Sunday, May 22, 2011

I'm Still Here . . . Are You Still There?

Well, there WAS a volcanic eruption in Iceland and a few earthquakes around the world, but nothing particularly apocalyptic in a worldwide sense. I kind of feel sorry for the people who quit their jobs and gave up all their possessions in expectation of leaving the world on May 21st. Yes, I pretty much figure they were awfully gullible, but then most of us have faith in SOMETHING that can't be proven, and WE certainly don't think WE'RE gullible, right? So who can say? It's just kind of sad. But, hey, we're all still here and doing okay, so that's something to be thankful for.

And another thing to be happy about? Gran called me this morning and said the new shop had sold out of my Fireworks! pattern and needed more. Here's the quilt--perhaps you've seen the pattern in my Etsy store?

It makes a nice lap size quilt and the piecing is fairly fast and simple. I thought since the world isn't ending just yet and my patterns are selling, I'd have a little giveaway. If you'd like a chance to win a Fireworks! pattern, please leave me a comment, and I'll enter you in the drawing. I'll pick a winner tomorrow night, so this will be a quick one. Good luck!



  1. I'm still here too. Ah well, I'm in good company. :D

  2. Still here too! Love Firework'd I miss it??

  3. Still here in France too, would love a copy of your pattern, thanks for the chance.

  4. glad we are all still here....!

  5. Darn, I was hoping I would go...not having to pay off my credit card bill would have been a real treat!

    I would love to win your Fireworks pattern!

  6. Didn't go anywhere - except out to dinner. Thanks for the chance to win the pattern......have a nice Sunday! Piece.....

  7. I love the WOW factor of this quilt - and that it is quick to put together. Am quilting lap size quilts to give to children who come into foster care, so am collecting lots of patterns! ianruby (at) iprimus (dot) com (dot) au

  8. Congratulations on your Fireworks sales!

  9. Hi Kim,
    I am redoing my reading room in a patriotic Americana theme and would love to win the patter to add your quilt to it. Thanks for the chance to win. Lynnosborne(at)

  10. Thanks for the chance for the Fireworks pattern. School is almost out for me, so I'm looking forward to some sewing time this summer.

  11. Sounds like Gran's new store is doing well. Glad to hear it. Your pattern reminds me of summer holidays! Thanks for the give away.
    What nice thoughts on those who are most likely very disapointed by yesterdays nonevent. My thoughts were less thoughtful, but not cruel.

  12. Kim congratulations on your patterns selling so well. I would like the opportunity to win one for myself.

    Darlene of I Quilt Scarlet and Gray

  13. Still here also--glad you are too! thanks for the chance to win this beautiful pattern of yours!!

  14. Well, what do you know...I'm here in NC and seems we are all ok as well.
    I've admired this pattern from afar....would love it in my home.

  15. I love this pattern. Would love to showcase it in my home.

  16. All is well in NH too! We did have several explosions of fireworks nearby, but I think they were more due to college graduation celebrations than surviving judgement day! LOVE your Fireworks pattern, and also the fabric you used in your sample!!!

  17. We did have a small shake, rattle and roll here about 7 pm last night but we are still here. Love the pattern. Thanks for the opportunity to win a copy of it. I can understand why they are selling.

  18. Kim, I too am glad we survived. I still had many more quilts to make. LOL
    Congratulations on your pattern sell out!!!
    Don't put me in the drawing, I basically prefer applique though your pattern is stunning

  19. Kim, I too am glad we survived. I still had many more quilts to make. LOL
    Congratulations on your pattern sell out!!!
    Don't put me in the drawing, I basically prefer applique though your pattern is stunning

  20. Love the pattern. Congrats on selling out.

  21. Since it looks like we will still be here (LOL) that looks like a great summer project! Thanks for the opportunity to win it! (I really do love your sense of humour!)

  22. Glad we are all still here. I am really happy that you will not have to do extra work and still get credit for volunteering.

