Friday, August 26, 2011

Coming Soon to a Computer Near You?

I noticed yesterday that Carol's back at her blog (and all's right with the world). And she started back with a post that touched on the need to cut back on fabric buying. Well, that kind of hit home with me, especially since I'd just written a blog about ordering some fabric on the internet and forgetting that I'd done it. And sitting in the Sweat Shop, looking around at my stash--or trying to find a home for anything new I bring in--makes me realize that for me too, it's time to sew more and buy less. Have you reached that place in your quilting life yet?

For some of us, it might be a financial decision. For some of us, it might be a space decision. For some of us, it might be a decision based on the knowledge that no matter how long we live, we're NEVER going to be able to use everything we like and buy. And for many of us, it's a combination of those three things.

I've been thinking for some months now that I'd like to host a quilt along. You might remember I mentioned that possibility some months ago when many of us had geared up for a quilt along and ended up not participating because it didn't feel like the project for us.

Since then, I've had the idea percolating a bit at the back of my mind, but there have been other things going on. So it's still just a bit of an idea, but it's starting to develop. Here's what I'm thinking about so far.

There won't be much direction about how much fabric you need ahead of time, and there are two very good reasons for that: (1) I want us all to use stash fabric and scraps, and (2) I don't know what the quilt will BE yet--and probably won't until it's done. I'm thinking of calling this quilt along something like Kim's Big Scrappy Quilt-Along Adventure. Catchy name, eh?! It will be kind of like a mystery quilt but different because I don't really like mystery quilts!

Most of the blocks will actually LOOK like something. What I mean is that I like star blocks, house blocks, tree blocks, etc. I'm visualizing something a bit like a row quilt. Or a medallion quilt with houses, trees, and "stuff" in the center and stars all around. Take a look at THIS quilt I made. It won't BE this quilt--nothing as elaborate and I seriously doubt that I'll make you do applique--but this is a bit of the feeling I'm thinking about--a quilt that's cohesive in subject matter even though it's made from scrappy fabrics.

I think the quilt will be the size of a large wall or throw quilt when we're done. I think the blocks will be of various sizes. I suspect we'll be making a few blocks each week. And I think you'll probably have a front row seat on the design process, since I'll be doing some of the designing as we go. Scary? Maybe. But if we end up with extra blocks that aren't used in the end, they can be used for another project--after all, the idea is to use scraps and stash, be creative, and have fun doing it.

I'm going to try to get my thoughts ironed out a bit more in the next couple weeks and then let you know what the plan is. Do you think this might be a project you'd be interested in participating in?


  1. Kim, I fit into all your categories...and I'm proud (I think) as last week I visited three p/w shops and didn't buy any fabric.....I think I have reached saturation point and I would love dearly to make some breathing room in the sewing room.....I love scrappy quilts, blocks of different sizes and everything else you've mentioned...I am IN! I'll look forward to the challenge !

  2. Sounds like fun Kim, count me in!

  3. Sounds like a great idea to me :D

  4. Sounds like fun and a very good stash project.

  5. Count me in! I made that decision about my fabric a couple years ago when I became "under employed" and didn't have the money I used to spend on fabric. I love shopping from my stash and not the shops - was at a shop at month or so ago and fabric was $11.49 a yard, maybe if I know I am going to use it I will purchase what I need but certainly can buy like I used to at $8 or $9 a yard.
    Dorothy in IL

  6. Lisa in Forsyth, GAAugust 26, 2011 at 4:49 AM

    Would love to participate... but what about all of the other BOM's and Row-by-Row's I've collected in the past, and haven't finished! Sadly, I'll have to watch from the sidelines.
    Love your blog.

  7. WOW! PERFECT TIMING!! I just dug my way through my stash and started selling some of the pieces I know that I will never really use even though I love them and it took so much to do it! Count me in! I think applique would be fun for some too!

  8. I am so excited that you are doing this. I love your style! I have been collecting my scraps and this would be my first true scrappy quilt.

  9. Sounds like a great idea!! Count me in as I need to start using up my stash and I also love houses, stars, trees, etc. Can't wait!

  10. I'm not much of a joiner...but I think you may have snagged me! I hope to make use of that stash I've gathered, it's just sitting there lately, making me feel terribly guilty!

