Friday, October 28, 2011

Welcome Ghastlies Hoppers!

Are you having fun, hopping around to see all the projects we've been working on? I know I've been very, very tempted to order more Ghastlies fabric so I can make some of the projects shown by my fellow bloggers--aren't they all uber creative?! If you've been reading my blog for awhile, you've probably already seen my Ghastlies project, but if you're new here, I think you'll enjoy seeing the bed quilt I made:

It appears my own Ghastlie familiar, Stitch, is enjoying the quilt! And what's he looking at so intently? Could that be ghostly ectoplasm materializing in the center of the quilt? Or simply my own poor photography skills?

Here's another view of the quilt, just in case you prefer looking at quilts to looking at ghosts:

If you have any interest in making the quilt, I've uploaded a PDF copy of the pattern on Scribd. Just click HERE. You don't want to make the full sized quilt? The pattern will tell you how to make fewer blocks for a smaller quilt or wallhanging.

Now let me tell you a little bit about the OTHER exciting part of this hop. Yep, winning stuff! Please leave a comment for a chance to win your own 4-yard collection of Ghastlies fabric as seen on Madame Samm's blog HERE. (Blogger's being difficult about uploading photos tonight; otherwise, I would have posted a photo of the goodies you COULD win. Or maybe it's the ghost in the machine. By the way, it sure would be nice if the winner would share that fabric with me. I'm just sayin' . . . . Oh, and also? Madame Samm's blog post today about it being the eve of her last day of everything? She doesn't mean this Ghastlies blog hop, so don't panic--we still have another week of goodies to follow this one.)

I'll randomly draw a winner from the comments you leave and will send the winner's name on to Madame Samm, who will then draw two winners from the five names submitted by us Ghastlies bloggers whose turn it is to entertain you today. If you will also take the time to tell me about your most frightening Halloween (or ghostly) experience in your comment--even if it means making something up(!!!)--I will enter you in my own drawing. And what might you win? First place will win a copy of my Eye of the Beast charm pattern and two Christmas-themed charm packs, Flurry by Kate Spain--

I'll also draw a second place winner who will receive a copy of the pattern only. (Winners will be randomly selected and not based upon the scariness of their stories.) And you must check back here tomorrow to see who the posted winners are and claim your prize if one of them is you--I won't email you to let you know you won. I'm kinda mean that way, aren't I?!

I'll be closing comments at 9 p.m. my time (Pacific Daylight Savings Time) to pick the winners. When you're done here, don't forget to hop (or fly) off to visit today's other bloggers:

But before you do, I'll leave you with this to ponder: Are those spirit ORBS on the photo below?




  1. Oh my the First to Comment must be fate. The Ghastlie quilt is haunted I think! Funny to see you kitty looking at it so intently. My scariest is my Aunt that used to tell us ghost stories to get us to take a rest in the afternoon at her house. Even still the mention of the "Hairy Toe" at a family reunion brings chills up and down my spine. She scared us to sleep! Thanks for a chance to WIN!

  2. Kim I love the quilt. Didn't buy any of the green fabric because I didn't think I'd like it...but it turned out to be AWESOME in this quilt. Will definitely have to download your pattern.

    I have a tuxedo cat also - Watson is her name (didn't know her gender when she was a tiny kitten and didn't want to do any checking :D).

    Nice setting for your photo shoot, too!

  3. Please please please add me in this giveaway, for both even! ;)

    I'm not sure if this is much of a "scary story" but more of a funny Halloween story. The one advantage I have of being small is the fact that I'm able to dress up in baggy clothes and sit on the porch with the bowl of candy in my lap. Little do the little kids know, that I'm actually "REAL" and not a stuffed doll. Just as they reach into the bowl, I scream ARRRRRGH, ha! I love it when I get them jumping and screaming... Of course I'm kind when it comes to tiny ones, don't want to give them nightmares.


  4. gorgeous quilt - I really love how pink seems to go with all the ghastlie fabrics and you're very generous in your giveaway - thanks ps that cat just seems to love your quilt as well (are you sure its not related to sebastian?)!

  5. That's such a beautiful quilt< I can't believe your kitty is so intently inspecting it, perhaps she knows something we don't!

  6. I love your Ghastlie quilt! Thank you for the pattern
    I don't really have a scary Halloween story but when my children were younger they had Saturday jobs at an old (16th century) house nearby which took in under privileged children for holidays - the adults all swore there as a resident ghost and one member of staff got locked in the bathroom - she swore it was the ghost but my son's face told a different story!

  7. I love your Ghastlie quilt. We don´t play Halloween in Sweden I´m sorry that I can´t tell a story to you

  8. Hello my dear Ms Ghastlie..your quilt and the cat...and is she black...ok very Halloweenie....great use of the green fabric...I was shy about using that one..but I may have to rethink that ....great project....and yes you need to get yourself more ghastlies and make more projects for possibly next year...did I just say that lol

  9. Kim, very nice quilt. Love the green and pink together!

  10. Thanks for the pattern. It was a Ghastlie surprise!

  11. Love love love that quilt! Great way to show off the ghastlie fabrics! :)

    Scary story.... Watching most haunted live, in the dark, on my own. Not a bright idea, I am a wuss! :)

  12. What a lovely giveaway! Thanks for the chance. When we were teens, we used to go to the cemetery on Tom Teal Road just to spook us out.

