Thursday, December 1, 2011

Stats and Stuff

If you have a blog on Blogger, you probably know it tracks your stats for you, right? Every now and then, I like to take a look to see what other blogs my readers come from and what kind of internet searches lead people to my blog. It's really kind of interesting.

I consistently get a lot of people reading my blog posts that relate to Connecting Threads. I think many quilters are intrigued by Connecting Threads' fabric prices and want to see what kind of reviews may be out there. I'm sure they're disappointed in my blog, because I've never tried the fabric--but I like to use their thread.

When I looked at the stats page last night, it told me that three people had come to my blog as a result of an internet search for "dart guns for two-year-old boys." Really? When did I ever write about that? I tried a Yahoo search with those terms, but I sure didn't get my blog! Maybe I'm missing something in how the stats come up with these things.

When I went back to look for the "dart gun" stat today, it wasn't there any more, but I noticed I was getting a lot of hits off a referral from Fave Quilts to my technique tutorial for making an appliqued wallhanging using wool, a sewing machine, and a quilt-as-you-go method. Their post linking to me can be found HERE--take a look at some of the other patterns and things they link to while you're there, as you might find something that really appeals to you.

While we're on the subject of that Santa wallhanging, I thought I'd show you where it's hanging this year--

It's in the guest bathroom where Santa can keep a close eye on all of the snowmen! (Not even gonna consider what ELSE Santa may be watching in the guest bathroom.)

I found that a small nut/treat bowl will make a great soap dish in a pinch.

Snowmen everywhere!

I think I might feel a little creeped out when I take a bath tonight. I never thought about THEM watching me until now!

I was thinking that it might be kind of fun to mess with peoples' internet searches by throwing random stuff into my blog posts that people might search for. Like "the perfect gift for the quilter on your Christmas list!" Now I wonder how many people might search "Christmas gift for quilter" and be led to my blog--which will be pretty useless, really. Or "Santa caught looking at naked woman in guest bathroom."

I'll keep an eye on the stats over the next couple days and let you know if there's a sudden increase in traffic for Santa porn. In the meantime, remember that if you see weird stuff in my blog posts, it's just me having a little fun.

Time now to march into the bathroom, take off my clothes, and face down Santa and all those staring snowmen. Sorry if this visual has put you off your breakfast. Wish me luck!


  1. I faithfully read your blog every morning and love the smile it gave me today. Imagining the surprised people who end up on a quilt blog.Thanks.

  2. I love your humour. It's one of the reasons your blog is one of the first I read each day. It puts me in cheerful mood. Thanks

  3. Love're still such a goof....LOL
    You do brighten my mornings. :)

  4. Now that's hilarious - Santa porn. I have noticed some really strange things on my blog search list too and always wondered where they came from!

  5. Hahaha, you are so funny Kim! I rarely think to look at my blog tracking info, I need to do that! I wonder what (or who) you'll get for "Santa porn." LOL! xo Jen

  6. I used to check my stats and found that many people found me by searching "three o'clock in the morning" and a disturbing number found me by searching "crystal meth near Philadelphia." i don't look at the stats any more.

    WV: vizermi -- a ski hat with a brim

  7. I read your blog regularly because I can get a chuckle out of what you have to say, and with the world they way it is now, we need all the chuckles we can get. You have your home decorated beautifully! Me - nothing, I'm just not a holiday person, in fact I usually dread the holiday season, and really shouldn't since my one and only granddaughter is now 16 months old and might actually enjoy this Christmas season. Need to work on my attitude I guess.

  8. I LOVE Connecting Threads material! I work on a VERY tight buget. I use my coupons at JoAnn's and Hancock and I fully take advantage of their clearance and free shipping over $50!! I recently got a TON of 30's prints and spent less than $60 on over eight yards of material! NICE!!!
    OK now I am off to google Santa porn and see if you are #1 on the list! LOL

  9. I love Connecting Threads esp the thread for longarm use. I get a lot of fabric too. After awhile their colors seem to all be a like but do add a variety to other fabric I have. I have made several quilts from it and it washes well and no fading or bleeding. I am currently waiting for a new order of fat quarters from their Civil War line, Charlottsville.

  10. LOL thanks for the giggles this morning! Maybe you need to take a 'toy dart gun' into the bathroom with you. ;-) Have a happy day!

  11. Santa Porn!! Ho Ho HO!
    (Get it??)
    I wouldn't have the slightest notion about stats but I love to read your blog- Quilters make good comics!

  12. I can't remember how I got to your blog for the first time. Now, it's the first one I read every day. As for the Santa porn, now I've got to google that to see what comes up. Thanks for sharing and the giggles today.

  13. Love your blog! When I put out all my snowmen in Jan. my oldest son always tells me that he feels like they are watching him with their beady little eyes and it creeps him out -- too bad - I'm still putting all 100 of them on display!

  14. Kim, you're cracking me up! I find that looking at my blog's stats tends to drive me crazy, too.

    Now I'm off to look into Connecting Threads...LOL



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