Tuesday, December 6, 2011


I'm closing yesterday's giveaway a little early tonight because I seem to have come down with a cold, and I'd like to take care of my "computer business" early so I can get to bed soon. Hubby's making a compassionate run for hot and sour soup as I write. I hope that an evening of rest will see me feeling much better tomorrow. (Ever the optimist!)

So whose name was picked to win the Lost Quilter book? That would be Doris R., who commented as Anonymous as follows:

Kim, I love your zany way of writing! You have a great sense of humor. I would love to read this book, as I am always looking for books with characters that are of color. Thanks for a chance at winning it!

Doris, please email me your mailing address and I'll get this book in the mail to you. I'm also waiting to hear from Karen, the winner of the stitchery kit. I hope Doris and Karen come back for a visit so they can claim their winnings!

The next giveaway is a little more "specialized." You really need to like frogs--or know someone who does--to want to add this frog quilt pattern to your collection:

The quilt is 60" x 65", so that's one huge frog! When I bought the pattern, the attorney I was working for LOVED frogs, so I thought this was a fun one to make for him someday. Unfortunately, he left our firm before I had a chance to make the quilt and--since I'm not much into frogs--I don't think I'll "need" this pattern--but maybe you do?

Please leave a comment telling me that you like frogs, and I'll enter you in the drawing. I can mail this one to the US or Canada.

"See" you tomorrow when I'll announce the winner of the frog pattern.


  1. My son likes frog so it would be great to make this for him.

  2. My daughter spent many a summer collecting tree toads. This would be a great " Make you smile " gift. An Awesome baby quilt -- done in the right colors.... Or I have a friend that teaches preschool...I can just picture it in a corner of the room... Throw my name in the bucket. I'd love to win....

  3. I think this woudl be a great gift for a boy!! I have two friends expecting...what a gift!! I also have one very hoppy little guy that I watch!! (he likes all of the critters!! LOL)

  4. Love your blog! Well, I know frogs aren't the same as toads, but I figured I could use browns and greys. My horse trainer loves toads and wants to name a horse, Toadusew. Cute, huh. I thought it'd be a great gift for her.

  5. My 21 year old daughter has been collecting frogs since she could point to them at wal-mart! She would so love a frog quilt like this. She is getting married next summer and this would be a cute lap quilt to start her new life!

  6. Have a large collection of frogs in the garden and a few in the house. This would go well with my addiction!
    "Frog parking All others will be toad!

  7. Cute pattern! My DS loves frogs, as well as a special friend of ours, so I'd love a chance at this pattern. Hope you feel better today!

  8. 2nd Try at leaving a comment :-)

    I would love the opportunity to make this quilt for my daughter. She loves frogs and has forever! What says love more then a big frog to keep you warm.

    Plus - Everytime I quilt, it is not complete unless I do a great deal of "FROG STITCHING" rip it....rip it.....rip it.....

    Thanks for your blog, I have enjoyed it for a long time.


  9. Kim,

    I do not want to win a frog pattern. Not a fan of frogs.
    Just thought I would share...


  10. Let's see...I have a quilt on my bed backed by frogs lounging in innertubes, under beach umbrellas and such. I have made many quilts using frog fabric...in fact i just used about my last little piece of 'camo frog' fabric on a small project this week. Would love the pattern. Thanks Kim!

  11. I've seen this quilt "made-up", as we say. It is so cute and the quilter put part of the frog's arm (or leg?) on the back. It was so cute!!!! Anyone who wins this will just love it! I don't want to win it but just wanted to say...

  12. This could be my project for next year! My son would live this quilt! Thanks for this opportunity.

  13. I have that pattern and it turns out so darn cute, but you are right... after all it is a frog. I made it for my sister. Ever since she was little we told her that gypsys gave her to us but there was a spell and on her 11th birthday she would turn into a frog... so yes, I am a little mean... and she did cry like crazy on her bday!
    The quilt actually hung in the library in Yosemite National Park when I had a show there. It really looked cute in a library with the childrens books.
    Hope you get better quickly. I vote for that soup too!

  14. I would love a frog pattern. My grandsons last name is Grogg but he always said frog so frogs have become his thing.

  15. Yup I like frogs. And I have a friend who REALLY likes frogs. Thanks for putting my name in the draw.


Tell me what you're thinking--I'd love to hear from you!