Monday, October 10, 2011

A Haunting Day

I hope you didn't miss me too much this morning. Our Haunted House Party on Saturday was so much fun that by the time the festivities were over, I was just waaaaay too pooped to write a blog post. I'll tell you a little bit about it though.

I should start the story by telling you that the Drooling Dog's sleepover was spectacularly unsuccessful, so the Wild Child brought him home on Saturday morning, accompanied by his date. Yes, apparently the Wild Child saw nothing to be concerned about in trying to mate two dogs while also entertaining guests of the human variety. Oh, well, what can a mom do? I simply banished the Drooling Dog and his girlfriend to the garage for the duration of the Haunted House decorating portion of the afternoon with Hubby to oversee and monitor any progress and offer encouragement.

Remember the Halloween mini quilts I made? Well, now I can tell you I was making them for the Ghoulish Gals attending Saturday's festivities. And I can show you a photo of three of the finished tabletoppers.

My guests for the house decorating were the Wild Child, Soccer Son's Lovely Wife to Be Someday, and the Mother of the Bride--truly a mother/daughter day for our two families. I set up the table outside, as the weather was perfect.

The Wild Child had to leave for work in the late afternoon, so her house was a bit minimalist but still a fine creation. She hasn't quite decided whether she will add more to it later or leave it "as is"--either way, I'm sure it will be terrific!

Here are photos of the other three houses--which are quite done, and possibly even overdone!

But really, is there ever such a thing as too much candy?

Later in the day, when the houses were loaded with candy to capacity, the men joined us for a food fest. Seriously, there was probably enough food to feed twice as many guests and still send everyone home with leftovers. We started, while waiting for Soccer Son to arrive (he had a late soccer game to coach) with beer battered onion rings and stuffed mushrooms. And that was AFTER most of us had been snacking on chips, salsa, guacamole, bean/corn dip, and perhaps even a margarita or two for most of the afternoon.

By the time we were ready for the "real" dinner, no one was very hungry, but we still managed to choke down some fully-loaded burgers and a couple side dish salads. Sadly, though, the dessert Hubby picked up, a tiramisu, was as ignored as the Drooling Dog's girlfriend. Doesn't it look yummy though?

I have since learned that the tiramisu is just as yummy as it looks. Now that I think about it, maybe I wasn't just tired last night after the party; maybe I was suffering from a serious food stupor. That kind of seems appropriate though--I think I was probably just helping our Canadian friends celebrate their Thanksgiving. Yep, that's my story and I'm sticking to it!

Happy Thanksgiving, Canada!


  1. I love that Carpenter's Star one-block quilt idea. It liiks spooktactlar in the Halloween colors!

  2. Those table toppers are wonderful!

    BTW, made it to Sandcastle. What was the other clam chowder place (did Splash last night). Again, thanks for the recommendation!

  3. I love your table toppers - bet the recipients did too. The haunted houses look great - good idea - we always get together to make Christmas cookies...maybe this should be a new tradition for us?! And that tiramisu looks amazing!

  4. Your table toppers are wonderful...the whole party just wonderful! Dang I missed it!

  5. Maybe Drooling Dog needs some Viagra.
    I think I spied one of your table toppers around a potted plant on your table. Terrific!! How did you make it stand up like that???

  6. You know how to party - it looks wonderful Kim!!!!
    Happy Thanksgiving day. eh?!

  7. Those table toppers are fantastic!! The houses too. You girls were very creative with them.

  8. I love this idea Kim! Fun table toppers and the houses are great! I'll bet your patio didn't stay looking so perfect for very long!!!

  9. You really go all out for your guests! What an awesome lady you are! Thank you for letting us know your table toppers are half-square triangles -- they are on my list. Florence

  10. Good for you! Check out the soon-to-be relatives....

    Sounds like all went well. As a past recipient of your hospitality, I am sure everyone had fun.

    On the otherhand....what is with that dog? Isn't this supposed to be instinctive???


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