  13. I love this pattern! Not that anything Ghastlie wouldn't be great, but this really takes the cake!

  14. Oh now I wish I'd bought some of the green fabric too! Your quilt is wonderful - and so is your friend standing there beside it. :) Beautiful job Ghastlie sister! blessings, marlene

  15. Very cool quilt! Great pattern to showcase a classy Ghastly family.
    Hugs from Mary

  16. Stitch is saying "who put that curtain on my window"? green is my favorite color. and i can't wait to purchase some soon. thanks for sharing your pattern. your quilt is gorgeous.

  17. Oh my, this Ghastlie quilt is great. I am really falling under the Ghastlie spell!!

  18. You don't see the green very often - they look so creepy-good in green. Nice!

  19. Kim - - I love the green and pink together. Your quilt is awesome and the pictures with your kitty?? Perfect!!!

    Love your quilt!!

    Hugs ~~ Ms. Suz Ghastlie

  20. Scarriest story.. one time I had to babysit my younger friend. We werent that far apart in age. But her mom was a widow and asked us to keep her bedroom door closed. We just sat watching tv, until the bedroom door to their parents door opened! We were scared. Then the dishes in the kitchen rattled.. talk about shivering.. I finally got up the nerve to go shut the door to the room because I didn't want to be in trouble for leaving it open, and look like I had done a poor job of babysitting, but I never did spend the night again.

  21. Love your "ghastlie" quilt! My scariest Halloween would have to be when taking my small children(many years ago) trick or treating. We lived on a small, very wooded peninsula on the bay with maybe 15 families. It was a cold & rainy night when all of a sudden my 7 year old son disappeared and I freaked out. He had planned this ahead of time with his friends and they had hidden a boombox in some bushes and it played some wierd sounds. Needless to say they jumped out scare me and my 4 year old daughter and it worked. He laughs about this every year. Thanks for the chance at the giveaway and to remember this story.

  22. Those green trees just frame those Ghastlie folks so well. Love how you got your black kitty to pose with your adorable quilt. Thanks for sharing. Hope you had as much fun as I have been having following these posts!

  23. Thanks for the pattern for the Ghastlie quilt pattern. I love it. Not much for scary stories sew I don't have anything to share. Thanks for the generous giveaway.

  24. Love the quilt! You really do go all out for Halloween, don't you?! My scariest story....Our house is said to have the ghosts of a woman who died here and a baby who also died here. (and I can verify that they did). Anyway, shortly after we moved in we got a call in the middle of the night for our teenage daughter. My husband went to look for her since she wasn't sleeping in her room, and he KNOWS he bumped into the woman holding the baby. He came back to bed shaken. From time to time doors are open that I wonder about, but we haven't really seen her since.

    What a great blog hop!

  25. thanks for the pdf for the ghastly quilt ; your stitch added to the ghastliness of it all - was stitch planned in the photo shoot ? too cool !

  26. Love the quilt, Kim. Thanks for sharing.

  27. My dad set up speakers and turned on haunted music when someone came to the door trick or treating. It scared one little girl and she ran away. Thanks for the giveaway.

  28. and I forgot my story ! I went to a haunted house thing at a grade school when my nephew was young . I figured it would not be much of anything ( I don't really like stuff like that !) and it was a fundraiser for the school . Well , at 1st I was laughing when frankenstein was following me around grunting at me ; and then dracula joined in and I was still ok . However , the more you walked around , the darker it got , I lost track of my sister that I was following , and , yes , I lost it !! 1 of Frank's helpers had to guide me out .... HAH ! so , needless to say , I have not been back to any haunted anything since !!! what a whimp !!!

  29. I love the green background of that quilt!!!!

  30. Love your quilt!!!!! AND YOUR CAT TOO!

    I dressed up like a witch - HUMONGOUS BLACK HAT with a VEIl covered with spiders.......thinking that no one would recognize me as I was handing out Halloween Candy - one of my STUDENTS said, "HI MRS. OWENS!" Guess I wasn't as OUT OF CHARACTER OR AS SCARY AS I THOUGHT!

    I enjoyed your blog today!
    sao in Midlothian, VA

  31. Great quilt and thanks for the pdf. One of the houses we live in when I was growing up had a resident prankster ghost. We called him Harvey. He played with the foyer light all the time, he typically had a thing for the electricity, but on Halloween he'd ring the door bell constantly even when there wer no kids there waiting to get their treats. And this is a true story.

  32. Love the quilt! The green is awesome! My most frightening Halloween event happened early two days ago! I was riding in the car-it was early in the AM. I felt a tickle on my hand... looked down... a huge spider! flicked it off and then couldn't find it in the car! Had to drive another 2 hours not knowing where that spider was!! Egads!

  33. Oh my ghoodness! I'm jumping up and down...your quilt remind me of Arghyle! And you know how I LOVE Arghyle! This has been sew much fun!

  34. wonderful quilt. Great job and thanks for the pdf. I do believe I see a spirit orb in your photo. Don't you hate it when they want to be front and center?

  35. I love your cute in its Ghastlie way. Thanks for the PDF tut. My most scariest Halloween memory is going to the Haunted House as a kid. Your imagination can really take over...or was it real? Thanks!

  36. The quilt is absolutely beautiful! Thank you so much for sharing it with us.
    My scariest event did not happen on Halloween and it really did happen. We returned from church one night during a time when we were restoring our 100 year old Victorian house. On the wall above the light switch in the room we were working on was written "Do Not Remove This Wall! Maxine". It had not been there before we left! Maxine was the previous owner who had died in that room!

