Sunday, October 16, 2011

Go Orange!

Apparently it's not enough that I've littered the house with pumpkins. Oh no. Not nearly enough.

Maybe I'm just anxious for fall to REALLY arrive--no more of this cool-down-and-then-heat-back-up-again weather! And since I haven't gone to Apple Hill yet this year, I guess I have to settle for pumpkin products to get me in the mood.

A recent shopping trip to Trader Joe's yielded these goodies:

This morning, I made pumpkin bread and slathered it with pumpkin cream cheese. For good measure, I sprinkled some cinnamon-sugar on top. Yum!

What's YOUR autumn temptation?


  1. I love pumpkin bars and that pumpkin bread looks very tempting too! Drinking coffee with pumpkin spice creamer in it right now!

  2. Pumpkin Ice Cream! I stopped and had some yesterday. Plus I like the pumpkin chocolate chip cookies and my DIL makes the BEST pumpkin cheesecake. Being honest, I don't think there is anything "pumpkin" I don't like! Toni

  3. My fall favorite is Pumpkin Butter from Trader Joe's. It is like apple butter, but made with pumpkin. TJ's has it only for about two months in the fall.

  4. mmmmm pumpkin bread nut here!! This crazy 'fall'! Last week (here in IL) I had a bloom on my Lilac!! How uber crazy is that!!

  5. Oh my goodness....pumpkin bread with pumpkin cream cheese? Can I be your adopted sister?

  6. My fall favorite is apple-pear crisp with soy ice cream from TJ's. For extra decadence, I toss a few dried cranberries in with the fruit (the orange flavored ones from TJ's are the bomb with apples and pears) and I add walnuts to the oats in the crisp topping. To me, that says fall is finally here. I too am done with this cool day/hot day routine, so I baked a big panful yesterday. And because it has oats and fruit, I can also argue that it makes a perfectly respectful breakfast (at least, that is what I told my DH this am, when he wondered why so much had been eaten). Happy fall!

  7. Pumpkin spice latte, extra hot, from Starbucks! MMMMMMM!

  8. That pumpkin bread is beautiful. It almost makes me want to have some which is weird because I'm not usually a fan. I love pumpkin pie, pumpkin cookies (with plump raisins), and even occasionally pumpkin muffins but for some reason I don't like pumpkin bread. Too bad we don't live close by because I am tempted to try a piece of yours.........


Tell me what you're thinking--I'd love to hear from you!