Sunday, March 13, 2011


Remember the old 1970s song about truckers riding in a convoy and talkin on their CB radios? Well, what's the modern equivalent? Could it be quilters packed into two cars, undertaking a quilt shop road trip, communicating back and forth by cell phone?

Today my stitchery peeps hit the road. With the thought of all that overtime pay coming my way and fabric withdrawals since Bear Paws & Hollyhocks closed in December I was primed and ready! And I have to say: If there was a prize today for the person who spent the most money? Well, I'm pretty darn sure that would have been me! (But shhhhhhh! Don't tell Hubby, okay?!)

We had a lovely time, but the most unusual episode of the day began at the first little shop we stopped at. When the last couple people were checking out and the rest of us were chatting, I pointed out a small wagon on top of one of the shelves and mentioned I had the SAME wagon! I'd found mine at a yard sale last year and loved it. Perhaps you remember what it looks like?

Another customer--not part of our group--heard us chatting and said she'd gotten one by whining to a friend, who gave it to her. Well, one of our group, Sandy, started talking to the women--I think her name was Marilyn, but I'm really horrible with names--and Marilyn told Sandy that if she wanted the wagon, we could stop by her house later in the day, on our way home to Sacramento. Now how unusual is THAT? She even gave us her address and phone number and drew a map for us. Aren't quilters the best?

Sure enough, on our drive back toward Sacramento, we stopped in Yuba City to visit the very kind and generous Marilyn, and Sandy is now the proud owner of a green wagon. AND the bonus? Marilyn was able to direct us to the nearest Starbucks for a little refueling to get us on our way.

And yes, much of the way home--because it was dark by then--we communicated back and forth by way of cell phones to make sure the "follow" car was still following while the "lead" car put the hammer down. Everybody sing along now . . . .

"Coz we got a little convoy rockin' thru the night
Yeah we got a little convoy aint she a beautiful sight
Come on and join our convoy aint nothin' gonna get in our way
We gonna roll this quiltin' convoy 'cross the USA"


  1. Ha ha - I sure do remember that song. If fact, I think I have the 45 (boy am I dating myself!) Sounds like a fun road trip!

  2. that's a big 10 four, Rubber Duck...

  3. What a way to start my day! Remembering back to the 70's, and knowing that I'm not the only one who listens in to other's conversation. Thanks for sharing.

  4. So this is what happens when I get behind in my blog reading, you were in my town and I hear about after you've left. Sorry I missed you! Next time you make another trip, I'll bring you a coffee. Not Starbucks, we aren't big enough to have one of those, but I'll meet you at Morning Star. Deal?

  5. Sorry, I (Brandie) will meet you with coffee. I sure hate when those half-adult use my computer and change everything, it's not as if they don't have their own laptop! So that message was from me, ignore the "deputy".

  6. Sounds like a super fun road trip. I hope you brought the music along and sang it out loud as you drove. I have yet to move somewhere and hook up with a group of quilt friends. Someday, that is my goal, someday a quilt road trip.

  7. Endlessly played the summer of 1975 maybe? I do remember it well!

    Sounds like a very satisfying and enjoyable outing. Quilting and friends is a great mix!


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