Wednesday, July 13, 2011

I Take the Fifth

Okay, I'll admit that's a silly title, particularly since I'm GIVING the fifth, but I couldn't pass it up. Of course, I'm talking about the fifth quilt I've completed this year--remember the 11 in '11 challenge?

This quilt is a gift, and although I don't think the recipient reads my blog, I don't want to spoil any surprises. I'll tell you when I can, but you don't know her anyway, so it probably doesn't matter much. I've named it Pinwheels and Roses (there are roses quilted into the border).

It occurs to me that I'm a bit behind on my 11 quilts. I started the year out so well too; how did I fall so far behind? I guess I'd better get busy. Next up? The Ghastlies--I need to write up directions, pin, and quilt it.

How are you doing on your quilting goals this year?


  1. I love that quilt! Looks like it might have been fun to piece. :) Lucky, lucky recipient!

  2. Beautiful! It looks really really great. I guess it's not for me then b/c you know I read your blog, darn! ;-)

  3. I'm a little behind....but I am at 22. Had an All About Me weekend to get a couple more quilted. :)

  4. I was just looking at that pattern this morning and wondering if an old Fig Tree Christmas line would look cute in that pattern.
    Goals? Awk, I think I am lost on that. Maybe I should back track and see if I can count what I have actually finished. I am so A.D.D.!

  5. I think summer always puts us a little behind! I cannot wait to see ghastlies done! I think my whole family has been called to the computer at one time or another to gaze at it!! I am beginging another quilt and decided I really like the layout of the between blocks of your ghastlies and well I have incorporated it into my design! Keep it up! You are not as far behind as you think you are!!

  6. I love this quilt! It is so fun and I love the colors! Lucky friend!


Tell me what you're thinking--I'd love to hear from you!