Sunday, June 26, 2011

Uh, Something's Not Quite Right

Do you remember this quilt, by any chance?

It was a LePetite project from May that I changed a bit by adding sashing and made larger. I thought it would be the perfect gift I wanted to make for someone. But I finished it and it just sat around for awhile, looking sad. I had even pieced a backing for it, but I never took the time to pin it for quilting. You see, there was something wrong. And I knew it.

What was wrong was that I didn't like it. It just didn't look very interesting to me, and it didn't "feel" like it was right for the person I wanted to give it to. I thought maybe a different border would help.

So I searched my stash. I searched quilt shops far and wide (on the little shop hop I went on with my stitchery friends). I bought one fabric I thought might work, but when I brought it home, it just wasn't right.

I gave up. I switched gears and decided to begin all over again with completely different colors. And then, before I could start on something new, I spotted a certain fabric up high on my shelf, tucked away in the 1800's repro fabrics. "Hummmmmm," I thought, "I wonder if that would work?" And I doubted it would--because I was pretty sure I had already tried it. But no, when I got it down and put it next to the quilt top, I thought it just MIGHT transform the quilt into something I liked. Hurrah!

Okay, so here it is, the "new" quilt top:

I think the new border treatment gives it some kind of "spark." Now the quilt top looks happy to me. What do you think? Which version do you like best (not counting the rather handsome cat laying on the first version)? I think if I had added a darker inner border to the first quilt top, it would have looked better, but the repeating pattern in the border fabric I used looked awfully flat to me and I still don't think I would have been happy.

The first back I pieced matched the border in the first version, so I had to piece another back for this one. And tomorrow morning, I'm planning to get out my box of quilt pins and start pinning. I think it's finally right.


  1. Wow! The new replacement border just "pops" and does even so much more for your wonderful quilt ~ amazing!I do like the new version quilt more than the first!! Hope you have a pinning & quilting good day & will share another pic of the finished quilt!!

  2. Absolutely, the new version is the best. I think the creamy/yellow flowers in the first border fabric was a big culprit. This new fabric is awesome.

  3. Oh yeah............your second one is so much better. That red print
    is fabulous.

  4. Love that quilt! You are so right - this second border just makes it - beautiful job!


  5. The new border gives the quilt much more depth. It allows those blocks to pop forward instead of just receeding into Planet Blah. I also like how you've used fabrics that could be Christmas colors, but have created a quilt that doesn't look Christmasy.

  6. Even though the rather handsome cat does add to the first quilt, the second quilt is so much nicer!

  7. I agree the second border looks better , even
    without handsome.

  8. I am so with everyone else on this, the second one is perfect. It all works and flows so smoothly. What a great idea.


  9. Oh yes, it looks like a completely different quilt now. Lovely!

  10. Definitely the second one. I also think the green separating the top from the big border is what makes it work. Great job!

  11. To be honest, when I saw the first picture I thought the inside of the quilt was sitting on top of another quilt! The second version looks so much better. Your time and effort were worth it!

  12. I have to admit, when I looked at the first one, it didn't do anything for me. The second is a work of art. Sorry kitty!

  13. You did it! Amazing difference. So much better. Great job.

  14. I also like the second one better. I like the green separating the wide border from the body of the quilt. This is just a personal thing, but I don't like fabrics for wide borders that the print is very repetitive, like the first fabric. It's just a personal thing, I know, and wouldn't try to insist (quilt police style) that it is a rule. I audition them for borders, but they usually do not win the competition. As a guide (in my ocd mind) if the design is an over-all I don't like it if there are 3 whole repeats in the width of the border. If the fabric is a scattered print it's different. OK that's how I visually process it, and I'll quit trying to put into words my dysfunctional brain processes, lol.
    Love the top. I'm sure the recipient will too.

  15. Wonderful choice. It looks planned. Very very nice!

  16. Definitely #2 - that different border really makes it a true beauty! It looks happy now. Sometimes our gut instincts are just right on!

  17. Wow, what a difference that framing border does. It isn't the same quilt, that's for sure. I really like those blocks too. Great quilt now, even without the cat. Carline

  18. I like the second version better, too, but would add the cat.

  19. The second version is definitely rich. The first is washed out. Let the pinning begin!

  20. Wow, that new border is just perfect. It changes it so much. Great idea.

  21. I like this new border much, much better. Great idea to change it!

  22. You are right, the second one make the quilt come alive. It's amazing how a border can change the look of a quilt! Thanks for sharing this cutie with us!

    Sandy A

  23. Such a difference! The second quilt definitely has the spark with that extra solid-looking border separating the cornerstones and sashing from the wide border. Excellent save!

    Agree with the handsome cat :)

  24. The second border for sure. Sure makes the blocks pop. Who ever gets this quilty will be a lucky person.

  25. Truly amazing...the second border is perfect!

  26. OMG. It's perfect now; perfect is good. Stephani in TX

  27. Absolutely the second one is so much better! Hurrah! Let the pinning begin!

  28. I think the new version is much nicer to look at. Thank you for sharing your creative process! It is nice to know that others don't always like what they make too.

  29. Good decision girl!! Mucho better and alive now!! Sometimes when we just bite the bullet and dive in and make the changes we are soooo much happier!! I.Like.

  30. Quilt number two is very pretty. I think your new border totally makes it pop.

  31. Wow, what a change and all for the better!! Beautiful quilt and anyone receiving it will have beauty. Nice work, Kim, as usual.

  32. hiyall,
    the second one is the best. I always add a narrow inner border cause is pulls together outer border and main part of quilt. it also helps seperate the 2. kinda of a ying and yang thing. great work! (mauh) Liz

  33. Definitely cat number one, then quilt number two. The green inner border makes it pop.

  34. Second time is the charm in this case! It's so eye-catching now. I love it!

  35. Kim,
    I much prefer the second version of the quilt- It seems to frame it better and highlight your beautiful blocks.
    Sometimes the border doesn't work the first time- I like that you changed it.


Tell me what you're thinking--I'd love to hear from you!