Thursday, June 23, 2011

4th in '11

Since I've had these computer issues, I didn't take a photo of the "Thimbleberries applique basket quilt" when I first finished it just before our vacation, but it occurred to me that with the computer working (for now), I should get a photo to show you and to put in my sidebar under the 11 in '11 category. (Please ignore any lumps you might see--it's just one of the cats under the quilt.)

As the quilt has turned out--and I think I knew it at one time but confused myself--it's a good size for a queen bed or even a double. For some reason, at some point during the quilting, I thought I'd made it king size. Of course, that was probably after I'd been quilting it FOREVER and it seemed larger than it really is! But I actually HAVE a summer quilt for our king size bed, so I think I decided to make this new one to fit the bed in the Wild Child's room--which will be our guest bedroom sometime down the road.

But speaking of the 11 in '11 project, have you checked out the Flickr photo album lately? You can look at the quilts by clicking on the "more in 11 in '11 pool" in the group photo box in the sidebar. The quilters who have challenged themselves this year are doing an excellent job! If you click over to take a look, remember you can leave comments on the photos, letting them know how much you enjoy their quilts.


  1. It turned out beautifully, Kim!

  2. a cat under the lump...lololol...too cute...and so is the quilt!!

  3. Your quilt is just gorgeous!!

  4. I get lumpy quilts from time to tome, LOL! That border of your pieced flowers adds so much to the quilt. It is stunning.

  5. Ah that is wonderful Kim!!!! Even the lump ...


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