Monday, October 24, 2011

A Couple Answers and Some Ghastlies News

Synthia and Sheila both asked questions about the pumpkins I've been working on but both are "no reply," so I'll answer them here--maybe others were wondering the same things.

Sheila asked if I could give directions for making the pumpkins. Well, not exactly, because the pumpkins I made were from a pattern I purchased, and as a pattern designer myself, I'm pretty conscientious about that kind of thing. That having been said, though, there are a few things I CAN tell you that might help you make your own.

When I got together with my stitchery group about a week ago, Sandy had a grouping of three larger stuffed pumpkins on a table, and I learned another member, Imelda, had taught Sandy how to make them. (This was before I even read through the pattern I had.) When I asked Imelda how to make them, she told me she starts by cutting a large circle out of orange fabric and stitching along the edge, much like the technique used in making yo-yos. She then pulls the thread to gather the fabric into a rounded shape and stuffs it with fiberfil before pulling the thread as tight as possible and tying a knot. (I don't remember whether she mentioned what kind of thread she uses, but I suspect something heavier like a perle cotton might work best.) She then wraps the thread around the pumpkin a few times so "sections" appear. I don't recall what she used as a stem, but I believe she glues something--maybe a real wooden branch?--inside the hole where the fabric is gathered. I also think Imelda used green wool to cut leave shapes and glued those on as well.

I'm not sure what size Imelda and Sandy cut their fabric circles for the pumpkins, but you may want to experiment to get the right size, depending on how large you want your pumpkins. For the smaller pumpkins I made, I'd estimate the circle should be as large as a medium-large pot lid. For the larger grouping Sandy had, I suspect the circles would probably need to be cut anywhere from 24" to 36".

Synthia mentioned she'd used mattress springs to hold pincushions--what a cute idea! She asked whether I glued the pumpkins to the springs; I didn't. The pumpkins are light and won't be touched much, but I can easily see the benefit to gluing something like a pincusion to the spring to make it secure.

Finally, I wanted to mention that the Ghastlies Blog Hop is starting today and will last two weeks, five days a week, with weekends "off." There are a TON of bloggers who will be posting photos of projects they've made using the fabric line. The projects of some bloggers will spark your imagination, and other bloggers may provide directions so you can make your own. There WILL be prizes given away to the lucky blog visitors who comment and enter. To get started, click on the Ghastlies Blog Hop badge in my sidebar, which will take you to Madame Samm's Sew I Quilt blog with a listing of all the bloggers and the dates each will be featured. (My day will be this coming Friday.) Good luck and have fun!


  1. Thanks for the info, Kim. I've already taken a bed spring and set my favorite, made out old quilt, pumpkin on it. Just LOVE it.

  2. Thank you for the information - super nice!! I am looking forward to your Ghastlies day. :o)

  3. Imelda used embroidery thread to gather the fabric and to make the sections. She used real stems for the stem parts and fake leaves. I know this because she gave me the pattern. It was her own.

  4. Kim...I made a Ghastlie quilt from your directions and posted it to my website, I thought you may want to see what I conjured up.


Tell me what you're thinking--I'd love to hear from you!