Wednesday, October 26, 2011

These Are a Few of My Favorite Things . . .

I thought I'd share with you a few things that I'm highly interested in at present--besides quilt-making, of course!

The new TV series, Pan Am. Why? It's not a terribly deep or meaningful show, but it's fun to watch and it sure brings back memories of life in the 1960s! This is the first TV show I've watched episodes of on my computer through the network website--because I can't quite bring myself to miss PBS's Masterpiece Mystery presentations on Sunday evenings when it's broadcast on TV. Thank goodness for modern technology!

Sandra Dallas and Prayers for Sale, the book I'm currently reading. I think a couple of you mentioned it was a good one, that that's true--I'm really enjoying it! Thanks for the recommendation.

Fused glass. Why? Well, I've always been drawn to fused glass jewelry and housewares and I have a few pieces. When an introductory class to making fused glass was offered through Groupon, a friend and I jumped on it. Tomorrow night (Wednesday), we'll be taking the class. I'm sure I'm eons away from having the skill to make something like the piece pictured above, but I think we'll have some fun anyway.

What are your favorite things right now?


  1. Two things come to mind (which is not easy since I am still trying to wake up) is watching "The Walking Dead" on Sunday evenings and taking a basket making class. More fun than I thought. Love the fused glass though. Show us what you learn!

  2. I love PanAm. I have missed a few episodes, but I plan on watching them online too. Check out too. Sometimes if the network websites are acting funny I watch it on Hulu.

  3. Have not seen PanAm, but it did get good reviews (unlike the playboy thing that was on) Is the book sad, i try to stick away from tear jerkers! Alert me if it is a tear jerker! I was uber psyched to have picked up the Green Mile Chronicals (Stephen King) books and am starting on those!!

  4. We have started watching PanAm at our house too, and love it! :o)

  5. reminder ms ghastlie to add your sistash links to your post we can all blog hop to them...see you then


Tell me what you're thinking--I'd love to hear from you!