  37. Your quilt is gorgeous!! Love it! And I agree with you, the creations in this blog hop have been awesome! Thanks for sharing. I do believe that I am following you too!

  38. Your quilt is just wonderful....thanks for your giveaway as fun is this hopping???

  39. I've been eyeing your Ghastlie quilt ever since you made it! Yours is just beautiful!!!

  40. Halloween isn't that populare here in Germany. First year little ghosties rang at the door, looking really scary, I was in shock. Now even we are used to this time of the year. Greetings Brigitte

  41. Love the quilt (and the ghost). I have to admit that Halloween has not been my favorite holiday but this year the ghastlies changed all that.

  42. This one time at band camp... no really I have no scary memories just fun times! We used to take my oldest daugther haunted housing! She is now a true fan of them! I do so love halloween and the look on kids faces when they first see themselves transform into a scary creature or a super hero, or whatever they are going to be! Imagination is such an improtant thing for kids and someimte I think that they loose that! Thanks for sharing your ghastlies with us!!

  43. Love our quilt...and your kitty cat! I sleep with a night light on...does that count?
    Thanks for the opportunity to win some fabric.

  44. My story is this: When I was a little girl, we would love to trick or treat and one house in particular we called the 'witches house'. You remember that one, the spookiest house in the neighborhood. The lady wasn't wa witch but she would always have us come in and bob for our apple. Then she would carmelize it for us. YUMMY and FUN. She is a very good memory.
    You are soooo mean.... but is a good way to make sure we actually do follow your site. I will do that and I will check back tomorrow to hopefully see my name as a Winner'

  45. When I first saw your picture, I thought it was an applique of a black cat on the quilt! LOL! I love this quilt. Would love to win some of this fabric. Have a great Friday!

  46. Love your quilt! I guess my story is when I would go trick or treating in the neighborhood when I was younger one house always had someone dress up as a scarecrow and they would sit very very still. They always put on these giant glowing eyes as well. They would wait until a bunch of kids came up for candy and we all thought it was a decoration- then he would jump out at you. Needless to say I avoided that house after that!

  47. Love Halloween! Love the quilt! Love your blog! But most of all I love to win!

  48. Thanks for the giveaways! As for a scary about a funny one instead. Met my husband in college, we went to a haunted frat house once on a date and one of the Ghoulies that jumped out at us startled my guy and he reacted by pinning him against a wall...then, frightened ghoulie said in a timid voice, "Dude, it's just pretend!". I vowed not to go to haunted houses with him anymore...
    Love your projects, thanks for sharing!

  49. I love your quilt!

    Our most frightening story is actually a real one. It happened 30 years ago. We were evacuated from our home beacause of a brush fire fanned by the Santa Ana winds. I actually just blogged about it on my blog.

  50. Happy a kid our school always had the full out Halloween party right after Trick or know Bobbing for Apples, etc..but the grand finale was always a huge bonfire in the middle of the field and on top of the fire was Guy Fox..filled with firecrackers...still have nightmares of his body jerking and his head sailing off as the fireworks did their magic. Not that scary?...hey I have lived a sheltered life!! Thanks for the chance to win your lovely Give Away~!

  51. Luckily for me Halloween is all about Fun not frights. Love what you did with the Ghastlies.

  52. Beautiful Ghastlie quilt! Love it!

  53. My most ghostly experience would be the morning of May 5, 1981. My grampa died that morning he was pronounced dead at 2:22am, about 25 miles away. I woke up at exactly 2:22am with my digital alarm clock flashing the time ( digital clocks only flash 12:00). I quickly fell back asleep, only to start dreaming ( I think, I was dreaming) of my grampa. He told me he wasn't in pain anymore, he said he was 70yrs old (he would have been 70 at his next birthday) he also said not to be sad for him. I did not see him in this dream just some smoke or clouds, it was very calming not scary When I woke up the next day, I ran downstairs to my mother. As soon as I reached her I started crying and asked her when Grampa died. She looked at me strangely and asked how I new? I told her about my dream and we both cried for a long while. Later I told her about the clock flashing 2:22am. She said that was the time of death written on the death certificate. I was very close to my Grampa, I think he came into my dream to calm me down, so I wasn't scared. I still miss him 30 yrs later. ;-> Toni Anne

  54. I love Halloween and the Ghastlies! Thanks for making both fun!

  55. I've always steered away from the scarier Halloween aspects as I don't have much of a tolerance for it - I scare very easily! My boyfriend tried to get me to watch Paranormal Activity a few months ago and I made it all of 30 minutes or so before I was so scared I was physically shaking! So I don't have much of a scary story beyond that to tell :( LOVE your Ghastlies quilt though. I really think that my Ghastlies may end up in a similar project!

  56. love what youv'e done , and enjoy reading your take on the world -

  57. When I was young we were handing out candy on halloween and cute little monkey came to the door....followed by a HUGE GORILLA. NOne of us (who were all fighting for the chance to hand out the candy before the door opened) would give them the candy--even after the gorilla took off his mask.

  58. Love the green print..Thanks for the pattern..This happened to me the day before halloween...sitting in the family room and the door opens and in comes this green faced witch with a horrible cackel..Scared the socks right off..It was a neighbor going to a early halloween part...Thanks for the chance to win..

