Saturday, August 13, 2011


Gosh, I feel cheated on! By Hubby! But I'll let you be the judge.

Remember I mentioned yesterday that Hubby was in Reno with his friend Gene? Remember they went to Reno for Hot August Nights to look at CARS? And, no doubt, to do other manly stuff?

Okay, well here's the thing. On the drive back from Reno, Hubby took Gene on the same scenic detour WE traveled coming back from our little Reno trip to see Dana Carvey. But that's not the worst part--after all, ANYONE can travel the same roads, and many people do. But THEY STOPPED AT THE QUILT HOUSE!

How could Hubby take someone else to "my" quilt shop? And not even tell me they were going so I could ask him to pick up stuff for me?

The story they're trying to sell me is that they stopped so Hubby could show Gene this old wooden sled:

Are you buying it? Me neither! And did Hubby even get me a GIFT while he was there? Heck no! So what do you think? Betrayed?

I'll be spending the day with my stitchery gals--I'll have to see what they think. It seems to me that payback might include a retaliatory shopping trip. After all, isn't there a saying that goes something like "Hell hath no fury like a woman left at home when there's a quilt shop involved?" Sheesh!


  1. Wow! Imagine the new client base for the quilt shop is hubby was their advertising spokesman. Capitalize - lease him out. Just get the management fee in an iron clad, high yield contract. Happy quilting!

  2. Your post brought a smile to my face this morning.

  3. And he didn't even bring you anything! How long have you been married? He should know better by now!

  4. Oh yeah Girlfriend - you were betrayed. Sure - I believe the story that he just wanted to show his friend that sled. Thanks for sharing.

  5. Is DH good at keeping secrets? Maybe he told you he didn't get anything because he's saving it for special...

  6. The very least you should have gotten a gift.

    Liz formally from Ca now in CO

  7. Total betrayal! Not even a stinkin' charm pack for you?! Oh no. Not good at all!

  8. oh that is exactly how that saying goes! Proper quilt shop ettiquette dictates that he should have brought you at the very least, a fat quarter for every five minutes in the shop, plus some really good chocolate, and perhaps a bottle of wine. Honestly, men can be so clueless!!!

  9. I think we should , of course pout because Hubby needs to know who is boss, but on the other hand give him the benifit of the doubt! Maybe there was an exchange of cash and he has purchased an early Birthday, no wait you just had that, Mother's Day, nope gone too, Anniversary. Well let's jsut hope he is getting an early start to Christmas!!

  10. Not even a FQ? He knows better. I bet it was because he was with a friend and was all pumped up acting macho. He was too embarrassed to buy something.

  11. Oh yeah! Cheatin husband for sure! Get em back Kim!

  12. LOL...why am I not surprised he didn't get you anything! Men! =)

  13. bad form ... and he really ought to know better by now ... let's just hope that they didn't scratch and spit and and act all testosteronish while they were inside, eh? cuz then you might not be able to ever go back because of the shame of it all...

  14. Maybe there's a really nice ''quilty''gift in your future??? Check all the hiding places!

  15. If my husband went into a quilt shop without me I think I'd call his doctor!!!! What a shock!

    I do believe the Quilt House does mail order.....

  16. He didn't have a cell phone on him so he could call & see what you needed?

  17. Wow's been ages since I stopped by! Love all the quilts you have done since I came are suck a great quilter and you do such lovely work!

  18. Hmmmm.... you don't happen to have a birthday or anniversary coming up, do you??

    Mary Ann

  19. Speechless! He must be hiding it somewhere!


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