Monday, May 30, 2011

Happy Memorial Day!

For those of you in the U.S. who have the holiday off, what are you doing with your day?

I've been quilting the Thimbleberries Applique Basket quilt this weekend and I just have the last border to quilt, but I've put it aside to take care of a couple other quilting commitments first. (I'm currently appliqueing a cow block.) We barbecued burgers on Sunday, and on Memorial Day, I'm thinking about shrimp tacos and coleslaw, although I really have a bit of a hankering for potato salad. Well, I DO have some chicken breasts I can grill if I just can't get that potato salad out of my mind.

On Sunday, I made a quick run to the thrift store on my way to the grocery store, and found a couple things I'll show you, but I haven't taken photos yet. On Memorial Day, the Goodwill stores in our area have everything at 50% off, but I hate the crowds, so I went today. I also want to start getting the patriotic/summer decorations up this week and might do a bit of that on Memorial Day--I've just about taken down all of the spring decorations.

And one more day of sleeping in! Three day weekends are the best, arent they?!


  1. I guess I better go to bed so that I can sleep in ...

  2. It's been a good weekend, starting with my nephew's graduation from the US Naval Academy. (Wiping tears from my eyes... who knew that rascal would make us so proud.) Otherwise, I've been putzing, and honoring my WWI/WWII veteran grandfather by piecing a QOV. And getting ready to run a 3K in an hour or so... Enjoy your day!

  3. Got to love a long weekend, have fun...and go the shrimp, sounds good to me! Tracey

  4. I was just thinking about potato salad too! I need a better recipe so if you have one, please share it! (No minimun on the number of :-)

  5. Mmmm Potato salad!! I do miss my Mother's tato salad!! You know I try to make it like hers but no luck! I am off to fabric store sales today!! yay me time!! Happy and safe holiday!!

  6. Guess I had your potato salad! DIL brought it over and my sons grilled! Turned out to be a great day. Oldest son made me a wooden quilt block for the garage. I love it! Glad you are enjoying your three day weekend!


Tell me what you're thinking--I'd love to hear from you!