  59. I've had pictures of your Ghastly quilt on my computer...step by step through it's making. Yeah, now I sound like a stalker. Would love a chance on your give-away.
    My scary story...When I was 12 my dad finally let me get a kitten. On Halloween night it followed me trick or treating (I didn't know) and it got lost. I was broken hearted. When Saturday came my mom let me go door to door in the neighborhood looking for her (after my chores were done). No one had seen her, and a few neighbors were not home. I tried one more time on my way home from school the next week, but still one neighbor wasn't home. The good ending, just before Christmas my mom got a phone call from the neighbor who wasn't home. Some one had told her I was looking for a lost kitten, and she had found one. It was my kitten, Amanda. She had lived with Dorothy for nearly 2 months and she was quite attached, but let me take her home anyway.
    My scarriest story was when I dressed in an antique (1920's) lace dress, painted my face grayish white, and a fake blood slash all the way across the front of my neck, to pass out candy to the kids. I opened the door to a 2+ year old standing on the little stoop to my house. He Screamed and backed off the steps into his mother's arms. You could still hear him screaming 5 minutes later. Later she told me he wouldn't go trick-or-treating until he was 5. Still haunts me.
    Off to see what everyone else made...

  60. Love your quilt! I love the green fabric.

  61. love your kitty's close inspection on that Ghastlie quilt! thanks for sharing your pattern.
    my scary story - years ago my boyfriend took me to an isolated bog for a little romance... the fog came up off the swamp... we were sure it was the ghosts of those who had wandered into the bog and drowned. Not only that, but there was a terrible odor! A few days later they found a young man's body within a few feet of where we had been parked! Was it really his ghost we saw????

  62. How fun! Darling quilt -- love the capture with your little black cat! :)

  63. The quilt really is gorgeous! I love all of your beautiful creations! I guess the scariest thing that ever happened to me was knocking on the dark door of one of our neighbors that looked like the Wicked Witch of the West...year round! I don't know WHY we couldn't just skip that house! heehee! Hugs! ♥

  64. Your quilt looks very nice, thanks for sharing.

  65. Your Ghastlie quilt is Ghastlie fabulous. I am amazed at the creations made by everyone and no two are alike. Thank you for participating in this Super Ghastlie Party.

  66. Hi Kim your quilt is just wonderfully Ghastlie! And i am going to download the pdf thank you so much. Let's see our hallow-ween story would be the fact that we love to get out there with all the little goblins , we dress up ourselves and become Mr and mrs Vampire, play eeerie music and watche the kids just look and is a good night for al. I hope you enjoy your day.

  67. Great Quilt. One Halloween memory is the AWFUL costume house party we had. Someone came dressed with a mask or something covering their face. they would not reveal who they were, and for the life of us, we couldn't figure it out. Like we didn't know who we'd invite! The party went downhill from there!

    Would love to win your giveaway - I LOVE KATE SPAIN!!

  68. Scary event? I stayed at my sister's circa 1790 home and heard the ball bouncing down the steps from the third floor...only there wasn't any ball! Totally freaked me out!!

  69. LOVE LOVE LOVE your quilt! Beautiful! ;) My most frightening Halloween.... Every woman's fear..... I sat on the toilet and a spider crawled on my butt! Ahhhhhhhhh!

  70. Fabulous quilt! What a beautiful Ghastlie creation. Love it!

  71. Just found your blog via Madame Samm, and am glad I did. I don't have any scarry Halloween stories. We lived too far in the country to go Trick or Treating. BUT------- I sometimes see "things".(Doesn't scare me though). Thanks for the give-away.
    Love your quilts and glass fusing, so pretty.

  72. haunted house with my family and when you walk by frankinstien at the right moment which i did he would pick you up and hold you for a few minutes dont do haunted house since

  73. After reading your post and turning ghastlie ghreen with envy over your ghorgeous quilt, I got lost in reading the comments and enjoying all the tales!
    I lived in a house for a while that was built in an area that must have been an ancient Native America settlment. We had a protective Indian woman that loved my grandkids. She used to appear to them when the were in the loft playing. Several others saw she from time to time. Later I found out she visited other homes in the area and once saved a friends puppy from running off into the woods. Lots of other people agree that there sure was a ghostly friend in our neighborhood.

  74. Absolutely adorable quilt! Thanks for sharing the idea!!

  75. The quilt is great & your photos are too. No ghastly ghost stories from me. Thanks for sharing your quilt!

  76. What great fun! I have never made a Halloween quilt or a Christmas quilt! How exciting. Thanks for the inspiration and the giveaway!

  77. Your Ghastlie quilt is awesome - thanks so much for sharing the pattern. When I was 7, I got separated from my mom & siblings in the crowd trick or treating in our neighborhood. A witch saw me crying on the sidewalk & took me up on her porch until my mom backtracked & found me. It was reeeeeally scary.

  78. My scariest Halloween memory was coming home mischief night(the night before Halloween in PA)when I was about 6 and finding our pumpkin smashed. I was freaked out for a long time.

  79. Love the quilt!!! Thak you for sharing the pattern. Thank you for the giveaway. and Thank you Madama Samm for such a great 'Ghastlie' time.

