Saturday, July 30, 2011

Scraps Anyone?

Today I did a little cleaning up in the Sweat Shop, tidying away the leftovers from past projects, and I realize I have more scraps than will fit in my two scrap drawers. If you love scraps, live in the U.S., and are interested in giving some of my leftovers a good home, leave a comment saying you want to be entered. I'll draw a winner Monday night and announce the winner on my Tuesday post.



  1. Ooh sounds wonderful! Please count me in!

  2. Count me in as well. I love the fabrics you use.

  3. Love scraps and you always use such pretty fabric!

  4. I can't believe anyone could think they have too many scraps -- you just need another scrap drawer! Count me in, please

  5. I don't NEED scraps, but I love to receive scraps from others. Thanks for sharing!

  6. I would love scraps for a scrap quilt, but they are coming slowly from my personal quilting. Thanks for sharing.

  7. Like I really need more scraps? LOL Please enter me!

  8. I would love your scraps. It's fun to see what fabrics people have in their stash. I make a lot of scrappy quilts, and these would definitely be put to good use!

  9. I would love to have your scraps to perk up my own. And my home would be very good to your scraps and mine would play very nicely with yours.

  10. I have always admired your fabric tastes and would be happy to give your scraps a new home in Iowa. Hope all goes well with soccer son's procedure!

  11. In my humble opinion you can't ever have too many scraps!!!

  12. I live in NE Pennsylvania and the fabrics here are mainly reproductions. I would love your bright and lovely scraps as they would be so different than what is available to me. I would give them a loving home.

  13. Sandy from ThimbleberriesJuly 31, 2011 at 7:59 AM

    I would love your scraps. I need to build up my scraps. I only have a small amount since I usually buy kits.
    Will continue to keep soccer boy in prayer. Everything will be fine.
    What time did you post? I looked early Saturday morning and didn't see your post.

  14. Woo hoo! Thanks for entering me in your drawing.

  15. I like to win some of your fabric--
    I love the fabric you use.

  16. I would love to give your leftovers a good home! I love scrappy quilts.

  17. YOUR scraps would be a treasure! Count me in! (C'mon Mr. Random Number Generator - pick me please!) Thank you for your generousity.

  18. I love 'new' scraps in my scrappy quilts! I'd give yours a new life too. Have a happy day!

  19. oh, count me in, i could really use some different scraps of my scrappy quilt.

  20. count me in! I'd love some scraps to add to my string quilt I'm working on.

  21. After seeing your projects, I would love to have some of your scraps.

  22. I would love some of your scraps.....I am building up my scrap stash for a spiderweb quilt and would love to give your scraps a great home......

  23. Oh I love scraps (my husband doesn't but I do!) With a one year old they are perfect for hair bows or trim on grasses!

  24. Count me in!! What a treat that would be, to receive your treats.


  25. It must be fate that I have internet service today for the second full day this month! It allows me to say Yes! I'd love to be able to play in your scraps! East coast and west coast shops seem to carry different styles.

    This weekend/week I'm working on a baby quilt, using your Ghastly quilt as an example of how to piece it. I'm sure I'll change a few things, but Thank You for sharing your designs.

  26. Would love to give your scraps a home. Thank you Kim.
    I winter in California and my scraps there are limited and need a boost.
    Thanks for this opportunity. Marge

  27. Hi Kim,
    One can never have too many scraps. And if drawn, I will make sure that they have wonderful homes in many quilts.
    Pam in Sacramento

  28. I would love to give your scraps a new home. Thanks for the chance!

    valekort at yahoo dot com

  29. I am actually looking for scraps to be put into a quilt--this would be great! Thanks--I love your quilts, so your scraps would fit in gloriously!

  30. I'd love to have your scraps! Thanks for being so generous!

  31. I would love to have your scraps. They would be great for my hexies. Thank you for sharing.

  32. Oooooo! More scraps! (Shhhhh. Don't tell my DH.) :-)

  33. Always "need" more scraps!

    slmartin at vtc dot net

  34. I need more scraps like a slap upside the head, but count me in on your drawing. Thanks!

  35. I would absolutely love to win your scraps!!! Thanks for the giveaway.

  36. Very cool! I usually take a few then pass the rest along to some quilty friends here (local to Lake Co, CA) as well as out of state and over seas! =) Thanks for sharing!

  37. What fun. My Grandson and I are just taking scraps and making a quilt.

  38. Scraps are my favorite! Count me in. Thanks for sharing!

  39. My scraps all tend to be dark reds and blues. Having yours would lighten things up a bit! Thanks for the chance to win them.

  40. Ghasp scraps!! Could it be there could be more material in my Jane from Caifornia!! OH, I hope I win! I hope I hope I hope!!!

  41. Scraps are a wonderful thing to have way to many of, just ask my husband, but that's no problem there's always room for more.
    Since I really like the quilts you make I am sure I will love the scraps if I should be so lucky to have my name drawn.
    thanks for the opportunity.

  42. Kim, I would love to get your scraps you always sound like life is so much fun even when you are stressed.
    I always love to see what you are up to.

  43. I would love to win your scraps! Thanks.

  44. I am starting a quilt that has 160 1/2 square triang;es with one half white and the other scrappy. Then I need like a thousand 2" squares of the scrappy. I could put to good use and scrapos that you have in the Kansas Troubles, Thimbleberries, Jo Morton, or anything in that area. Thanks for the opportunity. Prayers to your son's surgery.

  45. I love the look of scrappy quilts, but since I'm new to quilting, it would take me a long time to have enough of my own. Someday I hope to be able to pull off eleven quilts in one year!
