Wednesday, May 11, 2011

I Missed Gelato?!

I saw my friends Imelda and Irene tonight at Thimbleberries Club, and they told me that last Thursday they had stopped by the new quilt shop, the Fabric Garden, and then walked over to have gelato. While they were sitting outside eating their gelato, who should drive by but ME! Apparently I'm a very focused driver--although that's not exactly the way they described my driving habits--because my eyes did not stray from the straight-ahead course, even though Imelda was running through the parking lot, trying to get my attention. Bummer, eh? And I could have had a gelato! I think Imelda's going to have to practice running faster, don't you?

A couple of you asked me about teaching and the classroom space in the new shop. I actually took a photo, although I didn't post it yesterday. Here it is--

It's a little bit small, but it looks like it will hold about ten students with their sewing machines, and a few more than that for classes that don't require machines or monthly no-sewing club meetings. The classroom is separated from the rest of the store by a half wall.

Isn't that a cute little "shed" in the photo at the back wall? There's a door on the right side, just out of the photo, and all of the kids' and 30s fabrics can be found in that room. Here's what it looks like on the "inside":

As far as teaching goes, I'm not going to be teaching this year, but maybe I will next. Because I work full time, I really can only teach on Saturdays (the shop is closed on Sundays), and the Saturday class schedule was already pretty crowded with classes being taught by the shop owners and other teachers who had stronger ties to the shop than I do. I'll just have to wait until they're making up the schedule for next year and see if there are any slots available for me.

Gran and I are planning to get together for dinner tomorrow night to catch up--we've both been so busy in the past couple months that we've barely gotten to see one another. Just think: Last year I was off work, being worked up by my doctors for the carpal tunnel problems and Gran had a lot more free time than she has now, so we had time for several "adventures." It's been awhile since we've had that kind of time together, but maybe life will settle back into a routine for both of us before too long and we'll have a little more "Thelma and Louise" time. In the meantime, I'll pass on your comments, congratulations, and well-wishes to Gran about the new shop when we see each other tomorrow night. Thanks for stopping in to visit!

1 comment:

  1. Really? They keep kiDs in there with the 30's fabric... sorry couldn't resist...


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