Monday, August 8, 2011

An Excellent Weekend!

My weekend was very productive--and I had fun too.

Remember the quilt blocks I was working on the other night--the ones that my quilting group contributed? I made a few extra blocks and put all the blocks together and added simple borders. It turned out larger than I expected, but everyone was generous about making blocks.

The quilt is a Thimbleberries pattern called Midnight Sky, and we've decided to make ours mostly in Christmas colors. It's a relatively forgiving block because there are very few seams to line up. This quilt will be a gift for someone, and I'll be passing it on this week to the woman who volunteered to do the quilting.

I've been stuck on the idea of making spaghetti and meatballs since last week when a couple of the women I work with made spaghetti sauce from some leftovers and dished it up for us on Friday. You'd think my craving would have been satisfied by their pasta, but for some reason, it just made me want to make a batch myself--something I rarely do mid-summer! But I went to the grocery store this morning and bought everything I needed and Hubby and I had some great penne pasta with spaghetti sauce and meatballs for dinner. I swear it turned out better than I can remember making it before. Yum!

I also bought what I need to make lasagna. That's the great thing about spaghetti sauce--it can be used for so many different meals. I hope that investing time this weekend in spaghetti sauce will pay off in quick weeknight meals so I can get into the Sweat Shop earlier after work each evening!

I ended with three extra blocks I had made for the Midnight Sky quilt, so I think I'll make them into a tablerunner. I also ended up making four teeny tiny Midnight Sky blocks with leftovers. Today I turned those into a mini quilt--

It's just 19" square. To give you an idea about the size of the blocks, the red and green pinwheels are 1" square and each of the nine blocks (including the four Midnight Sky blocks) is 3-3/4". Crazy, huh? I'm planning to quilt it tomorrow night and get it bound the next night. I think I'll bind it in a cream colored fabric to pull that color to the outside, but I'm not certain. What do you think?

Time for bed. The weekend's over and it's back to work tomorrow. I'm glad you could visit!


  1. what a great quilt! and what an adorable little bonus quilt, yes I agree on the binding, cream will will pull it all together! such teeny pinwheels, it makes my head spin! arrr arrr arrr

  2. Such a vibrant and cheerful quilt! I love that mini too!

  3. Midnight Sky is really beautiful and I LOVE your little mini quilt - very cute!

  4. Love your quilt; that pattern has always been a favorite of mine. After just culling my green stash, I may need to revisit it! The greens you added look so nice in your quilt.

  5. After all your 'helping' out the pieces it came along beautifully! Cream would be lovely, would the blue make it to dark? Just wondering! I know the binding is what takes a toll on my blankets and I try to avoid light colours! But it does always make it look to crisp!!


Tell me what you're thinking--I'd love to hear from you!