Wednesday, May 4, 2011

The Bin Laden Thing

I wonder how many people will stumble onto my blog because they are searching for bin Laden? Probably more people than Google "Kim Quilts Nude" (which will also bring you here, oddly enough). Of course, the search for bin Laden has moved to the virtual realm now that the real life hunt is over.

And can I just start by saying I was kind of annoyed at missing the last ten minutes or so of Amazing Race when reporters broke in to start speculating about the nature of the news long before the president was ready to speak? And by the time he did, it was kind of old news. Still, he gave a pretty good speech, although I was a little preoccupied, wondering who had been eliminated from the Amazing Race this week.

And what did you think of bin Laden's luxury compound? We have a city in Sacramento County called Rio Linda. When Rush Limbaugh had a local radio talk show, he made fun of Rio Linda again and again. You know what? Bin Laden's luxury compound looks a lot like some of the larger homes in Rio Linda. But maybe it was a lot nicer inside than it looked outside? With several wives, wouldn't you think they'd get together and hire a good decorator? Still, what kind of mansion doesn't have a TV?

Seriously, though, I'm a little bothered about the way bin Laden met his end. Yeah, I'm pretty darn certain he deserved exactly what he got, but I think I'm just too indoctrinated into America's justice system and the "innocent until proven guilty" standard to feel comfortable with our special forces dropping in and gunning down an unarmed bad guy. I think there are a lot of other countries in the world who may question the way we went about doing things too. I guess it just doesn't seem very American or very honorable of us in some ways. Then again, when I think about 9/11, I'm conflicted. I guess this type of thing is never pretty, neat, and clean, is it?

The "proof of death" conspiracy theorists seem a little too far out there for my way of thinking. I just can't get behind the idea of faking the news of bin Laden's death because of the incredible loss of credibility that would result if/when it was proved false. Probably worse than that "weapons of mass destruction" thing. But who knows for sure? I do kind of enjoy watching documentaries speculating about subjects like Roswell and the Kennedy assassination. WAS there another shooter on the grassy knoll? I guess there will always be speculation. Same with bin Laden's death.

But you know what I'm looking forward to? A made for TV mini series about the raid on bin Laden's compound. Remember the movie Raid on Entebbe? Like that. I think that would be really interesting, just as long as no news dude broke into the end of the movie because of some other breaking news story. That would really annoy me.


  1. Yep, I was annoyed here too. It was just after lunchtime and I missed the end of "Monarch of the Glen" an English series I was watching. I was really enjoying it too. As for all that celebration? That doesn't sit well with me. (Nor does the unarmed shot dead bit) It's sad that there was so much rejoicing at the news of a death. As for the bin Laden mini series? I think I'll give that a miss.

  2. With the tornadoes here and bin Ladin there...there was no tv that night! And after electricity, so I'm not sure what all I missed!

  3. You know what, it war! However this maniacal human being met its end, it was truly justified and I'm proud. The news commentators will take the liberal view and questions every nuance. Get over it!

  4. I understand where you are coming from about your ideas.. But I also understand that 3000 families were torn apart by this man.. They lost loved ones. He didn't care and it was breaking news and yes President Obama in what he said was good and I do not agree with him on a lot of things.. The news media needs to move on to other things and lets concentrate on the Americans down south who lost homes and their lives have been shattered...Enough of the Bin Laden stuff...

    Have a great day...

  5. One thing I really like about you blog is that ideas can be expressed. Everyone has their own point of view and one of the great things about living in North America is that we can express our ideas.

  6. There has been a (mis)quote going around FB from MLK about not celebrating the death of another human being and only love will prevail, yadda, yadda, yadda. As I don't know if I quite agree with it I do feel that gunning down an unarmed man is quite overkill. Take him in and let him face justice! Do you really think that prison would be a plesant place for this man?? I know he will meet his maker and be judged there, but I think it would have been just as horrible for him to rot in jail for the rest of his natural life.
    Kim you really make one think!! Keep it up!! Have a splendid day!!

  7. One great thing about America we can all have
    our own opinions. I for one enjoy reading
    your blog for just that reason, plus all the
    beautiful quilts you create.