  80. Love your ghastlie quilt and the spooky orbs ... chills!

    Hallowe'en fright story ... We had one tv channel where I grew up on a farm in Saskatchewan and every year at Hallowe'en the movie "Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde" would be on. My older brothers were allowed to stay up and watch it but I always had to go to bed. Bah Humbug. Finally the year came when I was permitted to watch it with everyone else. Eyes wide, curled up on the couch close to my Mom, I suddenly screamed and almost attached myself to the ceiling. My Dad had chosen the scariest moment to wing his cigarette package across the room at me! (yes, those were the days of smoking acceptance which are no longer) I'll never forget how terrified I was. I had bad dreams many times after that night.

    I guess that's why I was NEVER allowed to stay up and watch "Hush Hush Sweet Charlotte" but I do remember classmates telling me about the head rolling down the stairs! Eeeeek!!!!

  81. Your quilt is fabulous, thanks for sharing the pattern!!! I'd love to win that fabric too and your giveaway! Everyone is so amazing in this blog hop and generous! Scary memories are going through the haunted houses.

  82. I have to tell you I love your ghastlie quilt. It is beautiful! I will be printing a copy of the pattern but I will need some material to complete it. Lol.
    Now my Ghastlie story. Many years ago I lived in a haunted house. The ghost would roam the halls late at night making strange noises. Sometimes when you looked in a mirror you could see the shadow of a person standing behind you, but no one was there. Spooky

  83. oh Im printing your pattern as we type... need to order some fabric but its truly ghastlie :O)
    Not many ghastlie stories, we've just completed a geocache in a french graveyard at night, pretty scary especially for the kids...

  84. Love your quilt. As for a ghost story -- we built our house on a corner of my parents farm across the road from an abandon house. In the evening when it was warm, we left the front door open with the screen door closed. We would hear the door open and close and then the light beside the rocking chair would come on and the chair would rock. A short time later the light would go off and the door would open and close again. Our boys were small, but they alway said "Hi" and Goodbye" to our visitor. This went on periodically for years until they old house was burned down.

    Thanks for sharing your project with us.

  85. I love the quilt, and especially your little Tuxedo helper! What a clever kitty to help with the photo shoot!
    Thanks for participating in the Ghastlies Blog Hop! It has been uber fun to see all the great designs!

  86. Love the green in this quilt and love the pattern. Thanks for sharing the pdf.
    Although I'm a big fan of ghastlie & Halloween, not a big fan of scary. My only scary experience was crawling in a haunted house & floor lit up to reveal a large rat below a glass panel in the floor, scratching to get out.
    Would love to win your giveaway.

  87. Do not speculate!...your cat DOES see something! Your quilt, Kim, is just ghastlie! a fabulous way!

  88. Super quilt! Thank you for sharing the PDF. That was very kind of you. I had a candle explode in my college dorm room one night. Trust me when I tell you that it was scary!

  89. Nice quilt and I would love to win your giveaway!!! I don't really have any scary halloween stories...but I do have a story that was scary/funny to us when we were little. My sister and I were staying with a friend at her grandma's house and the power was out (which is scary enough itself!) and it was really dark. We were chanting one of those hand-game songs and the words said something about grandma's yucky head or something and her grandma pulled off her wig and we all started screaming! It was funny at the time, but we had no idea that "grandma" even wore a wig!

  90. A adore your quilt - especially love the polka dot frames around the print.

    I recently did a candle light walking tour of haunted Philadelphia while visiting for work. I didn't sleep a wink in my hotel room and had the leave the TV on all night!

  91. I love to read your blog. You are really fun loving!! I really would love to win this or maybe my ghost would?

  92. I swear I saw a ghost once while spending the night at a friends house. It got really cold all of a sudden and all three of us saw something that looked like it was floating down the hallway. It was really creepy and I still get goosebumps when I think about it! Thank you for the great giveaway!

  93. Great JOb Ghastly Girlie. Love that you added the green.

  94. most scary Halloween ?... having a baby the day before and missing the whole Halloween thingy! he was a whopping 9lb 6 oz.... isn't that scary!?
    Love to win and will check back!

  95. Love the quilt. And thanks for the pattern.
    My scary story took place in the first apartment that I had and was living by myself. I worked 2nd shift, so I would stay up late watching tv. The apartment was a one story on a concrete slab. One night they kept saying it was the Friday night movie, but I knew that it was Saturday night, then I heard the floor creaking. I don't think I got to sleep until after daylight.
    Thanks for sharing.
    cindy cke49 at yahoo dot com

  96. What a gorgeous quilt. Thank you for sharing the pattern and the finished quilt.

  97. I love your quilts and the green and pink cocmbination, it is just gorgeous. That's giving me an idea to use up some Maisy fabric I have (I know not related at all to Halloween but anyway! thanks for the inspiration...)
    My scariest Halloween story would be to meet path with a real ghost tonight at the party, already shivering in fear!

  98. Nice quilt! Using the print in the border really lets you see the Ghastlie family. Thanks for the idea!

  99. Stitch seems enthralled with the Ghastlies!

    Love your Eye of the Beast - thanks for the opportunity!

  100. I think the only thing that has really scared me during the Halloween season was the flying monkeys on the Wizard of Oz when I was a child. We only had a black and white TV at the time and I did not know the movie changed to color until years and years later. Thanks for sharing your quilt is wonderful.

  101. What a cool quilt! I love the accent colors you used! Thanks for the give away!

  102. Dear MissGhastly,
    I love the quilt and the fabric! Great job! Thanks for sharing the pattern.
    My only scary story for Halloween was when we dared each other to walk through the local graveyard. (my big brother's idea) and I was only about 10, he of course had his friend hiding and jumped out . Scared me to pieces. I still think my hair began to turn gray at that very moment!

