Tuesday, August 23, 2011

It's Official!

I hadn't told you before, but when my boss decided to take a leave of absence to spend three months with her new husband in China, I decided that maybe it was time to have carpal tunnel release surgery on my left wrist--I had the right one done last June.

My left wrist wasn't as bad as the right, but the surgeon wanted to do it last August. I told him I'd rather try a cortisone shot and wait and see. After being off work for six months, I was kind of anxious to get back, for all sorts of reasons.

In the meantime, the cortisone shot didn't seem to do much, and my left hand goes numb whenever I drive or talk on the phone--not horrible, but life would be better if both hands worked right.

So, anyway, I talked with the people I answer to in my office, saw the surgeon last month, and got the workers' comp approval for surgery; today I scheduled it. September 20th. Check in at 6:30 a.m. No caffeine before. I think that's the worst!

I'll probably take a little blog break when I have surgery--but I'll remind you a couple days before. Four weeks away and I have a lot of quilting and craafting to get done. I'd better get busy!


  1. Hope that you have a quick recovery!

  2. Wishing you a quick recovery!!!!

  3. It is a nice knowing when and you can start making plans. I am happy you have the date to look forward to when relief will come to your very wonderful and special quilty and crafty wrists and hands.

  4. At least your surgery is very early in the morning!! I know I am a bear without my coffee, too! But you have been there with the first one and at least know what is going to happen! Our drummer had BOTH of his done right before Christmas and he says it is the best choice he ever made! We will all be praying for your speedy recovery!!

  5. Good luck & a quick recovery! I am facing the same thing but haven't had the cortisone yet. Isn't the numbness annoying?!

  6. Wishing you the best and we'll miss you!

  7. Wishing a speedy recovery Kim- I am sure you will come through it with flying colors and be back quilting pain free.


Tell me what you're thinking--I'd love to hear from you!