Thursday, September 29, 2011

Typing Naked

My HANDS, that it! Yes, I got the stitches out today. YAY! I still have a few small strips of tape over the incision and I can't get it wet until Friday morning, but this is certainly a step in the right direction.

Want to see what I've been doing lately? I finished quilting the Halloween Lincoln Schnibbles quilt.

Even though it's a small quilt and I just did a large meander on it, it took me a couple days to quilt because it seems like I've lost those upper arm/shoulder muscles--I was awfully sore after just a couple hours of quilting!

Here's another photo--I planned it as a topper for our dresser to match the Halloween 1904 quilt, and I think you can see it goes pretty well.

My daughter has the Ghastlies quilt on her bed but she's mentioned a few times she doesn't have a Halloween wallhanging in her room, so I'm working on quilting another Halloween quilt. This next one will count toward my 11 in '11 because it's one that I pieced a couple years ago and I've been meaning to finish for what seems like the longest time but kept putting it off. I should have that one to show in another few days if my quilting muscles cooperate.

Now it's just about time for bed, but first I'll take what I hope is my last one-handed bath. Isn't it funny how much we take for granted?!


  1. You are such a goof! Typing Naked ... Congrats on your recovery! Your Schnibbles is beautiful with your 1904 bed quilt. Well DONE!

  2. Your quilt is gorgeous! Where could I find this pattern?

  3. What a cute quilt pattern. Who would think to do it in halloween colours.
    Drop by if you can I'm having a giveaway.

  4. suh-weet! i love what you do with polka daots and halloween...

  5. Kim you can already be found under 'Kim quilts naked'... Now you can probably be found as Kim types naked, too! You silly silly soul you!!

  6. i really like the pattern in those colors, awesome. Glad you got your sitches out already.

  7. I love it, Kim!! It goes great with the one on your bed! I want one too!! :) I'm glad you got your stitches out. I've had both of my wrists done in the past and never regretted it.

  8. Kim, You are amazing!! A little surgery does not stop your hands from quilting. Here I sit looking at other peoples quilts and not making a thing!!! Great quilts and so pretty.

  9. Your Halloween Lincoln quilt turned out really nice Kim. It's the perfect quilt for your dresser. Gotta say you are probably getting everyones attention with your post title, LOL. Glad you're doing better.

  10. Beautiful! I love the border fabric, I had that one a few years ago. It works so well in your quilt. I love it!

  11. I love your new Halloween quilt! You make me want to do one just like it, but alas, I lack the talent...and the fabric.... Glad you're feeling better.


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