  103. I love your quilt! It is nice to have a little colour in with the Ghastlies.

  104. Love your quilt. My scariest halloween was the one when my "friends" tricked me into see the Exorcist! yikes! thanks!

  105. I grew up in an old farmhouse, so there were lots of noises and sightings when I was young. One night someone came in and shut the window to my room, and I heard them go into the hall and that was it. I asked my mom why she closed my window and she said it wasn't her, hmmmmm.


  106. I love your quilt. It turned out so cute! My scariest Halloween moment occurred in a haunted house. There was one guy with a fake chainsaw which I'm guessing was a hairdryer because it felt like some of my hair got cut off. When I told my family about it after we left the haunted house they all played along and told me my hair was all chopped off in the back! I found out later that it wasn't but it didn't stop me from freaking out a bit. Such a ghastly trick!

  107. Thanks for a chance to win. I don't scare easily and NEVER watch scary movies or read scary stories -- the reason I don't scare easily perhaps? So no ghost stories from me.

  108. What a great quilt! Years ago, I was visiting my cousins who had just received an Ouija board (at that time we thought it was a toy, now I would never let my kids play with one). Anyway, we played around with it and then we said, "If you are real, turn out the lights!" Yes, you guessed it. The lights went off and we ran downstairs screaming. Our moms just thought we were silly, but we were scared to death.

  109. Another absolutely Ghastlie beautiful quilt. Did you make that just for me? LOL You guys have made this journey with the Ghastlie's so much fun and I look forward to every day with one of you and "them".

  110. Your quilt looks wonderful. I got a little scare this week. I was walking down my street early in the morning while it was still very dark, and out of the corner of my eye I saw this big 'thing' on a front lawn. It was a big black spider, three feet in diameter with glowing eyes. Yes, I really jumped away! Creepy Halloween decoration for sure. Thanks for adding your giveaway to the fun.

  111. Love your quilt. Everyone is so talented. We also have a black and white cat. She goes by the name of sneakers. Thanks for sharing.

  112. Beautiful quilt. The green and pink go together so well! Thanks for sharing!

  113. You have done a wonderful job on your quilt. My black kitty Mew loves to walk on quilts too! Everything that comes into our/her house has to be personally inspected! ;)

    A scary story... Hmmm... I am hooked on watching the old Night Stalker series. Fits in with my house that is full of unseen noises day and night. (Who knows??) My son came home early with his girl friend one day and entered the home through our basement. SLOWLY they came up the stairs next to the TV room. I got enough nerve to open the door just as his girlfriend with the long red hair was looking behind her. I swear it was a scene from the episode with the boogie man in the sewers. I was to scared to scream and that is frightening in itself. ;) I lost 5 years off my life that day and am NOT in need of a stress test for the next 10 years! LOL That show may be cheesy to some, and it definitely shows my age, but it built me up for one of the scariest moments of my life!

  114. I lived in a dorm in college that was rumored to be haunted. There were many reported run-ins with our ghost, Clara. One day, on the way back from the dining hall, my roommate and I were with three other gals and looked up to our window to see an old, female face peering down at us. We freaked. Naturally. When we got upstairs two minutes later, our door was locked (the only people with a key were us and the RA who was with us outside!!) and the room was empty. I believed in Clara from that day on.

    Love your quilt and thank you for the PDF!!!

  115. So absolutely adorable. Thanks for sharing. I'd like entered in the drawing for the pattern too, please.
    And the drawing Madam Samm is having.
    I took the liberty of scrolling on down to other posts and wanted to share that I've done those pendants before. They're so fun and you can really improve your design/technique the more of them you make. Have fun.

  116. The quilt is stunning! Thanks for sharing!

  117. Kim, Tour Quilt is Beautiful!! Hmmm funny thing about those Orbs though!! I don't have a scary storey, but I sure enjoyed visiting your Blog!!

    Huggs, Nancy

  118. What a neat and scary quilt! Love the green!

  119. Thank you so much for the give a way and the quilt pattern. It's lovely!

  120. What a gorgeous Ghastlie quilt! Thanks for the pattern :)

    As a teenager, a group of us got together in a graveyard one Halloween telling scary stories. We frightened each other so much that we all went running as soon as we heard some hooting noises from 'trick or treaters' :)

    Thanks for the giveaway!

  121. Love the quilt! We once rigged up a ghost that would fly down the stairs into the entry way when trick or treaters came to the door. It was great fun for us! Somewhat scary for the little ones.

  122. Thank you so much for the pattern. I love your quilt. I don't really have a scary story - guess I have no imagination.

  123. Wonderful quilt and a really good post. Judy C

  124. I love your ghastlie quilt!

  125. Love your quilt. I am reposting because my haunted post didn't show up. :((

  126. I love your Ghastlie quilt! And your kitty cat.

    When I was about 5 my mom took me trick-or-treating and would wait at the sidewalk when I went up to the house. At one house, the lady answered the door and then her husband popped out of the closet behind her! Of course, I freaked out, panicked, threw my candy and ran to my mom, crying and terrified. Lol. I'm pretty sure they didn't pull that prank on any more little kids that year.

  127. Great quilt! Scary fun~ one yr our neighbor stuck straw up his sleeves and put on a scary mask and sat in the rocking chair on the porch, he looked just like a stuffed man. As kids turned to leave, he'd moan or say something~ scared the daylights out of me! LOL (I was the kids escort) They teased and teased me. ;-) Thanks for the fun!

