Monday, November 21, 2011

The Games People Play

With the holidays approaching and rain in the forecast every several days, it's a good time to think about playing board games with the family--at least it is here in our home. Of course, we have certain favorites we tend to play over and over again, so I was wondering what other games are on the market that we'd enjoy. There was some talk at my office last week about this game:

I was told this is a fun game to play in a larger group--perfect for Thanksgiving and Christmas. So I went over to Amazon and ordered it. While I was there, I started looking at other board games for my immediate family--I haven't really paid much attention to the new games in the last year or two.

Generally, our family enjoys games that don't require a lot of concentration, so some of the most popular strategy games probably wouldn't work for us. We like games that are fairly simple to understand and can be played in under an hour. And we need a game that can be played by three to five people as our immediate family is small.

Do you know of any games--new on the market in the last couple years--that you'd recommend for us? Also, what's your favorite game when you get together with a large number of people? There are so many games on the market that it's quite confusing to browse online, so I'm hoping we can share some suggestions. Thanks for your input!


  1. We love Apple to Apples! Lots of variations to consider when purchasing.

  2. It's not a board game, but my children and I love Five Crowns. It's simple and a full game is far less than an hour.

  3. I am big on cards! We love Skip-bo and Phase 10. They are both fairly nice to whoop through, and my kids can even play them!

  4. When my in-laws lived close we used to get together and play Tripoley. It's easy to learn and can be played by 3 - 5 people - all ages. It's a lot of fun. We also played London Rummy which I love!!!As few as 2 can play or as many as five I would think.

    Hope this helps!

  5. We play a lot of card games but Balderdash has provided many laughs for a group of 8. We also play pass The Pigs. We are looking for a new game also!

  6. When my family is together we always have to play spoons. It is always a good rowdy game. We also like to play Cranium & Tripoley.

  7. Apples to Apples is really fun. Do you have Taboo? That's an oldie but a goodie.

  8. Try the Monopoly card game.We are the game family!!! And this one is fast and Fun... We do a different game each year and this one has always returned by the end of the day.

  9. Our family enjoys playing Bananagrams. It is good for any size group and can even be played solo. Fast paced and fun, it comes in a cute banana shaped zippered pouch!!

  10. As already mentioned, Apples to Apples is a good one! Fun in either a large or small setting, and simple to understand! Have fun!!

  11. We like to play Sequence. Fun for all!

  12. Apples to Apples and don't laugh but my 3 grands ages 8,11 & 15 yrs still enjoy the card games Old Maid & Go Fish when they come here. The 15 yr old especially enjoys tricking his dad to draw the Old Maid & although we're very serious about getting rid of her the game is quick enough for most wins out of sev games (your choice for total games played) is declared Champ!! We also enjoy playing Chinese Checkers together!Have fun playing games!!

  13. We love to play Rummoli. It works great with anywhere from 3-8 players. We actually have a handmade wooden game board by a Canadian game company ( They produce a wide range of beautiful wooden games that make great gifts. We have several and each one is like a piece of art.
    Conny from Red Deer, Alberta


Tell me what you're thinking--I'd love to hear from you!