Friday, April 22, 2011


I don't know WHY it took me so long--it was like I had some mental block--but I FINALLY put the last border on the Thimbleberries basket/applique quilt tonight. I guess part of it was looking for the right fabric. I had a couple floral prints picked out, but in the end, I decided it looked best with something that was a bit plainer.

I think a couple of you suggested scalloping the last border and I thought that was a good idea, so I made that last blue border wide enough to do that to if it seems like a good idea when I get to quilting that part.

As for the quilting itself, well, I'd love to get it pinned this weekend, but I'm not sure I'll be able to find a good chunk of time for that little chore since it IS Easter weekend and there are things to do.

What do you have planned?

Did I tell you Hubby and I are attending a BYOE party on Saturday night at my friend Lisa's house? Yep, "BYOE" stands for Bring Your Own Eggs, and we'll be dyeing and decorating hard boiled Easter eggs--it should be fun!The food will be strictly appetizer/finger food, and I thought I'd try egg rolls again--but this time, I'll try not to fry my hand too.

I did some holiday food shopping at Trader Joe's tonight. Yes, I picked up the traditional Easter HAM, of course. Soccer Son, his Lovely-Wife-to-be-Someday, and the Wild Child will join us for dinner on Sunday. I'm also planning to make a green salad with chopped apples, onions, and nuts, sauteed green beans with mushrooms, and some kind of scalloped corn dish. Any thoughts on a recipe? I don't have one--just some general thoughts. And you know me--four ingredients is just fine. I grabbed a couple packages of frozen corn, a pint of heavy cream, and various shredded cheese blends--a smoked cheese blend sounded interesting, or I could go with a blend of pepper jack and other cheeses. So those things seemed like a good start, maybe. Again, though, if you have a corn dish you like, I'd welcome suggestions.

It's time to hop off to bed to dream about Easter bunnies and chocolate eggs. Thanks for stopping in to visit!


  1. OK...our family's "recipe" is sooooo simple but no holiday meal is complete without it! Ready? One can of niblet corn, one can of cream corn and an egg for each can you use! Drain the niblet corn, add cream corn & eggs. Mix until well combined. Bake at 350 until the top is bubbly golden and corn is still moist looking. Ridiculously easy but 'comfort food' for sure! Jan

  2. I make my own egg rolls and to save on some calories I brush with egg whites, put on parchment paper and bake them untill golden brown.

  3. Your quilt is beautiful! I can't wait to see it quilted. Have a great Easter.

  4. Mmmmm, the food sounds wonderful. I think my boy is taking me out for Easter dinner tonight. Good son. You have a hippity hoppity happy Easter!
    Lurking Linda

  5. I love this recipe. You don't need cream though, but some cream cheese. Yummy! Happy Easter!

  6. That quilt is so beautiful. Those flowers that you just added are perfect. I think the blue brings it together in a nice bundle. Great job!!

  7. The quilt is lovely, and the border fabric is perfect.

    I take this corn to potlucks in the office. There is never any left.

    Since it's a crockpot dish, it frees up your oven and stove top (and time - it's really quick!)

    Happy Easter!


Tell me what you're thinking--I'd love to hear from you!