Friday, June 17, 2011

Live With Regis

Last night we had some rather noisy neighbors. We heard them check in and socialize in the room next to ours--it sounded like several women who had a couple rooms because someone said something about coming down to their room. After a bit, it got quiet and we enjoyed a peaceful evening. Until 3 a.m. when . . . well, I don't know if they had been out and just got back to their room or what. At that time, we also heard a man's voice, along with one woman who kept laughing and talking like it was the middle of the afternoon. A little later, there was another woman's voice. The party continued for about an hour or so, until around 4 a.m. when things settled down and we all went back to sleep.

This morning we got up and just before we left for breakfast, we turned on Live with Regis. Loud. (I should probably mention that our room is at the end of the building, so the only neighbors we have are the noisy ones.) Was that wrong?

I think they've gone, so we should get a good night's sleep tonight. Tomorrow we head home.


  1. When we travel back to the UK we always use an overnight ferry. We always seem to get the party animals next door, same thing, they arrive back at 3.00am and continue with the party. It wasn't a problem going from France to the UK as the drive from ferry to family was only an hour. But coming back home to France we have an eight hour drive and I use to worry that hubby needed his sleep. We now break the journey with a stop in a B&B just in case we don't sleep on the ferry. Hope they have now gone and you can enjoy your last night in peace. Linda

  2. People just don't think that walls in hotels are paper thin. Funny how turning up the tv loud makes one feel better. :0)

  3. Some people are so inconsiderate. Good call to put TV on loud! They probably partied so hard, tho, they slept thru it! LOL

  4. having to listen to Regis would certainly let ME know how you felt, lemmetellya - i might even hang around to apologize to you

  5. Oh...that was so very very right of you!

  6. Sounds like a perfectly acceptabe sollution to me! I would have called the front desk when it was going on, though.

  7. I agree, nothing wrong with that! I probably would have called the front desk too though...people have to know when they're being so rude.

  8. My husband and I traveled in Alaska one year and we had kids who just never went to sleep. Calls to the front desk went unheeded as the kids belonged to them!

    Good for you turning the t.v. up!

  9. You did good! I will never understand people who are noisy in motel/hotel rooms. There needs to be separate accommodations for them! Rooms are so expensive should be allowed to sleep undisturbed! But if not, the disturbers should pay!

  10. Good for you!!! I hate rude people!! I would even go to the desk and complain. Who knows you might get something out of it. If nothing else, maybe new neighbors!


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