Tuesday, January 10, 2012

Leavin' on a Jet Plane . . .

I'm a bit sad tonight because the Wild Child left for New York where she plans to live and go to school for the next few years, if everything works out as planned. Of course, we expect to see her a couple times a year, and technology such as Skype makes it possible to stay in contact, but it's certainly not the same as having her live close to us. On the other hand, I'm excited for her too--I think this just might be a marvelous adventure. Overall, though, I think I'm just glad this week will be a busy one--it will give me a little time to adjust to her absence and not so much time to think about the fact that she's not here.

I'm also a bit sad tonight because it appears Hubby hasn't escaped this awful "worse than a cold but not the plague" illness that's been going around. It's been awhile since the Wild Child and I were at a contageous stage, so I thought he'd managed to evade the bug, but that doesn't appear to be the case, poor guy.

While I was ill, whenever I felt up to it, I worked on a bit of applique--and that wasn't really very often! I spent most of the time sleeping or reading. Just about the time I started to get sick, though, I was working on the last block of the fifth section of the Garden Club quilt and I did get that one finished:

Tomorrow evening I'm meeting with three of my friends to start on the first block of the Autumn House applique quilt by Bunny Hill. Our monthly meetings will mainly be spent deciding which fabrics to use for our blocks. We've pooled what fabrics we've "collected" so far, and we'll share what we have with one another. I think our quilts will end up looking similar but none will be exactly the same. And, of course, you know I'll probably tweek things a bit, although probably not nearly as much as I've changed the Rabbits Prefer Chocolate quilt. I've done a little more work on that one too--I'll show you where I'm at with it in the next day or two.

I'm glad you stopped by for a visit!


  1. I'm sorry your daughter has moved so far. These darn kids. We raise them to be smart and independent and the thanks we get is their independence! Where in NY is she? The City? I'm in New York....the Rochester area, though, with 2 kids in college in various parts of the state.

    Good luck adjusting.

  2. I was always told the best things we can give our children are roots and wings. I have sent five out into the world and they have done great. However, I know the empty nest is hurtful.

  3. First, thanks a lot now that darn song will be in my head all day long!! OK now to my comment! LOL What an adventure for Wild Child!! I know how difficult it is to pick up and move to another state where you are so far away from home, but I also know I grew so much when I did! (at lease it is no TX! Everyone comes back from there pregnant or married, in my family anyway) have a great day Kim! I can't wait to see what you have come up with!!

  4. Oh Kim...I know your pain. My youngest son moved to the midwest with his fiance in June 2011...If it wasn't for Skype life would be hard. They will be there for 3 years...well actually 2.5 years now!!! But I will see them at the wedding in August which will be in Oregon! yeah!!!
    Love your applique block!
    So sorry that DH didn't escape...it is a take all prisoners kinda virus.

  5. Beautiful basket block! Hope that bug leaves your house very soon. My youngest left home for college in '98. The house was very quiet and then DH retired. :-)

  6. Welcome back to the land of the living...Love your last block for the Garden Club quilt.

  7. Glad to hear that you are feeling physically better Kim and sorry to hear that your hubby has caught this bug now.
    I can so relate to a child moving across country. Our son moved to Charlottetown PEI which is about 4000 miles from where I call home. We do miss him and miss the chances of him popping him for a meal or just to say hello. Roots and wings they say... and we are glad to see him growing and enjoying life on the east coast but it is a long way from home..
    Sending you a big cyber Hug,

  8. Hi, just saw this. Wow, I feel your pain with a child long-distance. Skype will definitely help, but you're right, it's most certainly not the same. At least she's an adult and is not growing and changing while she's so far away...like our grandkids. Great, now I'm depressed and STILL have to go to work. LOL


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