Saturday, December 10, 2011

2012--A Year of Applique

I don't expect you remember me mentioning a month or two ago that I thought I'd devote myself mainly to applique in 2012, but I'm still serious about that idea. I've really enjoyed the applique I've done lately--it's very restful and it really doesn't take as long as most people might think--even though most of the applique I do is hand applique. I'm really enjoying the method my friend Imelda taught us, using starch, a mini iron, and a bit of glue. (I think I did a little tutorial on that method, right?)

I used that method on this little Santa project, and look how fast it went--three evenings from start to finish!

Speaking of Imelda, I was at her home tonight for a holiday open house--a couple other women from our stitchery group were there too, and we talked about quilting, among other subjects. Imelda does lovely work, and applique--especially if it's a Bunny Hill design--is one of her favorites. When I was cleaning out my patterns the other night, I found that somehow I'd purchased two patterns for Autumn House by Bunny Hill, so I wondered if Imelda wanted one.

Of course, she already had it, so we hatched a plan to work on it together. AND one of my other stitchery friends was interested in joining us, so I found a home for my extra pattern AND I have a fun project to look forward to working on with friends next year!

I started the ball rolling on YET another applique project today too. Another Bunny Hill design. Shhhhhh! I'm not telling Hubby for now! But I signed up for the Merry Merry Snowmen Block of the Month. Isn't it great?! And that French General fabric looks just right!

So that one will start in February. And, of course, there's the Garden Club quilt I started a couple months ago. Plenty to get me going in the new year!

Here's another pattern I came across when I was cleaning out--

Another Curtis Boehringer Santa pattern--this one is from a line called Father Christmas From Far Off Lands. This is Pere Noel from France. I also have an Irish Father Christmas, but I'm keeping him for now. Hubby comes from an Irish background, so I might decide to make it someday; not so much Pere Noel. Would you like to invite Pere Noel into your home? Leave me a comment and I'll draw a winner tomorrow night and announce who won on Sunday's post. I can mail to the US and Canada. The quilt is 32" x 44"--kind of a nice size for a wallhanging.

I bet you'll be busy this weekend, getting ready for Christmas--me too! Thanks for taking the time out of your crowded schedule to stop in for a visit. I hope you'll find a little "play" time this weekend also! And remember the cardinal Christmas shopping rule: One purchase for gifting, one purchase to keep, one purchase for gifting, one purchase to keep, . . . .


  1. I agree that hand applique can be much quicker and easier than people think. I still can't manage the starch and iron technique but I love to needleturn. I love the Pere Noel pattern and he would fit in beautifully with my other Santas in my French inspired decor. Love your blog and I am afraid I am following your Christmas shopping rules!

  2. Where oh where do I find the Merry Merry Snowman block of the month? I LOVE it!

  3. Pere Noel would be perfect for a gift to my husband (next year). I'd love to win it. Thank you for the chance and for a bit of relaxing (and giggles) each morning as I read your blog.

  4. Oh yes please!! Pere Noel would be perfect in my house and feel so at home.....I live in France!!!!

  5. I would love to win this pattern -- I love santas of all kinds and with both of my boys taking French in college it would be a great santa to add this year (or next)

  6. How nice of you to give away some of your patterns. I'd love to win this one. I'm afraid when I start working on Christmas things it's never for me, and I think this would be a great me project to have for next year. I'm also loving that block of the month snowman quilt!

  7. ROFLOL...I love that you bought 2 patterns it is so me, Anne and Sandyish!

    As for Pere Noel...I think he needs to come to my house since I am currently saving my pennies to go to France in Sept. 2012 with girlfriends for a Quilt Tour and it will get me in the Frenchy mode!!!!

    I am follow closely your applique for 2012...cause I want to be there!

  8. Oh, Kim I cannot wait to see your snowmen! That pattern is just amazing! LOVE IT!! oh, I would also love to give Pier Noel a great home! I have been working on improving my applique work and I think I am getting pretty OK at it (for someone who just began)

  9. I am fairly new to your blog so I never saw your description of Imelda's applique method with the starch and mini iron. It wasn't in your list of tutorials or quilts either. Could you tell me where to find it?
    I love your quilts and that you show how you make them. I love to learn different techniques.

  10. I really enjoy reading your blog and used one of your quilting designs to do a wallhanging and it looked as if it had been longarmed. Thanks for the tips, I really enjoy when you show them. I love Santa's so I hope I win.

  11. When you are done with Irish Santa keep me in mind for borrowing!

  12. You must share where you are getting your BOM from. I have not seen this Bunny Hill Quilt and absolutely LOVE it! Please share!

  13. Oh I like your Christmas shopping rule!!! Now i can explain my new candy jar and trifle bowl to my hubby - I just had to buy them, it was the rules!!! I love hand applique too, find it relaxing and it doesn't take too long!

  14. Oh I will be busy this weekend but not getting ready for Christmas. I will be getting ready to move the day after Christmas. No decorations for us this year. But we are moving from a place we loathe to a place we love so it is worth it to not decorate for one year. Besides we are moving from So Cal to Utah so we will get white Christmases from now on!

  15. LOL I love that cardinal rule!! :-)
    Your little quilt turned out wonderfully~ I either applique with the little iron, or just blanket stitch on some things. Maybe I should devote more time to applique in 2012 too...hmmm. Thanks for the chance on the pattern~ I have a friend who collects Santa's from all over, and if I won it, I'd make it for her. Have a happy weekend!

  16. I'd love to win Pere Noel! Thanks for the opportunity.

  17. Please enter me,Kim. I also signed up for Merry, Merry Snowman and also the Buggy Barn class after it, so maybe I will get to see you! Take care, hugs!!


  18. I love your cardinal rule of Christmas. I also like your applique work. If you make 2012 the year of applique I might just try a few too! Thanks for the opportunity to win this pattern.

  19. Lovely, likes me a lot everything

  20. Kim, would love Pere Noel. Count me in on the giveaway. Thanks I would like to improve my hand applique. Practice make perfect, right!

  21. I love applique. They make such unique homemade gifts. Thanks for the chance!

  22. I could go for a french Santa. A great present for my sister (the wallhanging, not the pattern) who was born on Bastille Day. I am always looking for French gifts for her.

    I will have to look up the patterns to see if there is an Italian or German Santa as well as the Irish one.

    Happy appliquing....

  23. Curtis patterns have a unique design and I'd love to e put into yur drawing. Very nice appliqued santas! JAne

  24. Hi!
    I just "found" your blog and really appreciated your tutorial on making spirals!!!
    I also applique using the starch and iron it!!!
    My friend Sandy and I have spent the last year working on Autumn House together!!!
    Just thought you might be interested in Bunny Hills free applique pattern "Henrietta Whiskers"...lots of squirrels, crows and pumpkins...I made it with the scraps leftover from "Autumn House"!
    You probably already know about it but if not just go to Bunny Hill patterns....Henrietta Whiskers....Anne is leaving it as a free pattern until the end of December.
    Can't wait to read more of your blog!!!


Tell me what you're thinking--I'd love to hear from you!