  128. Kim ~ Your quilt is absolutely GORGEOUS! Thank you very much for the pattern although I doubt I will make one as beautiful as yours. Can you say a Ghastlie quilt is gorgeous? lol

    This story happened on a first date with my ex-husband. He LOVES dressing up for Halloween so I pretended to like it too. (you know how we all try to impress our first dates right?haha) Anyway, he wanted to go to his usual haunt (neighborhood bar) near his apartment so I drove to his place and we then drove together to the bar in his truck. He dressed as a rocker or something or another with leather jacket, pants, vest, temporary tattoos, big BIG gold jewelry and a long chain from his wallet to the belt loops of his pants although I later found out that wallet was his normal one. ewww I really should have run at that point. ha He had also spiked his hair up high in the center and for whatever reason he had handcuffs on his belt as well.

    After a few hours of drinking he decided he was going to handcuff his hands together because his also drunk buddies dared him to do it saying he couldn't get out of them on his own. And so he did. I was really creeped out anyway because one of his buddies was constantly hitting on me and was very free with his hands doing some eh-hem 'grabbing' that was totally NOT appropriate so I tried keeping away from him and now my date had handcuffed both his hands together too. This was not a very good bar and wasn't in the best of areas and certainly an area of town I would EVER have chosen to go. So his hands are cuffed together and he's now started to panick as he cannot get them off and finally decided he would give up and just use the key to get out of them. He is struggling to reach into all the pockets all over his clothes and in the vest and THEN.....he remembers the key was still at the apartment on his kitchen table. OH NO! I offered to drive him over there to get the key but then he reminds me his truck is a stick shift and I did not know how to drive one so he had to drive back, drunk, looking like he was going to go rob someplace dressed like that and driving a stick with his hands handcuffed together. And in the meantime *I* am stuck in this bar with his friends and sir hands alot trying to get close to me constantly and I was sitting there totally freaked out hoping he wouldn't get pulled over by the cops and leave me stranded there needing to ask for a ride back to my car. ACK.

    He did finally get back and thankfully evaded being pulled over which in itself was a miracle as the police heavily patrol the areas we were in and given the drunks out on Halloween they had warned the public they were doubling patrol cars that night. So there's my story. Not super scary unless you count that scary friend and the bar but it's one Halloween I have never forgotten. lol

  129. Love your quilt (and Stitch, too!).

    I'm a big wimp when it comes to spooky things, so my funny story will be about a spooky thing. When I was 14 I decided to get over it and go with all my friends to the haunted house.

    Waited in line for 2 hours, getting more and more nervous with every wail and moan that came from inside the house. The screams got to me as it was just our turn to go in.

    My friends went first and turned to look for me when I said, "See you at the exit!" and ran.

    I've never lived it down, but learned my lesson about my tolerance for creepy things. I think that's why I love the Ghastlies - they're so ghoulish but cute at the same time!

    See you tomorrow to claim my prize! Bwa ha ha!

  130. My most frightening moment of Halloween - today - going to McDonalds and having them offering peppermint-flavored coffee to get me in the mood for the season. Did I miss Halloween and Thanksgiving?

  131. What an incredibly appealing quilt! And I just LOVE Stitch there with it. :D

  132. I agree with everyone who has commented on the green fabric it is I'd love to be entered in your giveaway....and THANK YOU for the quilt pattern!

  133. I love your quilt, it is a great way to feature a novelty print. Okay, this is a dumb story, but I was as scared as scared gets when it happened. I was about 7 years old, and I was going to go trick or treating with the next door neighbors. My mom gave me a kiss and sent me out the door. When I came around the side of the neighbor's house everything was dark, no porch light on or anything. Just as I reached the door step my friend's dad stepped out of the bushes and said, "BOO"! That's it, just boo. He wasn't wearing a costume or anything, just his normal clothes. Well, I screamed bloody murder, ran back to my house, pounded on the door crying my eyes out until my mom opened it, and then hid under bed and wouldn't come out. I didn't even go trick or treating. I was scared of my friend's dad for YEARS afterward, and of course, he thought it was pretty funny and never let me forget it.

  134. Hi Miss. Kim!

    I absolutely love you Ghastly quilt, it's sooooo beautiful! I love this Ghastly fabric prink but you cantnuse just any quilt pattern with it, you have to be a little but fussy with it but yours turned out gorgeous. I also wanted to thank you for letting us know where you can get the pattern for it too. I think my most memorable Halloween moment was from my mom. My little sis and I were playing in the backyard minding our own business and my mom came through the back gate with this horrible mask on and scared us half to death. We had to be about 5 and 7 and we were playing nicely for once so I don't know what the heck she was thinking disrupting it. I think the worst part was the mask, it was the early 80's and this think looked like a very suprised psychedelic clown! Very crazy! Thank you for sharing your Gahstlies and Ghosts with us, have a Happy Halloween everybody!

  135. I love the Ghastlie quilt and hope to make one of my own. As for a memorable Halloween experience: more than several years ago, my dad had bought and worn one of those ghastlie rubber masks, with big lips and blood drooling down the side, he loved to scare us and the neighbor hood kids. Recenlty we were clearing out his storage unit, when he came across it. My brother and sister and son, were loading things into his truck and had just made our way back to the unit, when dad heard us, he jumped out and roared, wearing the mask. He got us all once again.

