Saturday, September 3, 2011

The Long Weekend . . .

Here in the United States, the three-day Labor Day weekend has begun. This always signals the end of summer, although in reality, here in Sacramento at least, the summer heat will linger through October. We can dream, though. Autumn is on its way and the mornings and evenings will get cooler.

What are my Labor Day weekend plans? I want to work on that Halloween 1904 quilt I showed you the other day. I have two more star blocks to applique and then I can put the last block together and assemble the quilt, except for the piano key border. Of course, I'll work on the border this weekend too. And if I get that far, I also plan to set up the tables in the garage and pin baste the quilt. (I bought a can of spray baste not long ago, but this one feels too large to try out a new-to-me technique--I'll wait for a smaller one.)

I went to the dentist this morning, expecting an infection in my jaw or something wrong with the tooth I had a root canal and crown on about a year and a half ago. Instead, I learned that the next tooth back from that--the molar at the very back of my mouth--was missing a little piece that had cracked off next to a filling and I never even knew it happened. So I ended up with an "emergency" root canal. My mouth will be a little sore over the next day or two, but nothing like the pain I've had the last few days. I'm SOOOOO glad the dentist and the endodontist were able to help me today before the holiday weekend! I sure don't enjoy going to the dentist, but it's better than the rather painful alternative of continuing to put it off.

Now I feel I can get on with the weekend and really enjoy it. How about you? What do you have planned? Any quilt projects? Family time? Whatever it is, I hope you have a wonderful time!


  1. I am sooo anxious to see your completed Halloween 1904 quilt. I've loved it since I first saw it on your blog. Going to the dentist is one of my least favorite things to do! Glad you got that tooth taken care of! Have a great weekend.

  2. Soo glad that you didn't have anything worse. That they were able to get it done so you could have a good holiday weekend.

  3. Kim, SO happy to hear your tooth is better. Tooth aches suck! I have two quilts that are one border from being finished tops. I hope to finish those and pin and quilt at least one. I quilt on a domestic machine and plan to do something more elaborate that just meandering but not sure I have the guts. Have a great weekend,

  4. A couple of us from the church quilting group are getting together on Sunday afternoon. It will be a little show n tell, and first time fabric exchange and maybe even some quilting. I'm so excited about getting together with my quilting friends. Glad to hear your tooth is on the mend. Thanks for sharing.

  5. The 1904 quilt will no doubt set the tone for all your holiday decorating this year! Hope you have a nice relaxing weekend now that your teeth have been attended to. I plan to fill up on Vitamin Q by working on my DD Elaine's wedding quilt. Also we have family here escaping the Arizona heat so there will BBQ later. Enjoy!

  6. WooHoo! the long weekend and I am happy for you that it was just a root canal to fix the problems you have been experiencing. I hope you are sleeping in and resting up for your quilting adventures that you dreamed. As for me I have been smitten with a primitive applique quilt and am gathering the bits and pieces to start it. ttyl

  7. I am glad your tooth is fixed, the dentist is my least favorite thing. I can't wait to see a pic of your 1904 quilt I have been working on two of them one for me and the other for a friend. I have been working on them for the last two weeks,(am I crazy or what). I am doing mine with Civil War fabs love that cheddar. Can't wait to see yours, it is one of my favorite patterns. Hope you have a great holiday weekend.


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