Friday, July 22, 2011

Are You Hot?

I've been watching the news the past several days and of course I've seen how awfully HOT it is all across the United States. Although it's not any hotter here than it is every summer (so far!), it's not cool either. Of course, we're used to the heat and better equipped to deal with it since just about everyone in Sacramento has air conditioning in their homes and cars. Many are lucky enough to have built in swimming pools too. We don't--I sure wish we did sometimes!

I was reminded again this evening of just how hot it is when I set up my quilt pinning tables in the garage to pin The Ghastlies. Yes, I'm still pinning the way I always have--but only because I haven't had a chance to buy any spray baste (or, more accurately, haven't been THINKING about buying spray baste when I've been in a quilt shop) and I have a hard time finding a place to set up very quickly to try the heavy starch and iron method. So maybe next time. In the meantime, it was the garage and tables for me tonight.

At 9 p.m., I think it was still about 80 degrees outside and probably 5 to 10 degrees hotter in the garage. Even with two fans blowing on me (Hubby kindly set them up) it was a bit uncomfortable, although it cooled some over the next couple hours. I hate being hot! But, three hours later, the Ghastlies is pinned. Yay!

It's supposed to stay hot here for the next five days, which is a bit disappointing because Hubby and I--and many people we know--will be going to an outdoor concert in a local park on Sunday evening. Remember the attorney I work with who is in a band? Ted? Yep, the band is playing, and it should be fun. We'll bring some picnic food and sit and enjoy the music. And sweat. Because it's going to be in the high 90s this weekend and the concert starts at 6 p.m.

I think I need to get one of those water spray bottles that has a portable fan attached. Do you know what I'm talking about? Do you know of any stores that sell them?

How are you coping with the heat? Do you have any tips to share?


  1. after a week of high 90's and unbearable dewpoints here in Minnesota -- the only way to cool off is WINTER!!!! (never thought I'd wish for winter)...


  2. It's hot here in Kansas City. At least 101 or higher every day this week. My MIL is coming in from Modesto tomorrow and is just a smidge concerned about the heat. I told her we would spending a whole LOT of time at the pool.

  3. I got those spray fans at Target at the beginning of the summer. They are awesome. I hope yours still has them, they sold out quickly here. Enjoy your weekend!!

  4. Northern Michigan was 98 the other day but it's cooling down to the high 80s for the rest of the week. I'm interested in your starch method you mentioned - could you tell me more about that? Happy Weekend!

  5. It is BEASTLY hot Near Philadelphia, Kim. Could you say more about the "heavy starch" basting method? This is new to me . . . .

  6. Here in Texas I have been staying indoors and try not to go out too much. But, I am looking forward to August because we are MOVING!!! I cannot stand the heat, it is just too much for this Alaskan.
    Enjoy your concert!

  7. It's hot here too...I'm staying indoors today. I was out in the heat the past two days...but it's definitely enough to make you wilt. =)

  8. It was 98 with a heat index of 117 here in Illinois!! Grrrr and my poor daughter is at camp this week!! I do so love fall and spring! If only there were not summer in the middle!! LOL

  9. Walmart has the fans. Stay cool and keep making beautiful quilts .

  10. Kim, you should really try my method of sandwiching and basting: I find it invaluable. I am going to go soon to look for some 8ft boards so I can do my king-sized quilt that I just completed. It has even been very hot in Hawaii!!

  11. I need one of those spray fans here in my house. Wow! The heat index here (VA) is over 120. It's now 80 in my house and my ACs are going full blast, so I didn't feel much like sewing or moving around today. Everyone stay cool, safe, and hydrated.

  12. Oh Kim, I have just the thing for you. You can whip it p in just a few minutes (once you have the stuff of course). My mom and aunt are in their 70's and still mow and trim their 2 acres lots in Florida. I made these neck coolers for them and they love them!!!

  13. I saw an article once about a theme park down south. One of the girls that work there would dress up like an old fashion Scarlet O'Hara and sit out on the lawn all day - in the heat - in those big old hot dresses. Well it turns out she had her very own portable air conditioning unit under her skirt!!!! Sounds divine to me!! LOL!


Tell me what you're thinking--I'd love to hear from you!