Sunday, March 20, 2011

I Keep Missing Stuff!

When I was checking up on a few bloggers tonight, I realized I had missed the March Friday Nite Sew In last night. I've also missed National Quilting Day today. I did go into the Sweat Shop for awhile this evening, but I was so uninspired by what I'd been working on that I decided to completely shift gears on the project--tomorrow. So I just turned off the lights and shut the door. And, if anyone's counting, this is the third or fourth year in a row that I've pretty much missed National Quilting Day! Maybe if I'd known, I would have been a little more motivated. Did you "celebrate"? What did you work on?

At least I can pretend the pincushion giveaway is in honor of National Quilting Day, right? You won't tell anyone that it's just a coincidence, will you? What do you MEAN you won't tell as long as you're one of the winners?! Sheesh!

One of the commenters mentioned she'd been given a pincushion by a neighbor with Eskimo children surrounding the pincushion (no, the neighbor didn't have Eskimo children--the pincushion DID!), so I had to go looking online for one--and they're really cute! Want to see what they look like?

If any of you know my husband, tell him he can get me one the next time there's a gift-giving occasion and he's stumped on what to get, okay?

I guess it's time to announce the randomly selected pincushion winners, isn't it? The three winners are Gwen, Judy in Michigan, and Mary at Quilt Hollow. Ladies, please email me your snail mail addresses and if you have a strong preference between the two colors--a bright yellow and a kind of hot or deep pink--let me know. I actually have two of each, so I'll try to accommodate your choices.

Now I think it's time to go to bed and read a Kate Shugak book by Dana Stabenow--her series is set in Alaska, and seeing that cute Eskimo pincushion put me in the mood.

Thank you all for entering and congrats to the winners!


  1. Love the eskimos. And Dana Stabnow. And Alaska. And the Iditarod. I lived there for four years, thanks to the Army, and now I'm in Hawaii, so I really can't complain. I did not do any "celebrating" for National Quilt Day as my husband is deploying for Afghanistan tomorrow. (Maybe I do have something to complain about??!!) I recently started a blog, too. Please check it out--patrioticquilter.

  2. Seeing that I'm unmotivated in finishing anything, I started working on a new quilt for Friday's Sew-in and worked on it a little on National Quilt Day. I need to get something finished - at least to the completed quilt top stage. Maybe today.

  3. National Quilting Day? Darn, I missed that in the excitement of cleaning my house! Actually, a family emergency has me going out of town this coming week, so quilting is not the closest thing in my mind. Although I need to tag 2 quilts today so I can deliver them while I am away TO MY NEW NEPHEW that arrived on Saturday! I'll finally be able to post pics when I get home! This is #1 and #3 of my 11 in '11. #2 is also done, but also not delivered. I'd also like to make a new quilted bag to be my carry on, we'll see if I have time!

  4. My quilt buddies and I went out to breakfast to celebrate NQD! We talked about our current projects and discussed future plans. Then home and a nap - LOL - hard work, eating and talking!! Worked on a photo into a quilt project - hope it turns out!! I've never done this before.

  5. Love love love Dana and her characters! I missed NQD too!

  6. What a pleasant surprise to see my name as a winner! I will send you and email and thank you very much! I celebrated National Quiling Day by visiting a LQS where there was no mention of it at all! Went with friends, one had a very nice gift certificate to spend and wanted help. What fun! I need to pull out the Sujak books and read some again! Thanks again!

  7. Congratulations to the winners. I did a little sewing over the weekend and didn't realize it was NQD either.

  8. I heard it was National Quilting Day, and I actually did do some quilting. But that was entirely coincidental. lol Congratulations to the winners!

  9. Kim!
    I cannot believe I've missed this post and just the other day I started thinking about this pincushion again...and thought to myself I guess I didn't win I didn't hear and of course...I didn't take the time to go look! Thank you so much!! I'm a bit embarrassed...but memories came flooding back of my old pincushion that I wore out and I teared up! What is that about?! Hormonal day perhaps? Who knows....I want to say thank you for hunting my address down through Gran....I love having this pincushion back in my sewing room! You've really made my day and thank you!!


Tell me what you're thinking--I'd love to hear from you!