Monday, May 23, 2011

Coming Soon

One of the things I really enjoy about the Fat Quarter Shop is being able to "window shop" the Coming Soon section. I don't do it very often, but every now and then I'll sit down, put on a bib to catch the drool, and browse the fabric lines just over the horizon.

I've already ordered a few Christmas precuts, but what comes AFTER the Christmas and Halloween fabrics are released? Well, here are a couple lines I'm looking forward to--so much so that I've asked the Fat Quarter Shop to alert me when they arrive (which is another really cool thing for us customers, and I imagine it helps them plan how much fabric to order for us too).

If the reaction quilters had to Bliss is any indication of popularity, I suspect the Ruby line will do well. I love these colors. And you know what? Now that I think about it, they're the same colors I've used in that OTHER applique basket quilt I've been working on. Imagine that! Now I know why I wanted an alert as soon as this line arrives. Can I stand to wait until October though? Is there a choice?

I was super surprised to see this collection by Jo Morton called Crimson Bouquet. Well, there's the obvious surprise--the fact that a line with "crimson" in the name has no crimson-colored fabric--crimson is supposed to be a deep, almost purplish red. But I don't really care about that part. After all, a bouquet by any other name would smell as sweet, right? But I love these colors! They remind me of when I was a kid and would try to decide which of the colors in my 100 crayon box were my favorite. I'm sure these were some of the colors I pulled out! The other surprising thing? I always think of 1800 repros as being dark and kind of drab, but every now and then, Jo throws in something unexpected! (Coming in November.)

Sweetwater. August. Do I need to say more?

Okay I have a thing for dots, words, and graphic prints. That's why I love Sweetwater. Looks like Cosmo Cricket's Circa 1934 line will give Sweetwater a run for their money. But I like the bold red, black, beige, and white of this line--it would be excellent for a more masculine quilt, don't cha think? (September.)

Riley Blake has managed to collect a lot of fun designers, and Amanda of the Quilted Fish is one of them. Delighted looks like a really happy line, and I'm looking forward to seeing it--coming in September.

How about you? Now that Market has come and gone, are there any lines you've seen and are anxiously awaiting?


  1. Lol! I was at the fat quarter site just a few hours ago drooling over Ruby! And yes, getting them to "alert" me!

  2. Add me to the list of Ruby alerts, I can't wait for that to come in! I heard a rumor in the past that you may be able to find some of the new lines on ebay before they are actually in stores? Regardless, I can't wait to get some of these into my hands!

  3. Oh... Ruby, Hometown and Delighted are on my list too. Can't wait!!

  4. Saw some lovely things made up in Ruby in Market pictures. It is going to be very popular.

  5. Kim now look what you have done... I am drooling over Ruby, Hometown , and 1934 and I missed the warning about grabing my bib!! LOL What beautiful things to come!!

  6. I can't wait for Ruby either. Bliss is one of my all-time favorite fabric lines either. I didn't catch that we have to wait until October though. That makes me sad. :'-(

  7. I love Bliss so I like ruby. I am also excited about Strawberry Fields by Fig Tree. I love fruit designs so that one is right up my alley. 1934 reminds me of my wonderful great Aunt who was the kindest sweetest person on earth so I will probably pick up some of that as well. Thanks for making my fabric want list even longer!

  8. I love FQS and I spent quality time in the coming soon section the other day. I definitely want Circa 1934 and Hometown. I also want the new Kate Spain line Terrain. Now I do covet the Ruby line but I was a very lucky gal and won a FQ bundle of it from FQS. You will NOT be disappointed - it is wonderful! I'm putting serious thought into what I want to make with it --I want the perfect pattern for this perfect fabric - LOL!

  9. Going Coastal! That's my theme and the new line coming out by Crazy Old Ladies. There is a list going in my head- like the line from Happy Zombie and PKM fabrics. Lots of fun on the horizon... and there are some fun new patterns also! Coming Soon!!!


Tell me what you're thinking--I'd love to hear from you!