Wednesday, October 19, 2011

Cranky Blogger Ahead

Oh my goodness, but I'm cranky today! I was going to just post something like "closed for attitude adjustment," but then I thought maybe venting a little might help. Please click away if you don't want to "listen."

My hand--the one that I had surgery on--has been pretty achy lately. I kind of think it's just part of the healing process, but that achiness sure gets old after awhile. And, of course, I can't sew as much as I'd like. Mostly I spend at least half the day reading. And reading's not BAD--don't get me wrong, because I really enjoy reading. But it gets old too. And a little boring.

The other thing that makes me cranky is that I'm having some trouble with the workers' comp insurance company. I won't go into details but nothing seems to have gone very smoothly, unlike my experience with them when I had surgery on the other hand a little over a year ago. The medical side of things has been great--I've spoken to the nurse manager assigned to my claim a couple times, and she's really on top of things. Unfortunately, the claimsperson assigned to the financial stuff . . . well, I'm not entirely sure that person really exists. Frustrating.

On the up side, there are several good things happening in my life, but the crankiness is keeping me from enjoying them. Tomorrow I'm getting together with a friend for a couple hours; maybe I'll ask her to slap me out of it. Spending time with friends always perks me up, so I'm cautiously optimistic. Check back tomorrow--I suspect I'll be a happier blogger then.


  1. Awe, I'm sorry. I know I get like that sometimes don't think you're alone!

    I hope you have a better day today!

  2. you're just having what I call a grey day. My husband passed in July, a week after our first three grandbabies were born, after a very long illness and hospital-ization. I feel that I have been on roller coaster ride all year. I have a lot of projects started, but some days it is just too much to deal with. All I can say is hang in there - it will all work out in the end.

  3. i get in a lotta trouble when i smack the people around me who really need it, so i am always up for blog-whacking ... if a good smack upside the head will help - consider it done...

    well ... i don't know if YOU feel any better, but i sure do...

  4. Hey, Girlfriend. Snap out of it!!!!

    Hope that helps.

  5. ohhh, the crankies....I know that well at this stage of my life (family will testify if you can find them) Stop and do something nice for yourself, paint your nails, sit outside and watch the clouds roll by.Remember, you are your own best friend. Have a better tomorrow.

  6. We cannot all be sunshine and roses every day! LOL You are allowed! And we are here to listen! I do hope getting together with friends perks you up! Let loose nad have a great afternoon!

  7. Kim, I don't know if I could help you or not but I am a medical case manager that does work comp in Illinois. However, I do know that California is a very different state than Illinois is. One thing in your favor, you do work for an attorney's office so they will probably tread lightly with you. Hope today is a better day!

  8. Ugh, so sorry you're feeling down. Being achy will do that to you! And, having the time to quilt and not being able to would make me seriously cranky! Hope your WC stuff gets worked out pronto!

  9. I am so sorry that you are having a down day. I know some what what your dealing with. I was seperated from the navy on medical almost a year ago and have yet to see my disability compensation decision from the VA. Now I am pregnant for the first time and not able to take my pain meds so I have my days too. I have been sick for over 4 months and have to remind myself that the outcome is the best part. Hang in there.. thinking about you.

  10. The aches and pains do take a toll on you and wear you down. It's like being on overload 24/7. Hope it eases soon! :-)

  11. Ugh worker's comp can be such a pain. I was on it for over a year after I got hurt on a faulty piece of equipment at work and I think I had to talk to my case manager every week for some reason or another. I hope everything works out and you feel a little bit of relief! Sending good vibes your way!

  12. A big warm hug for you and a swift kick in the shins to that invisible claims person.


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