Monday, April 4, 2011

Busy Hands . . .

Are Happy Hands! And on Saturday, each of the ladies in my stitchery group were happy to spend the day together, keeping their hands busy. (Mouths were busy too, eating and chatting!)

We often bring little treats for one another and they're usually based in part upon the season. Easter chocolates were a big hit, of course! I put together little tin pails of goodies and Gran brought each of us a beaded bracelet cuff--you'll see a couple of the bracelets in the photos I took of everyone's busy hands.

These are Imelda's hands, showing Irene how to do an embroidery stitch on a wool candle mat for Easter. (Irene was our hostess for the day.) Imelda had already made the one on the table to the left. Under the wool project though, you can see a bit of the quilt she was binding--binding was her project for the day and she got it finished before we disbanded.

This is another wool project Irene was working on--a floral pincushion--and she finished both this one (I think it was a Bird Brain pattern) and her Easter candle mat (a Bare Roots pattern) by the end of the day..

These are Gran's hands, working on a snowman embroidery BOM for the soon-to-be shop. (You can see one of the beaded bracelets on her right hand.)

And here are Sandy's hands. Sandy was also binding a quilt. Sandy is the "Clown Tea Towel Queen--but I think she read my blog post and brought something other than a clown tea towel just to throw me off!

And last of all, my project--I finished another block of the basket quilt. I added the embroidered details when I got home, but all of the applique was finished at Irene's house.

It was a very productive day for all of us, although we sure missed our friend Julie, who wasn't able to come this time.

Yesterday, I showed you the puff pastry mini sausages I brought. Somehow I guess I was too busy eating the rest of the food to think about taking photos, but we had muffins and fresh fruit for breakfast, and for lunch we had Spanish rice, homemade chicken enchilladas, and a broccoli slaw salad. My "dogs" were the snacks, and dessert was peach pie a la mode. Groan! But it was all sooooooooo good, both the food and the company. By the time we left, we all agreed that there's not much better than a day spent with girlfriends.


  1. What a lovely group. I really like the wool candle mats.

  2. Very nice! I had a stitching day this weekend with some blogger friends. We had a marvellous time with too much food and much laughter and stitching. It was a lot like your gathering I think. We are lucky!

  3. Kim, this is a wonderful post. I get together regularly with friends for sewing days, so I know precisely what you mean about those special days. Love the gifts you share, and that basket project of yours is going to be a stunner!

  4. What a busy day----good quilt friends and chocolate, the best combination.

  5. Looks like you were all productive! Quilting with the buds is always fun!


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