Tuesday, December 27, 2011

The Day After . . .

Did you have a wonderful Christmas? We had a lovely day, Hubby and I and our kids (including Soccer Son's Lovely Wife to Be Someday). We gathered in the late morning to open gifts and have Christmas lunch before going to see Hugo in 3D. It was the first time in years I've watched a movie in 3D--pretty fun!

We all agreed the movie was a good one, and afterward we returned home to make egg rolls and jalapeno poppers to snack on while we played Apples to Apples and the card version of Monopoly. Other than the fact that I didn't win a single game, I enjoyed myself the entire day.

I find it's really kind of weird having adult kids who buy us nice gifts. The Wild Child gave me cheese making lessons for three (if we can arrange it before the Wild Child moves to New York in a couple weeks, she, Soccer Son's LWTBS, and I will take the class). Soccer Son, et al., gave Hubby and me a gift certificate for a night's stay in the same hotel we spent our honeymoon night in a quaint, touristy town about an hour or two away. Am I spoiled, or what?

Hubby and I have an agreement not to get gifts for one another, and every now and then, one of us cheats. This year it was him: He bought me a Kindle Fire. Between you and me, I've been pretty resistant to reading something that's not a good, old-fashioned, paper book, but now that I have this device, I'm kind of excited about it. I unpacked it tonight and I have it charging. What do you think? Do you have one? Want one? Wouldn't want one?

Today I got together with a friend, Imelda, to talk about the Autumn House applique project we're planning and have lunch. We looked over the fabrics we've both been "collecting" and agreed we probably have what we need. We hope to get together with two other friends once a month to share fabrics and encourage one another. I'm really anxious to get started soon.

In the meantime, I've been working on section 4 of the Garden Club quilt, and I just finished the parts for that this evening.

I haven't decided yet whether to go on to section 5 next or get back to my Rabbits on Crack applique. I DO have a little non-quilting craft project to work on this week, though, so it may be neither applique project for a day or so.

It's back to work for me tomorrow, but at least it's only four days of work and then another three day weekend. We almost always spend a quiet New Year's Eve and I think this year will not be an exception. How about you? Do you have any fun New Year's plans this year?


  1. I love my kindle. I don't live near a bookshop or library so I can buy a new book any time of the day or night. I also find my wrists/arms/shoulders ache less from reading the kindle in bed.

  2. Still undecided about reading and technology. I am resisting so far, but definitely sort of interested, lol.

  3. I have had a Nook for over a year and love it!! And now that I have an iPad, I read my nook books on it. What is good is that I told my kids that they never have to think about what to get me for a gift, all I want is Barnes and Noble gift cards, lol.

  4. We gave our daughter the Kindle Fire for Christmas and she is most excited about its wifi capabilities as it means she can check email more easily. She has also downloaded several books already.

  5. My sister gave me a Kindle for Christmas. I, like you, have resisted anything but paper (real!) books. I got it Christmas Eve and by Christmas Day I was hooked! I absolutely love my Kindle - no waiting for the mail to run, no shifting positions in bed when I turn a page, no searching for a bookmark and oh, so easy to carry anywhere. Your will love the Kindle.

  6. Ohhh cheese making...how fun! I have a sony E reader and only use it when traveling. I like to either listen to books while I sew or actually touch them...throw back I know. Sounds like you had a great day!

  7. I love my Kindle! My husband and I travel as much as we possibly can, so I can load it with books and have something to read no matter how long we're away. (Unfortunately, the airlines make you turn them off during takeoff and landing.)

  8. The last time I moved, 21 of the boxes were full of books. My biggest collections are of history and genealogy books. But this year I got myself a Nook color for Mother's Day and I am totally hooked. Totally. It is so convenient to take on sewing retreats or on vacations, instead of 2 or 3 or 4 books (I read really fast). Plus there are always free or $.99 books - I've discovered some great mystery authors through the cheap books features. It's way fun.

