Thursday, April 7, 2011

Show and Tell

I'm slightly amused at the thought of writing a "show and tell" post when I personally don't have anything new to show, but it's about time to talk about our projects. I'm still plugging along on the Thimbleberries applique basket quilt--I just finished piecing the last two floral borders last night, but I still need to sew them onto the quilt and then decide exactly what I want to do for the final border. Then, of course, there's still the quilting to be done.

My Thimbleberries basket quilt is quilt number four for this year, and I'm pretty much right on "schedule"--if there really IS a schedule. But here it is in the fourth month of the year and I'm working on my fourth quilt, so that seems a good pace. And some of you who decided to adopt the 11 in '11 goal have been making progress too--good for you!

Whether you're part of the 11 in '11 group or not, please take a few minutes to click over to the group's Flickr site (look in my sidebar) and check out what our quilting friends have accomplished. See? THAT's the "show" part of my little show and tell tonight. And if you're working toward 11 quilts this year and you haven't joined the Flickr group and uploaded photos, please do--it's a nice, central place where we can visit one another and comment. Because you CAN comment on the quilts--did you know that? You don't even have to be a member of the 11 in '11 group, just as long as you're signed up with Flickr, which is simple to do.

Somewhere along the line, I've lost track of the Layer Cake Quilt Along; I need to catch up. And we won't even THINK of Block-a-Palooza, because if I ever had an idea I might do anything other than make the first block, . . . well, I doubt I'll ever get caught up now. And last month was the first time I've missed a month of Le Petite since I started when it was the Schnibbles group. But I know I can't do it all, and that's okay. I'm getting things finished that I've put off much, much too long. And I'll get back to these other little projects when I need a break.

Now it's your turn--even if you AREN'T on the road to finishing 11 in 2011! What are YOU working on? We'd love to hear about it!


  1. I'm #1? Wow, I don't think that has ever happened!! Well, I have 3 quilts done for 11 in '11. #4 is completely pieced and waiting to be quilted. #5 is waiting to be sent to the quilters. #6 is my just started rag quilt that I want to take on my trip next week, so I'm hoping to finish and post it before I leave. #7 is my new, redesigned Bloggers Quilt A Long. I've also finished a few, small things in between, but I'm right on track towards my goal. I know the summer is going to be harder to get things done, so I want to finish as much as I can now :)

  2. That's great that you're on your fourth quilt in the 4th month. I'm working on quilt number 3, the blocks and rows are sewn together I just need to add the borders. I was showing it to my husband who said it's too small for a bed. I said it's not for a bed, he said why make a quilt if it won't fit on the bed. I'm thinking oh just go away, all that's required from hubby's is to say it's very nice and move along, lol.

  3. I'm slow. I'm plugging along here. Working on several tops at once. If I get 2 quilt tops done this year, I will be happy!

  4. I'm not exactly doing the 11 in 11, but I am plugging along on things. People in my world keep having babies, so I keep making baby quilts and I don't really like to just make a plain one so I am making another I Spy quilt much like the last one I made. Bright colors and nearly every hexagon is different. You are much more ambitious though. I've lost my moo lately and have to get with it.

  5. I'm picking up quilt#5 in '11 today from my machine quilter. Then I'll get the machine-sewing part of the binding done so my mom can do the hand part. (She and I have a great arrangement where she does the hand stitching of the binding on my quilts.)

    And I'll be dropping off #6 to be quilted today too. So hopefully by May 1 I'll be able to report on #6 in '11. My goal is to have one to drop off when I pick one up for the rest of the year.

    Most of my finishes, however, have been quilts that were WIPs over the past couple years. Waiting for borders. Or needing the blocks set. etc. These weren't all begun in 2011 -- just finished in 2011!

  6. Wow 11 in 11!! How did I miss this. Off to check out the Flickr group. Yay for you being on #4.

  7. I like the idea of 11 in 11. I have completed two bed-sized tops (still need to be quilted), one wallhanging, one tabletopper & I'm currently working on two quilted snuggly shaws from a pattern I found in the March/April issue of MaCall's Quilting magazine. Do the 11 in 11 all have to be bed-size?


Tell me what you're thinking--I'd love to hear from you!