Saturday, December 24, 2011

The Calm Before The Storm

I'm done. At least I THINK I'm done. The weekend is here, and my paying job's done until Tuesday. The gift shopping is done--even the gifts for me. I THINK the grocery shopping is done. But is it ever really? I wouldn't be surprised if I remembered something I've forgotten. The gifts are wrapped. The goodies are made/baked. Even the tickets for the Christmas movie are purchased. (We decided on Hugo as it was the only movie that appealed to everyone.)

It's Friday night and I've finally been able to get into the Sweat Shop to spend some time NOT MAKING CHRISTMAS GIFTS! Wooo-hoooooo!

Tomorrow Hubby's going to his brother's house to watch some football; no idea what the Wild Child has planned. I DO know that I'm going to relax, sew, and maybe reassess my quilt-related stashes. In fact, I've already begun.

You know I've been giving away patterns I don't think I'll ever get around to making and I've finally gotten through the bunch. Now I've started thinking about quilt tops that aren't quite done but that I don't have any desire to finish. And I'm wondering what to do with them. This one, for instance:

I worked on this during a monthly class where we learned about fabrics and quilting styles from the 1800s. It's very scrappy. It's somewhere between 40" and 45" wide and long. And it's been taking up space for over a year now. Maybe you'd like it?

Not only do I have the quilt top, but I have a few scrappy pieces of fabric to send along with it, in case the new owner wants to add another border. There are even some already constructed HSTs.

If this project appeals to you, please leave me a comment saying you'd like to adopt it. If more than one of you are interested, I'll draw a "winner." And if there is a drawing, I'll announce the winner on Christmas.

I think this is just the first of a few quilt tops I'll give away, so if this isn't your style, maybe something will come up that is. I think I may also clean out my stash of Thimbleberries fabric and kits from the past four or five years and list some of them on Etsy before too long. I'll let you know when I do that in case any of you are Thimbleberries fans. It's not that I no longer like Thimbleberries--it's just that I've "collected" a lot more than I'll ever use and I need the space in the Sweat Shop.

How are your Christmas preparations coming along? Are you ready or are you frantic? Have you made many gifts this year or have you purchased most of them? In my next post, I'll show you a couple of the gifts I've made--and one I decided to keep for myself. Glad you could stop in for a visit!


  1. If your top wants to travel to France I would be very happy to give it a home. Linda Joyeux Noel.

  2. I'd be ever so good an adoptive parent...pick me and you'll see!

  3. De-stashing is such a good idea. I think it's good to let go of things you'll never use. Of course, I haven't managed to do any yet! The last few months are the first time I have thought I could do it, so it may yet happen! I'm working on it!!! I will watch out for your etsy de-stashes with interest.

  4. Oh. And the gifts, I always make some, but have made more than ever this year and am very pleased with myself. I think I will concentrate on it harder next year.

  5. You're quilt top appeals to me. It's a star quilt, it's scrappy, two things I like in a quilt. I'd like to be in the drawing for this top. Thanks for sharing.

  6. Your quilt top is beautiful! Please don't include me in the drawing though - I just wanted to say a big thanks for your generous prizes over these last couple weeks - so, so nice of you! I hope you have a very Merry Christmas!

    Cindy S.

  7. You are so generous and show the true spirit of giving...just what Christmas is all about! My shopping is all done. I haven't finished making the stockings (we have extra family staying with us tonight) and we are working on supper (my husband's family is coming in...there will be 31 of us). This is my break for the morning. Have a Merry Christmas!

  8. I would love to adopt it. I only have one UFO in my sewing room and can give it the attention it needs!

  9. But Kim it is such a beautiful top! Is it just not you style and therefore you don't want to quilt it?? I just wonder about these things! I woul dthink you would put it in a pile for 12 in 12 is going to be more of strech... LOL Merry and Happy to you and yours! And as always thank you so much for sharing with us! you do not know how you make me smile in the morning!!!

  10. I would love to be able to finish this quilt -- and then maybe give to a charity here locally

  11. I would love to have a chance to win your quilt top! It is lovely! Merry Christmas!

  12. I loved the picture of the puppies in yesterdays blog. Please put me in the drawing for the quilt. Are the puppies going to be up for adoption also??? Merry Christmas.

  13. You're such a generous person. I hope you and your family have a wonderful Christmas. LOVED the puppy post, they're soooo cute, I could almost smell the new puppy smell. ;-> Merry! Merry! (don't include me in drawing) Thanks anyway.

  14. Boy you are good! Already leading out in moving things on - I have a feeling something creative is going to be happening. Merry Christmas

  15. Merry Christmas Kim! Leave me out of the drawing...I am a mother to tooooo many of those projects! just wanted to wish you a sewing day!

  16. I'm a hand quilter and would love the quilt top. It would go so beautifully in my daughter's condo and all I'd have to do is quilt it. Count me in.

  17. My church's Hugs Ministry would gladly accept this top. We make quilts, pair them with stuffies and give them to the local fire department for kids in crisis situations. Thank you for the opportunity to add to a ministry that is very near to my heart. Merry Christmas to you and your family. Take care and God bless, Cory

  18. I would love to have this top to quilt! I love these fabrics! If I win, I will give it a good home!

  19. Merry Christmas, Kim!! You know I am such a fan of yours, thank you for the opportunity to own a piece of your work. I am feeling lucky, today is my birthday :)

  20. I would love to finish this quilt and use it around the house! I hope you have a merry Christnas!

  21. I would love to adopt your quilt. I will finish it, care for it, and love it. Merry Christmas

  22. I would love to give your quilt a home, I love the colours!

  23. I would give your quilt top a warm comfy home. I will even quilt it and lay it on my harvest table as a tablecloth.

  24. I would be very happy to take that poor quilt-top off your hands and finish would have a very good home. ;o)

    Merry Christmas,

  25. I would love to give your quilt top a new home.

  26. Yay! I knew you'd get everything done before today! Good going! I love the top and would give it a good home too. I would finish it and give it to a friend who needs a quilty hug. I am a huge Thimbleberries fan (maybe you'd like to join me for T-berrie sew days, the last Wednesday of every month?) who isn't supposed to spend any funds until April~ hold off a bit, ok? ;-) LOL

    Merry, Merry Christmas to you and yours!


Tell me what you're thinking--I'd love to hear from you!