  9. i did not ask for one and my Husband bought me a Kindle for our anniversary (in Sept) I always either get free or $.99 books. I do say i like it! My friend has one that she took with when we went to Mexico and she loves it because she used to take books and they weighed down her luggage! Let me know how you like the fire! I just don't think I would use it enough to get anything more than I have! i do have the keyboard one and am glad for that! You can alos check out books from your local library! That is also very nice! if you donot know how just go to your library and they will show you how! (my sister is a librarian and showed me) the nice part about that is no late fees!! And they return themselves! LOL

  10. I researched Kindle Fire and Nook Color and while they both have great features, I think you got the better of the two. We got my daughter one for Christmas and she hasn't put it down yet! I love my ipad and have read a couple of books on it, but I prefer a real book. Yes, it is great when you travel, and when I forgot to buy my latest book, but really there is nothing like a real book. Maybe that's the teacher in me.

  11. I was also resistant to an ereader. I love books! I thought I would miss turning the page and I also would miss reading in my favorite spot (the bathtub) but I finally got one this summer and love it! I have learned that not all the free and 99cent books are good, but man, when a new book comes out and I have preordered it, it downloads itself usually about 10 the night before the release day. (I'm in Hawaii and wonder if the time change helps with that.) I do agree with Luv2Quilt2 abouve about the airline, though. Enjoy yours!

  12. I have been downloading free books from Amazon, but don't have a Kindle. I plan to get one soon and I'll have about 20 books to load to it. I can't wait. It will be so much easier to put in my purse than a paper book.

  13. It sounds like you had a wonderful holiday Kim! I want a Kindle (Fire). I have been reading up on the pros/cons of Nook & Kindle... so far, they are neck 'n neck! My sons' are getting the Fire so they can download college books next semester.
    I can't wait to see more of your Rabbits project. I really like your Garden blocks... wish I could find my book:)
    New Years Eve I am having a brunch at my house/baby shower for DDIL. Right now I am tearing down Christmas FAST so I can get it ready... I don't want the pictures to have holiday decor... wish me luck.

  14. my hubby gave me the Nook tablet--really enjoying this technology. I'm encouraged to read more while using it! (It's all good!)

  15. Sounds like you got lovely gifts! I got great gifts from my kids too, very spoilt! I am getting a little kindle envy these days, never used to want one but I am finding space for books an increasing problem!! No plans for New years eve, the quieter the better!!

  16. I live the cheaper books on Amazon over Barnes and Nobel and think Amazon will weather any business storms. I have an original Kindle and still enjoy reading on it. We have a motor home and one trip I dragged out a small duffle full of paperbacks from Half Price Books. My husband looked at it and said those go ou your side(meaning the closet) I promptly bought the Kindle. Now we are in a smaller motorhome and he brings a large camera with him an an even larger case with lenses etc. Honey, that goes on your side! Maybe he can use his iPhone to take pictures.

  17. By now, you must be hooked! But I will weigh in anyway. I got a Kindle Fire for Christmas too, and have hardly been able to put it down! There are apps, there are games (The Mystery of the Crystal Portal), there are magazines and newspapers and books... I am having a blast playing with mine.

  18. Hi Kim
    I love my kindle fire!! It is my 3rd kindle so I am hooked on them.

  19. I also got a Kindle Fire for Christmas from my husband! I am enjoying all the free books and my son likes the apps/games. I have thought about downloading a quilt pattern book but am not sure if I will like that format. I still am old-fashioned about physical pages! Thanks again for the mystery pattern, am looking forward to sharing it with my group in the new year! :)

  20. I love my Kindle...going back to reading books the old way feels so awkward now. When I graduated to a Kindle 2, I gave my original Kindle to my husband who promptly put it in a drawer and refused to use it for nearly a year. A few weeks ago he picked it up and I showed him how to download books (and how to find the free ones). Now he's a convert! LOL


  21. P.S. You should also try eBookFling.com. It's a great resource for borrowing books...works on a swap method. Check it out and you'll see how great it is to borrow books that are normally pretty expensive.


  22. Love catching up, so glad the family are going well and looking after you as you deserve. If only sadness is people keep waking you too early...hope that settles and is the worst that happens in the New Year!! Lots of love,, a belated Merry chritmas and very happy New year! Traceyx


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