Monday, August 15, 2011

Another Stellar Day

Except for the part where I drove around Sacramento for an hour this morning, all for nothing, the day was another excellent one! And why did I waste time driving around? I wanted to go to the Second Sunday Antique Faire, but when I got down there, traffic was truly horrendous, and I just couldn't imagine (especially after circling around the area a few times) finding a parking spot a couple blocks away and trying to battle through the crowds in the summer heat. Nope, didn't sound fun. So I headed to a favorite thrift store downtown that I don't get to very often--but it wasn't open yet. I gave up. Not wanting to go home empty handed, though, I hit the Starbuck's drive thru for some morning fuel. And guess what? Hubby was still sound asleep!

I unpacked my goodies from the stitchery get together and thought I'd show you the loot. Julie, the hostess, gave us the glass with candy flowers and floral fabric--the fabric is a kit she put together for each of us to make a small quilt. Cute!

We also each received two potholders--the green silicone one was from Irene, and the red chenille one was from Sandy, as was the emery strawberry. Julie also gave each of us crosses from a mission she visited last week. It doesn't show up very well, but it's the prettiest thing made of glass. Last but not least was the card Imelda had made for each of us--it will look excellent framed and hung up in the Sweat Shop.

After I gave up on driving around Sacramento and armed with a Venti iced latte, I headed to the Sweat Shop to continue working on the project I took to Julie's with me--a Christmas pillow. My sewing was interrupted a few times today, but by the end of the 11 p.m. news, here's how far I'd gotten on it--it just needs to be stuffed and the last seam stitched closed:

Cute, isn't it? That's the pattern I bought from The Quilt House. I made my pillow a little larger than the pattern and added ruffle, but here's the pattern in case you're interested:

It's by The Quilt Company--the glare from the flash washes out the name a bit.

If you want the pattern and can't find it, give The Quilt House in Gardnerville, Nevada, a call--she even has extra packets of the buttons, so you can make more than one and give them to friends and relatives.

Besides sewing, Hubby and I took my car to the car wash and went out for a good dinner--I had a birthday coupon for a free entree at one of our favorite Italian restaurants. Yum!

And sometime during the weekend, I cleaned house, did laundry, made up the week's menu plan, and did the grocery shopping. It feels really good to have accomplished all that and still had a marveous time! Sadly, the weekend's over and it's off to bed for me--tomorrow's a work day. I'm glad you stopped in for a visit!


  1. Bummer that you didn't make it to the antique faire or the thrift store but sounds like you had a productive day regardless. Have a great day today! Pouring rain here. Good day to be inside sewing.

  2. That is a super cute pillow. I like the ruffle, it adds a great touch.

  3. Cute Pillow - it was nice seeing the before and after!

    Happy Monday!


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