Saturday, April 2, 2011

A Day With Friends

Saturday is the monthly get together of my stitchery friends. Last month we went on a little shop hop up to Paradise and Chico, but this month we're getting together at the home of one of the ladies where we'll spend the day eating and chatting. When we do that, we all bring hand work to keep us busy--most of us bring applique or embroidery. (One of the women has a NEVER ENDING supply of tea towels with clown transfers to embroider. Clowns! I never get tired of giving her a hard time about her John Wayne Gacy projects.)

The other day when I asked how you all cope with long, intricate piecing projects without getting so bored you want to poke your own eyes out, I liked Shannon's answer. Shannon said in that kind of situation where the piecing is that repetitive, she works on two projects at a time so she can go back and forth and not get too bored. With that in mind, and knowing I'd need to get some hand work ready for tomorrow, I pulled out my OTHER basket applique project. (It's funny that I never really think about pieced basket quilts, yet somehow I've managed to have two pieced basket projects that need to be completed!)

You may remember these blocks from last year. I put this project aside at some point, but I've been thinking this would be one of my 11 for the year, so it's about time I got it back out again.

I'm looking forward to seeing my gal pals tomorrow. Gran will be there, and I want to find out all the news about the soon-to-be quilt shop. It feels like we haven't talked FOREVER! Unfortunately one of our friends has to miss our gathering this month, but we'll be thinking of her. I guess I'd better get off this computer so I can pack up my projects and the treats I have for everyone and get to bed. I sure don't want to be tired tomorrow. I hope you have a fine weekend ahead of you too!


  1. Those baskets are so sweet! I do the same thing to avoid boredom, switch between projects. This is why starting a new project is always the answer to any quilting problem.

  2. Love the "new" baskets! So sweet!

  3. Kim, I do remember the baskets but I can't recall the pattern name? was it your design? They look adorable. I have yet to make a basket quilt.

  4. LOve those baskets! Have a great weekend :o)

  5. Kim I have a basket quilt just like this and need to put the flowers on it. Would you share the templates or patterns for the flowers and leaves?

  6. That basket block is gorgeous! I can only hope that one day I will be capable of creating something that nice!

  7. These basket are so 30s looking. Love them. Lucky you spending the day sewing, eating, and visiting.

  8. Have fun! I had forgotten about those baskets. Have fun working on them.

  9. Love your baskets, and envy you the day of seeing friends and sewing and oh, yeah, eating!! I'm going to a baby shower for a neice, so almost the same! Have fun. Love, Cathy T.

  10. Love, love, love those baskets. So pretty.

  11. Love those baskets. So sweet and 50's looking. I would love to know the name of the pattern.

  12. Your baskets are so colorful and fun! They make me want to attempt applique... Are the handles made from ric rac?

  13. oh I'm glad you dug those out! I love the baskets, and the color combination is just about the happiest combo ever! love it!!!

  14. Lovely Baskets, now I wonder why you put them down, I would love to see the finished project

  15. love the little baskets of flowers..too cute! I knew there was a reason I had so many projects on the go...I was obviously bored with one or four of the others!


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