Tuesday, April 12, 2011

A Day Late and a Dollar Short

I had TOTALLY figured out I was going to title this post "Mostly Mute Monday," upload this photo--

--and then add a caption telling you I'd spent much of the day stripping (wallpaper, of course!). But then I remembered that although I actually HAVE spent Monday stripping (wallpaper, of course!), this will actually be my TUESDAY post, and nothing similarly explanatory rhymes with Tuesday, does it?

I guess since I've been stripping (wallpaper, of course!), I COULD call it Titilating Tuesday, but it's not really all that titilating. TIRING Tuesday would be more like it, except I haven't done anything on Tuesday yet because it's not quite here. What a quandry.

And I'm not a dollar short either. Because I've stayed home today and stripped wallpaper, money didn't even come into it. Not yet. Not until I head to Home Depot in the morning to buy some paint (and anything else I can find that looks interesting).

Clearly I need someone to help me write blog post titles. Maybe the stripping liquid and TSP fumes have gone to my head.


  1. Thanks for my Tuesday morning smile. Love your blog! Helen

  2. Sandy from ThimbleberriesApril 12, 2011 at 5:29 AM

    Did you by accident put something on your blog. It says "We're doing a little work right now Your image will be back soon Photo Bucket." I can't seem to get rid of it. Hopefully by tomorrow it will be gone. Oh by the way I have two rooms that need the wallpaper stripped. Can I call on you?
    Thanks for making my day each morning.

  3. Hope you're done stripping paper soon and on to the more fun parts of redecorating a room. If the paper is firm on the wall and not textured I usually paint over it. Much easier. My mom worked in a paint (PPG) and wallpaper store for 25 years, I worked there for a short while after graduation. I loved looking through the books of wallpaper samples, they're like fabric scraps :o)

  4. stripping should never, ever be done on a titillating tuesday - unless, of course, you are VERY careful to wear tassels (or glow-in-the-dark stars) with the appropriate glue ... so it is a GOOD thing that your stripping was done on a monotonous monday and that we're reading the post on tough toenails tuesday

  5. Sounds to me like you are having a 'totally troubling Tuesday'...hope it get terrific soon!

  6. I've been putting off some painting because I just couldn't get into the "Spring cleaning" mode...then I read your blog today and laughed out loud! It lifted my spirits. Thanks for the motivation!

  7. Yikes, stripping wallpaper is a lot of work!! I've done it before and it needs to be done again, I think you've motivated me to get going on a few projects. Thanks for your wonderfully funny blog.

  8. I do not envy you the stripping (walpaper of course)!! I helped a fried out a few months back! She was pregnant and could not get up on a ladder to strip! (Boy his post could really go wrong very quickly!) Her walpaper was in a stairwell and all the way ON the cealing...why anyone would walpaper a cealing I do not know... have yourself a glass of wine and sit back and relax! You deserve it!! P.S. is that how you spell cealing the more I type it the more incorrect it looks!! LOL

  9. I just love reading you everyday - you're awesome and I love your posts and your projects! Thanks for the time you spend on us out here in cyberspace!



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