Monday, January 16, 2012

It's That Time Again

Almost done and nearly ready to pass it on--

The original pattern, that is. Not the altered Kim-i-tized version.

Leave a comment if you're among the last ten quilters alive who doesn't already own the pattern, if you live in the USA or Canada, and if you would like a chance to win.

I'll pick a winner Tuesday night and announce the winner on Wednesday's blog post. Good luck!


  1. Kim, I LOVE the bunnie pattern! I love applique, usually do needle turn or blanket stitch by hand. This is one pattern I actually don't have & would love to own. I think Crack Bunnies is the perfect name for this quilt! I really like the changes/additions you have made to the pattern. Jill Boettcher

  2. I don't have this pattern and think it is a great one for needeturn. Your fabric choices are fantastic as well as your creative changes. I hope you have a grandchild someday to get to enjoy this quilt.

  3. Im alive and here! Ive been lurking as I recooped. I never did get this pattern and would love the chance!

  4. I am among the last 10 - I would love to have the pattern. 2012 is my year to learn applique. The bunnies are so sweet.

  5. I love rabbits, our family raised rabbits when I was a young girl... I always had a special one. Would love this sweet pattern.

  6. After seeing what you did with this, I would love to win this pattern. Thanks.

  7. LOL! Yeah, I guess I'm among the last ten alive! I'd love to have the bunnies come to my house:)

  8. That is seriously cute! Reminds me of chocolate Easter bunnies on the loose. Didn't realize I was one of the ten, but guess I am.

  9. I wild love to win this pattern. I really like your version too.

  10. I have sereval of Bunny Hill patterns and am among the last ten quilters alive who doesn't own the pattern. I am an avid fan of applique and would love this pattern.

  11. I would love to own this pattern. I don't know if I would attempt the full quilt, but I could use the patterns in an Easter tablerunner or cushions! Thanks for the opportunity to win one.

  12. I would just love this pattern, Kim. Last year I finished Autumn House and enjoyed the process so much. But now I need an Easter theme quilt and this would be perfect. But the changes you made to the pattern were hillarious. Loved it. Looking forward to seeing your Autumn House. Thanks for the chance

  13. I love those bunnies! And I am one of those ten without the pattern!


  14. I must be among the ten quilters in the world who haven't even seen this pattern! But, I LOVE it! count me in!

  15. Would love to have this pattern,I must be one of the 10 without it.Your version is so very cute!!!!!

  16. way to cute! I know it is not the Kim-i-tized, but it would be grat to try to put my own spin on it! Great giveaway!

  17. Kim thank you for the chance to win. I just love Bunny Hill designs. I am one of the 10 quilters on this earth that does not own this pattern. LOL

  18. I don't have this ppattern, and would love the chance to own it! Can't wait to see your version all together. It has been fun watching you post pictures of the pieces.

    Sandy A

  19. I would love this pattern and I don't already own it. Love the bunnies. Thanks for being so generous.

  20. Well it looks like there's more than 10 of us who don't alreay own the pattern. It is a beautiful design and I would love the opportunity to be included in the drawing!

  21. I don't have this pattern either and I would love to make one of these bunny-licious quilts!! Thanks for the chance to win.

  22. This is one quilt that I would love to do...and no, I do not have the pattern! I love how you have done fingers are crossed...hope I win!

  23. hee hee! Obviously there are more than ten of us that do not have the bunny pattern! Count me in the drawing too! Love yours!

  24. Please count me among the deprived. Your version is so cute, too.


  25. Having just finished Henrietta Squirrel...I would love to win the pattern!!! being on a fabric diet and a food diet I am desperate for new stuff that has a chocolate theme!

  26. Love Bunny Hill patterns, but alas I am one of the 10+ quilters who do not have this pattern. Thanks for a chance to win and I so enjoy your blog every morning :)

  27. Please include me in the drawing. My pattern basket does not contain this little beauty. Thanks for the chance!

  28. I have several of her patterns that a LQS has had as a BOM, but honestly I don't have this one!

  29. I have to say that I have truly enjoyed seeing your creativity with the bunny pattern! I've only recently overcome my fear of applique and your adventures have inspired me - so thank you for that. I don't have the confidence of altering to the extent you do, but would love the opportunity to try.

  30. I don't have this pattern and I would love to do it with my Tuesday night stitchin group!
    Conny from Red Deer, Alberta

  31. I don't have many patterns at all and would love to start with this one - have not done any applique but one has to start somewhere.

  32. I do not own this pattern, nor did I take the class at BP&H. I would love it, though, Kim. Take care!


  33. I'm one of the last 10 quilters that does NOT have the pattern, and I would love to be in the drawing. You are very generous!!!

  34. I would love the pattern. Love applique!

  35. Believe it or not, I don't have this pattern. I have become a great fan of needle turn and would love to do this pattern. I love your version also. Thanks for the chance!

  36. Oh, I so love this quilt pattern! I've so admired yours and have wanted to make one since before you started working on it. I raise rabbits for show, and wanted to make one for our local club to raffle at a national show. I think it would be a great fundraiser! I would only hope I could make one half as cute as yours!

  37. I would love to win this beautiful pattern--"Rabbits Prefer Chocolate". It's great!!

  38. Those bunnies are so CUTE! I want to win so I cam Robin-i-tize it.

  39. I have several of Anne's patterns but I do not have this one. I would love to though. Fingers crossed!

  40. I would love to make this one! I think there are more than ten of us with visions of a bunny quilt in our future's. I'd cross my toes if it would help! LOL Thanks for the chance!

  41. Okay I'm one of the ten who don't own this pattern, but have always admired it. Just love reading your blog - you make me laugh constantly!

  42. I am one of the ten on the planet that does not have this pattern! I have wanted it for a while now but cannot seem to fit it into the budget yet. Love coming by and reading your blog. Thanks for a chance to win this great pattern!

  43. I don't have the pattern and would enjoy making it. As always your fabric choices are GREAT! It is just amazing to me how much you get done and still work!

  44. I am sad that the bunnies gone wild are almost finished. i have enjoyed watching your progress for months now. You are so talented and your bunnies are so funny. Thanks for sharing.

  45. I am one of the ten quilters alive that doesn't own this pattern. And I would make it -- love to applique! Please pick my name - Julie

  46. I would love to win this pattern. Thanks for the opportunity to win it.

  47. So cute! And no I don't own it :)

  48. I can't think of anything too clever to say, other than I have seen the Bunny Hill patterns and would love to try one. I love how you changed yours up - it gives us all ideas! Sue H.

  49. Last 10? Count me in. But do you at least have markings on the pattern for the wonderful Kim-i-zations you have created?

  50. I would love to win, I do not have the pattern and love bunnies. Thanks for the giveaway!

  51. I would love to give your pattern a new home :) I've always wanted this one and would love to make it!

  52. This one is really wonderful blog.Thanx to share with us.

  53. I'd love to win this pattern! I've started to love applique and wouldn't have even tried it if it wouldn't have been for you. ~ Pat

  54. Love this pattern and especially love what you've done to it!!! Hope I win this one!
    Thanks for your great blog!

  55. I too would love to make this pattern! I've just found Bunny Hill Designs and all her fab patterns ;)


Tell me what you're thinking--I'd love to hear from you!