  8. I cringed at hearing he was unarmed too, but I also feel that can't be all to the story. There's a quote out there by the head of the CIA that bin Laden made threatening moves that posed a clear threat, hence the firing. Let's face it, unarmed or not, this was not a guy who was ever going to surrender or go down easy. I figure we'll get more and more (but probably never all) of the details as time goes on, and will hopefully soon enough have a pretty good picture of what happened.

  9. Wow, in Southern California we missed all the shows from 8pm - 9pm, so I didn't watch any of Amazing Race. Hopefully they'll replay that segment for us. I know this is very petty, but you happened to mention missing 10 minutes of the show. Still love reading your blog. You seem to say the things most of us are thinking, but sometimes unwilling to share..

  10. Hey Kim...let me chime in here. I'm east coast and did see Amazing Race. LOL

    I enjoy reading your blog. Even today you have your own little comical twist on such a hot topic in today's news with Bin Laden. I'm conflicted with the whole thing in my thoughts. It is a mess is what it is and I worry for us Americans still yet. My hubby works Homeland Security and always gets me thinking in our conversations.....what I might think one day is so different the next.

  11. I too have had issues with the whole celebration of Bin Laden's death. My husband and I have been having little battles with our three boys trying to explain to them why they cannot have any first person shooter video games. I know that they play them at their friends homes - but I want them realize that a gun isn't going to solve the world's problems. That is the easy way out. Guns aren't toys, they are meant to kill. I digress. I feel Bin Laden most likely got what he deserved, I just think it should not be celebrated the way it has been.

    As for Amazing Race, we were able to see the ending. For me it was a good ending. I couldn't take the whining any longer.

  12. Just go to the Internet and find the show segment and play the end of the show on your computer. My kid doesn't own a tv because he can watch anything on his computer. So no more whining about missing something. As for bin laden...I am a little disturbed by the people in the street. Reminds me of scenes shown right after 9/11 of the people in Iraq and other countries in the streets chanting victory over U.S. as the towers tumbled. I just thought we were a little bit better than that.

  13. I know that our tv stations here in Hawaii are rerunning the shows that were preempted here, so maybe yours will as well. I first read this blog entry last night and wrote a comment but then decided to "sleep on it" first. I get what you are thinking and wanting to make "light" of everything or something like that. As for me, I was not focused on missing a tv show--I was suddenly much more worried about my husband, who is currently in Afghanistan. As far as Bin Laden goes, he was given the opportunity to surrender and he chose not to. His body was respectfully handled according to his religious views. I'm thinking if we had captured him, suddenly there would be a whole new "world stage" for him to spout his terroristic blabber. As to how he was judged after death, that is between him and his god, but I'm glad he is no longer on this earth. And yes, I'll celebrate it.

  14. I'm so proud of our American Military right now!!! Go Navy!

  15. Read this and thought of you.

    I thought it to be a great article on the subject of celebrating Bin Laden's death.

  16. I see what you're saying Kim...but to me, bin Laden was pure evil and he got exactly what he deserved. Putting him on trial or anything like that would have been exactly what he get the world stage to spew his hatred. He had the chance to surrender, he didn't. I am so proud of our country right now I could burst! :-)

  17. we missed the last half of CSI Miami and no notice if it will be re played! darn it
    think we needed to know what went on , but do not think that he should be given so much of our time , its done
    Bonnie in VA

  18. Well I'm glad he is dead. what he and his goons did to the people of this country is pure evil.My father God rest his soul was in ww2 and war is war.He gave up his eye sight at 23 to keep this country free. anyone who comes to this country and kills our civilians and puts our country into such terrible terror on our soil deserves a bullet to the head anyway you can. He didn't give our people a chance to say how they would live or die.He sent this country into a tail spin that we will never be the same.The coward sent out his goons to do his dirty deeds,he couldn't even do his evil himself.Yes he deserves and eye for an eye justice for sure. So Al Queida How do u like us now!!!!Debbie Kelly Who is one proud American!!!! thanks for letting us post here.That's what our freedom gives us.


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