without you!

  7. Geez, who knew that about bowling? LOL

    Here at MY house, it is DH that has the "more than a cold, less than the plague" since New Year's Eve! He is really tired of the whole thing.

    Take good care, Kim... Hope you are feeling better soon!

  8. It is so horrible to be sick! Arggghhh! I'm keeping my fingers crossed that you get better soon. Anyway, I checked the sidebar and my name is not there. Toni in Oregon, blogging as My blog is not helpful like yours, it is just about ME! Anyway, I did finish eleven in eleven. Thank you! Toni

  9. Will miss your blog. Get well soon!

  10. Get well soon! I sent you an email telling you that I had completed my 11 in '11. I'm sure you haven't responded because you've been I'll, but just in case you didn't get it you can see them here:

  11. Get well soon!!!! We miss your daily posts.


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