  23. Glad to still be here...had a new nephew born this morning. Thanks for a chance to win your fireworks pattern!

  24. I love that quilt! Not surprised the pattern is selling well! Glad to be here today to see it again!

  25. I'm here, also. Guess that means I need to clean house today! Love the pattern.

  26. Still here in Canada. Great pattern, thanks for a chance, Kim.

  27. I've always loved that quilt and would like to be entered in the drawing. Fireworks is the perfect name for it.

  28. Have been planning a similar one for my son's 21st, but yours is nicer again with the pieced border. Thank you for a chance and am thankful we are still here to sew it!

  29. Your talents are neverending! I would love to win your pattern.

  30. Love it! Thanks for the chance to win!

  31. yes, we are still here, aren't we? great pattern and just in time for 4th of july if one could get organized enough to make it. well, maybe for 2012 then. i would love to win it. please count me in and congrats on a sell out of your patterns!

  32. yup, I am still here as well...with a husband in the hospital, wish he were here as well. finding that sewing has been taking my mind off of "stuff" and your pattern looks like a real challenge to a fairly new quilter. would love to "win".

  33. Good to see you are still here. I'd miss you with my morning cuppa coffee. I could use a little fireworks in my life.

  34. I would love to win Fireworks! Please count me in. :)

  35. Would love to win the pattern and thanks for the machine quilting info you recently posted.

  36. Ohh, I am so glad I have lived another day, so that I have a chance at your Fireworks pattern! Really, I am glad were all here and I would love to have the pattern!

  37. Even though I bought one from your Etsy Shop recently, would love to win one to give to my sister. I am still here too. I was in the movie theater watching the new Pirates movie in 3D when the time came and went for the predicted Rapture time. I figured what a way to go when watching Johnny Depp's gorgeous face in 3D!

  38. Me 1 Rapture 0! Very neat pattern

  39. The pattern is great, sure would love to win it. Super that they are selling so well for you.

  40. I would love a copy! Thanks for the chance! :)

  41. Hi Kim - I want to win your pattern. I am so glad you are still here and so are all the rest of us and we are rarin' to QUILT. What do we want to quilt? Your Fireworks pattern.

  42. So glad the world didn't end, I still have way to much fabric to use up.

  43. I'd love to win your fireworks pattern. I'm ready for a great pattern that will go together quickly!

  44. Oooh I like it! Sort of middle-challengine level for me, looks excellent.

  45. Still here too. And now I need a new project! Thanks for the chance to win one.

  46. Guess I have to go to work tomorrow after all. ;-) On your pattern, does the middle star have y-seams? I love the way it looks.

  47. Kim...this is a great looking quilt pattern and thanks for the chance to win!!

  48. Yes, we're still here on Vancouver Island and luckily I had not given away my stash, so let the quilting continue. Love your pattern, thanks for the chance to win.

  49. As for the rapture, in Revolations it says that no man can no the end so I figured it wouldn't be the end. And this is one of my favorite patterns. I am so happy for you that it was sold out. Congrats!!

  50. No one I know is gone, which is pretty much what I expected. I'd love to be in the drawing for your pattern. Love that border -- and thanks for your sarcastic humor - it makes me laugh!

  51. I love this pattern and would love to give it a good home. Besides we all need blankets to keep us warm since the world isn't ending after all!

  52. Nice pattern. I like your border.

  53. I'd love to win this pattern- the stars in the border would be fun to learn! Thanks

  54. Yes, still here no mass destruction in our area. LOVE your pattern, it's really cute.

  55. Love the pattern and am glad to still be around to make it. Whew!

  56. I'm still here! And glad I didn't bother to shave my legs since there was no chance of me flying up to heaven anyway :)

    Congrats on selling out your pattern, that is so GREAT! Sounds like the new shop is popular. I hope it goes gangbusters.

    Yes, I would like a chance to win your Fireworks pattern. Count me in, thank you!

  57. Yep... still here too. Good thing too - I have way too many UFOs to finish up! Have a great Sunday!

  58. Such a sweet quilt, would love the pattern! We are all still here, too...

  59. Well, I am in good company then. I have read how much money has been sent in. No doubt to fund more billboards.

    Love the quilt and would like to make one up for July fourth celebrations. It is very cute.

  60. Love your designs. Sign me up!

    Marilyn no log

  61. Still here in Missouri. Would love to have your pattern.

  62. Kim, I love this pattern. Please enter me. Thanks!
