Saturday, October 1, 2011

Movie Review

The Wild Child and I had a mother/daughter outing today: We went to see The Help followed by a late lunch at In and Out Burger. Excellent!

I read the book, The Help, some time ago and loved it; I loved the movie just as much, and I thought they did a great job getting all the most important parts of the book into the film. The only down side? I should have brought more tissues with me as the few I had were a soggy mess by the end of the film. When we were having lunch, the Wild Child mentioned she wished she knew what happened to all the characters after the story ended. I think that's a pretty good recommendation for any book or movie, don't you?

Hubby and I went to see the Helen Mirren film, The Debt, a couple weeks ago. I guess I was expecting more action but it was more about the characters, their relationships, and the psychology of the situation they were involved in. It wasn't bad--just not what I expected. And I left the film thinking it was one of those movies that would linger in my mind to be pondered later, but that's not what happened. I just pretty much forgot about it.

I think Hubby and I may need to see Money Ball next. How about you? Have you seen any good movies lately?


  1. If you need a "pick me up" or just need a good laugh, go rent The Bridesmaids. Hilarious!!

  2. Thanks for the tear jerker heads up! I am a SOBBER!!! My husband gives me a tough time, but I cannot help it! and there is nothing worse than not knowing a movie is going to do that to you (ie Seven Pounds NO NONE told me grummble grumble!!)

  3. My daughter and I went to see the "The Help" too and we both loved it as much as the book. I usually can't say that. As far as crying in the movie, I went so far as sob a little at one point and my daughter poked me in the ribs with her elbow. LOL

  4. My husband and I saw Contagion a few weeks ago. We liked it. It made me think a lot about a lot of things.

  5. I would like to read "The Help" first before seeing the movie. One of the ones on my list now to see is "Bridemaids". We're not much of movie theater goers. I would like to watch them at home so that I can pause the movie if I need to. :)

  6. Your mother and daughter date sounds like a wonderful time to remember and you topped it off with In and Out Burger - now that is pretty darn special. did you have your onions grilled?

  7. Haven't seen a movie for ages. Noone in the family would come and see the Smurfs with me and The Help and Red Dog, two films I'm waiting on haven't come to our cinema yet!!

  8. I Loved the Help. I, too, left the movie wanting more and I'll never look at chocolate pie the same way again!! LOL! I am glad to hear the book was as good as the movie...I've been holding off reading the book because the movie was so good, I didn't want to ruin that experience. May have to read it afterall.


Tell me what you're thinking--I'd love to hear from you!