Monday, September 5, 2011

Progress Update

Hallowe'en 1904: On Sunday, the blocks were sewn together and the center of the top was "tested" on the bed for size so I could decide what to do for the borders.

I decided the quilt was quite long enough and didn't need a final border along the top edge. I thought I'd vary the pattern a little by adding an inner border so I didn't have to exactly match seams between the center and the border. That worked quite well!

I thought I'd cut the piano key border pieces 8" long. Now I wonder if I should have cut them 10" instead to allow for shrinkage? I think it will be okay.

In the wee hours of Sunday morning--just before writing this post--I finished piecing a quilt back. I decided to echo the piano key border design along the top edge of the quilt so when the quilt is turned back, the pieced edge will show.

In the morning, I'll pin baste the quilt. Now it's time to get a little sleep!


  1. Wow! The pieced back is verra complimentary to your stunning top! Your work is beautiful to see.

  2. Kim that is just beautiful! I'm always amazed how fast you sew! Florence

  3. You are so slick, Kim! Love the idea for the back!

  4. This is wonderful - love, love, love it!!

    Cindy in SC

  5. Absolutely Stunning! What a fun quilt to have on a bed for Autumn and timing is perfect as the weather will be changing so soon.

  6. Fantastic back! (And wonderful top too!) Hope you have fun with it tomorrow! (Your tomorrow, which is actually my today. Gosh this interneting is confusing! I'm off to bed!)

  7. What a great quilt!!! So dramatic. I just love it!!

  8. Wowie Zowie! That is really beautiful!

  9. I have wanted to make that quilt since I first laid eyes on the pattern book. Yours is positively wonderful!

  10. Absolutely STUNNING!! I bought this pattern a couple of years ago and have been slowly acquiring the fabric for it...thanks for the inspiration and for bringing it to the front burner again! Just LOVE it!!

  11. Love it! And, what a great idea for the backing!

  12. Wow----love it. I have the pattern and it's on my 'to do list' but first I have to collect more oranges.

  13. I've always loved that pattern and you did a great job. I like your ideas for the backing. Thanks for sharing.

  14. WOW! You made this top so quickly-I can't believe you are already done. It's gorgeous and if you ever get tired of it I promise to give it a good home! ;-)

  15. Forgot to ask: what size bed is that? Trying to get my mind wrapped around the size of the quilt.

  16. Great quilt as usual. You amaze me continually with your beautiful work. Thanks for the inspiration.

  17. Looks great! I bought this pattern when it first came out, but I haven't done anything with it yet.

  18. Wow! That looks great! I like the idea of the piano key border on the back too.

  19. The quilt turned out super! I love the piano key treatment

  20. Your quilt is fabulous. I also have the pattern filed away for "someday". I am enjoying yours until then.

  21. Gorgeous!!! Yours is absolutely stunning!!!

  22. The quilt is great. I've admired that pattern for a long time. Love seeing it made up.


  23. I LOVE an unexpected pop on the back instead of a single colour!

  24. Hi Kim your quilt is lovely and reminds me of my trip to the USA 2 years ago when I went with a group of quilty friends to the Santa Clara Quilt show we had a wonderful time...I collected some halloween fabric and now you have inspired me to get it out and do something with it...thanks LindaB australia

  25. The quilt looks great! What applique method did you use on your stars?

    I have this pattern and love it! Just haven't sewn anything on it yet.... ;)


Tell me what you're thinking--I'd love to hear from you!