Friday, May 27, 2011

Sew What Do YOU Want?

Gosh, with that post title, I wouldn't blame you for thinking I want to talk about you, right? But no, it's about me. Again. But you'll get your turn. Just sit quietly, try not to drool too much, and wait for it.

The other day middle of the night, I was looking at a few of my favorite blogs, and everyone seemed to be talking about Lori Holt's new line, Sew Cherry. Why didn't anyone tell me earlier? Were you afraid if I knew, I'd BUY it ALL? Sheesh!

I bought some. A fat quarter bundle from the Fat Quarter Shop in the marischino cherry color grouping. It was very, very hard to decide between that and the other blue/brown color group. I also spied some really cute Quilt Soup/Barbara Jones fabric from the Cherry Fizz line--turns out they go perfectly together!

Now here's the "you" part. Well, not QUITE yet, but we're close. First, moi. Despite having more fabric from Christmases past than Ebenezer Scrooge had ghosts, I still broke down and bought a little. Just a teeny, tiny bit. I've loved the last two Basic Grey Christmas lines, so two charm packs were needed--just to get a little taste. (Do you love their washed grunge solid colors as much as I do?) Then, of course, Sweetwater's Countdown to Christmas. Just a few 10" squares. Hardly anything, right?

Now it's your turn. As we're starting to see the 2011 Christmas lines, I'm wondering what you're excited about this year? Seriously, I always enjoy finding out what everyone else is drawn to, so I'd like to hear from you. Not to mention (why do people SAY that when they DO mention?) the fact that you might have found something I NEED but haven't yet found, so it's a good way to get tips on undiscovered treasures. Have you looked yet?

Before you go flying off, I wanted to show you why it's sometimes hard for me to type my post each evening.

Quite often, Stitch curls up and sleeps either pressed up against my left arm or with his head on my left hand. Isn't he a cutie? He's a real cuddle bug! And yes, that's my left arm he's sleeping on--the camera flash reflected off my pale winter skin, so it's hard to tell. I guess it's time for bed. Stitch says so.


  1. Finally! Over to me! (Hey! If your blog can't be all about you, what can?) I love Basic Grey's Christmas ranges. I knew nothing about any cherry ranges. I'm not much help! Over to someone else.

  2. I am "thinking" on making potato bags (bags for cooking your potatoes in the microwave) for Christmas, they seem very simple and really "handy" so they just wont end up in a cupboard somewhere.

  3. I have been in denial but, I am digging the cherries, or maybe that should be will be picking some
    ! I also, have a great interest in Sweetwaters new line "Hometown." Pretty sure I will cave to that one.

  4. Like the basic grey as well, actually a lot of the new ranges are interesting me, a lot of great stuff about to tempt me!
    Off now to check out sew cherry on some fortunately open all hours online locale...sometimes i don't like you much..LOL!! Tracey

  5. I'm waiting for Scandinavian Christmas by Lynette Andersen to hit the shelves at the Fat Quarter Shop. I have a very long-term project in mind for it ... yep, another one of "those"!

  6. dang, woman!

    i wasn't even gonna LOOK at Basic Grey's christmas line cuz of fruitcake not living up to figgy pudding... dang, dang, dang - i actually LIKE "jovial"

    and you just HAD to mention cherries!!! i can bypass the pink and green, but cherry fizz comes in black, too! dang, dang, dang!

    word ver is "lente" - which means i have to give up something, right? or maybe eat pea soup?

  7. I want some Cherry Fizz. I forgot about line. I need to write it down so that I remember next time I want to shop. I tend to forget all my "wants" when I do. BUT I would like some Flurry and Heather Mulder Peterson's new Christmas line.. the name escapes me right now.

  8. I have to be select when buying fabric, the economy and all, but my christmas fabric for this year is the stonhenge holiday line from northcott - it is beautiful!

  9. Yes... I was afraid you would buy it all!LOL I got my hands on some too... but I'm pacing myself. I got the same colorway you did and I am going back for the other group. I even have it cut out! I am excited to know that Cherry Fizz goes with the group... but my other secret holdout is for Going Coastal. By Crazy Old Ladies. Love it. Annnnnd did you see Happy Zombie's new line??? I'm sure you need some of that!

  10. I can't tell you my new fav, at least not until I buy some for moi! LOL! But I will say I'm so in love with Maison de Garance and I still don't have any.

  11. The last Christmas line I obsessed over was the Sheri Berry Christmas-I think I have two full kits plus tons of fabric. And I like MM's funky Christmas.

    This year I'm crazy about Flurry. And trying not give in this year.


Tell me what you're thinking--I'd love to hear from you!