    Happy Halloween

  136. I don't do scary Halloween any more. It's too scary for me but a really fun time we had was several years ago several of my children and grandchildren went to a corn maze and wandered and wandered. We finally got out and then went on a hayride, jumped in the hay and just played for hours. It was a great way to spend Halloween Day. Your quilt is beautiful in a ghastlie way. Thanks for sharing.

  137. Cool quilt. My Halloween story is that I dressed up in a mask and work boot and went to my sister's house, walked in her kids were sitting on a couch and I scared the **** out of them and my sister too. The kids keep screaming for their Ma and she wouldn't budge. It was a pretty Ghastly thing to do to such young kids. My sister always was a scaredy cat!

  138. I love your quilt. One of our scary stories (but really funny) was when my kids were younger and one of them saw a giant spider that was grabbing on to her sneaker. SHe screamed and was shaking her foot but the spider held on. I went over to save her and it was one of those plastic spider rings! Now we can laugh about the spider grabbing her foot.

  139. What a beautiful quilt. Lovely design. Had problems with scribd, but thank you anyway for trying to share your design. Very nice of you.


  140. Love your quilt!!! I enjoy reading your blog each day and get loads of inspiration. I could not think of a scary halloween. In my small community we always had a halloween carnival at school and we had the best time running, eating and playing. We always had very good home-made candies, one of which was potato candy made from powdered sugar, potato and peanut butter.

  141. Oh I love your quilt! I am going to have to download the pattern! Love your kitty too!

    My scarest Halloween was for real two Halloweens ago. With Trick or Treaters at the front door, we had a 350 lb. black bear on the back porch! With only three steps up, he followed seed we had just put out. We ended up turning on all the lights and watching the front carefully, but he never went around--too much noise I think. He finally strolled back into the woods!

  142. that ghastlie ghreen adds a lot of pizzazz to the collection ... so much that, yes, i've downloaded your pattern, thank you, and will make this up as a bed runner.
    a scary story? i don't remember the tale my brother told me, when i was about six, that upset me so much i refused to go trick or treating. but, i got half his loot when he returned!

  143. Ohhhhh, there's a house nearby with ghostly gobblins that inhabit the cemetery, the windows, and the attic. But most scary of all is the hearse parked out front with a coffin in back and "Bones" the skeleton driving.....oooooooo.

  144. I sure do like this quilt! Thanks for giving everyone the pattern.

  145. Really like your quilt. That's one I'd have to leave out all year!

  146. Love that quilt! I don't have any frightening Halloween stories...maybe just scary in the sense that I couldn't finish trick or treating (it was a big deal) because we had a record 27" of snow on Halloween one year! My mom was probably scared because I refused to stop at first, but candy is such a good motivator!

  147. Your quilt is gorgeous. Please enter me into your separate giveaway. The scariest story (at least when I was young) was my father telling how something slowly pulled the cover off of him when sleeping in bed - it was enough to wake him up as it occurred - and there was no person there. Even now my mother tells this story and it makes me shiver.

  148. Oh, I love your quilt!! It looks so pretty out in the sunshine. Thank you for the link to the pattern.

  149. Your quilt is spectacular! I love the green ghastly!

  150. your quilt is just FAB! I love the green, it really sets the ghastlie mood! your kitty is so cute looking at it too. I have never really been 'into' Halloween and don't really have a story, sorry! I did enjoy trick-or-treating as a kid though! TFS the pattern!!

  151. Lovely quilt. I like the green background. Hmm even though I do like Halloween, I don't do scary. I had to dig deep in my memories for even a hint of scary and my scariest Halloween was when I was trick or treating with my brother many years ago and we saw some big teenagers walking by and laughing real loud. I was scared to death - probably more paranoid- that they wanted to take my bag of candy and run off. What can I say, I love me some candy. Fortunately for me, they went on their merry way and left us be. :)

  152. Ok..I think I'll make the 9pm deadline.hehe. Well my scary story was when my kids were small and we went to the community haunted house. Well for the older kids they had an outside tour through the "graveyard". Needless to say both my kids thought they were old enough to go. So we were walking, it was dark ot. People making scary sounds and all of a sudden someone came from behind a tree all dressed up like a zombie and you guessed it. I screamed like the little girl I still am inside. haha Both of my kids were fine and were laughing at me so hard.

    Thanks for the giveaway and a chance to win. All your projects are so great. I love your quilt and I'm going to download the pattern. Thanks for that. Oh and I'm a new follower.


  153. So many creepy things in your neighbourhood! I wouldn't think you would need more scaring!! Here's my story - last Halloween my dog came home with a long bone in his mouth, all greasy and covered with dirt and spruce needles and hair. We were worried! It turned out it was a moose bone though.... I love the way you used the fabric in your quilt border.

  154. I loved the quilt when I first saw it and ordered fabrics to make one. Thanks so much for putting the pattern into a pdf, I've already downloaded it and will have to force myself to cut into my Ghastlie bunch.

  155. I was 12 years old and went to a horror movie, covered my eyes and screamed when everyone else screamed. I had nightmares for the longest time. Thanks for the quilt pattern and the giveaway.

  156. Just barely made it for the comments. The pattern is great and I'm glad that you have told how to make a smaller version.

  157. I know I am late for the give away but I still wanted to a comment. I love your quilt. It is such a great way to use fun fabric. I love how you have each piece suroounded by trees. I do love the "ghost" in your pictures!