  11. I'd love to, thank you for asking! Anyone need any fabric??

  12. That's awesome Kim, of course you know I'm in. My husband was the one who was my reason for cutting back on the spending. He's thinking seriously we could have gone on a cruise with the money that I spent on fabric. I did get into a bad habit of buying and not sewing with the fabric I bought. I'm excited to use my wonderful fabrics and to be creative with making it work with what I have. And, I'm so glad for your quilt along to help me use some of my stash, thanks Kim. Rows of different blocks sounds great. When do we start?

  13. I agree with Quilting Fitzy...I've never joined in anything like this. However, I do like making things that aren't "matchy matchy" as I get bored making the same block over & over. Count me in.

  14. Sure, count me in. I need another project like a chicken needs lips, however, I sure do need to use some of my stash fabric.

  15. I'm in....need to use up what I have - and am in the market for some good, scrappy ideas! Thanks....piece.

  16. Sounds like fun-my sewing room(grown daughters old bedroom) is bursting at the seams.

  17. Your idea is a great one. It will be fun to do along with you. Happy Friday - See you at Time For Tea and Embroidery. Hugs!

  18. I'm interested. I just hope I can find the time, but I'll be around as always, lurking.

  19. Yes I think I would like to do that as well. I too have reached a point when I need to sew more and buy less.

  20. Love to use my scraps, I mean stash!
    Will try to sew along.

  21. Sounds like fun but I find that recently I just hate to sew and even worse I hate to quilt.

    Do you think it's possible I have caught some kind of weird virus.

    I was hoping this would pass but now I can't even stand to go in my sewing room.

    Quilting used to calm me down and give me an inner peace.

    Help! I want that feeling back but I don't know where to go to get it.


  22. I have been trying to use up a lot of my stash fabrics for a while now. Basically I haven't bought any fabric in a long time. I am just using what I have when I want to make things. Since much of my fabric is fat quarters it makes for some interesting projects. Like the two toned doll dresses I made my niece for her birthday. One fat quarter just wasn't quite big enough so I had to use coordinating fabric to get them done. She loved them though so I guess it doesn't really matter much!

  23. Sounds like a great learning curve for me!

  24. I would like to follow along! I have plenty of fabric and no ideas - so, I think it sounds fun.

  25. I've never done a quilt along before, but it sounds like fun! My stash is definitely overflowing. My husband wants to know why I buy YARDS of fabric when I make teeny, tiny quilt jewelry!

  26. Well since I absolutely love everything you make, I am in! :-) Maybe some of your design process can rub off on me? I love flying by the seat of my pants! LOL Have a great weekend!

  27. Sounds good to me! Only problem I have is in the winter it is too cold to sew in my sewing room, so I work on other stuff then. (Mainly reading & just trying to stay warm!) So I might get a couple of months behind. I need to use up some stash, too, so count me as a highly possible!

    Sandy A

  28. As long as you don't expect me to do beautiful applique like you do, sign me up! This really does sound like a lot of fun!

  29. I am intrigued. And a sucker for quilt alongs. And have too much fabric (did I say that? Is it actually possible?)

    Anyway, I look forward to seeing what you'll come up with -- it will be awesome, whatever it is!

  30. Kim
    This sounds like something I would like to do! I definately qualify with my "own fabric store at home" aka known as stash. With just my minimal basic computer skills, i don't have a blog but I am so inspired in quilting by the few blogs that I follow. Penny

  31. If I can shop from my stash, count me in!

  32. Well, Kim I woke up this am thinking I told you last nite I'm truly inspired in quilting by the few blogs that I follow. But ........... I forgot to say that your blog is one of the very few that I follow because of your amazing beautiful quilts that your share with us and so many great tips for quilting ~ thanks!!
    Penny in So CA

  33. I have never done a quilt along before (as I am still VERY new to quilting)I said just the other day that I would like something for the winter to keep me moveing! I don't have a 'stash' but I would LOVE to join in and see what you come up with!

  34. Sounds like fun, Kim. I've never heard of a "quilt along" (let alone participated in one). I reached a point last year when I realized I had too much stash and not enough good plans to use it. I'm not too fond of house blocks, but I love your work, so I'll give it the old Hornet try. I'm grateful you aren't going to make us do applique! LOL :-) When do we start?
    Best wishes,

  35. not too much stash, too little storage, look forward to the challenge, Bo in VA


Tell me what you're thinking--I'd love to hear from you!