Saturday, November 19, 2011

Friday Night Sew-In, November Edition

I'm very, very tired tonight. I worked all day, ran over to the annual quilt show on my lunch hour, picked up a couple prescriptions from the pharmacy after work, headed to Kohl's for a few things, and followed that by a stop at Michael's for a few more things. I then capped off my errands by picking up chicken wings and fries for dinner and hurrying home to participate in the Friday Night Sew-In--for what was left of the evening.

Having lost three days of potential productivity this week due to stomach flu meant having to compress five days worth of errands and chores into two days.

During the sew-in, I made a bit more progress on quilting my Christmas quilt. I started by finishing the swirly quilting in the center. Once done with that, I cleared the decks and flipped the quilt over to check for puckers and trim thread tails. That task completed, I decided it was time for a little treat, and I grabbed the camera while I was at it so I could better document my progress. Here are a few photos.

Yum! Hot chocolate with whipped cream! Stitch is pretending indifference.

Here you can see a bit of the quilting I've been doing. And if you look very closely, you might see the tip of a furry ear sticking up toward the back edge of the quilt.

Stitch yearned for a more active role in the Friday Night Sew-In.

Largely ignored, Stitch edged closer. "Can you see me now?"

It's really hard to quilt when you have a cat guiding your free motion quilting. At this point, I gave up, gave Stitch a good pet, and shut down for the night. Operating heavy mechanical machinery with sharp parts any later tonight probably isn't a very good idea anyway.

I have photos from the quilt show--I'll share those tomorrow night. Happy quilting!


  1. Good morning Kim! I can see that your helper might want to take up quilting in another life. What a stitch!! (LOL) BTW, your quilting pattern is looking good!

  2. Stitch knows a good thing when he sees it. Love your quilt.

  3. I can't wait to see the finished quilt,what a hoot that your cat wanted to help you quilt it :) Barb.

  4. I don't know...looks to me like that indifference is really a micro manager undercover! lol glad you are on the mends, nothing like trying to live a full schedule with a glass half empty!

  5. Oh what an adorable cat. Stitch sure loves her mommy!

  6. Loved seeing Stitch helping out. My Misha does the same thing :) What would we do without them lol!

  7. Hi KIm, Love the swirl quilting that you are doing on the quilt. Would you mind illustrating how you do the swirl. I still refer to your post that you did in May 2008 on your prairie paisley quilt. Your tutorials are awesome!

  8. and I thought trying to work with my dog in my lap was bad! LOL I just love your little helper!!

  9. Stitch really, really, REALLY seems to like this quilt!

  10. What a beautiful quilt - and a great job in the quilting! I LOVE your little helper :)

  11. Nice job with the swirly quilting. I am trapped in my chair right now by a sleeping cat in my lap. They get their way, don't they?

  12. What a lovely little cat. My cat wants nothing to do with me when I sew....kind of wish she would stick around though and give me some company

  13. Love the photos of the beautiful machine quilting and the adorable kitty...could life be any better than that! My favorite one is "Can you see me now"?!? Love it!

  14. Your quilt and quilting is beautiful. And your helper is very sweet... but I admit I'm glad I don't have those kinds of helpers when I'm trying to quilt. :o)

  15. Your quilting is fabulous and your helper is adorable. My puppy just keeps bringing toys to me so I will play with her!


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