Wednesday, March 30, 2011

Climbing Into Bed Now and Pulling the Covers Over My Head

Gosh, I'm feeling grumpy and anti-social this evening. If you don't want to read my whining words, you'd best click on out of here right now. I'm still bummed about yesterday's cabinet doors incident. And I KNOW they're just a couple doors, and on one level it's not a big deal, but consider how you'd feel if someone felt free to do whatever they wanted with something of yours without asking. For instance, on that same trip to Oregon, same store, Hubby bought a globe from an old street light, and I wouldn't even THINK of taking it for my own use. (Until now, anyway.) I know it's HIS treasure. Sheesh! Enough of that, though. I'm kind of hoping to move past it soon, so there's no point in dwelling.

Besides, I have other issues to complain about. I had to work late again tonight--we're still involved in that trial. I really don't mind staying late and I know it's necessary, but some of the things we've had to work late on lately are just silly--things we've had to revise over and over again because no one seems able to agree. The other attorney doesn't have a secretary, so I'm it. Even the judge faxed me a couple of handwritten documents to type up today. And it's all just been dragging on and on, partly because the attorneys can't agree on anything and partly because the other attorney keeps claiming to be ill--with various different diseases and ailments which seem to change from day to day. Since I'm not in the courtroom, I don't know how much of that kind of thing the jury sees, but I've got to think they're at least pretty bored by now because the case is going so slow and it's just not all that interesting.

What else? My burns. Remember the egg roll incident? A couple of the burns are kind of bad, especially one on my thumb. The last couple of days, the dead skin's been peeling off and the new skin is tender. I feel like a leper. Or a snake. I think I should wear a bag over my hand so I don't gross anyone out. That might also get me out of revising trial documents over and over again since it's hard to type with a bag on your hand. Hey, maybe that's glint of sunshine on the horizon--or the silver lining of a rain cloud!

But what about Easter? Are YOU ready? I got out my Easter and spring quilts last weekend, but that's as far as I've gotten with the decorating. Thank goodness it comes so late this year--I still have a few more weeks. We've been invited to a BYOE party the day before Easter, so I hope I'll be in the mood by then. What's a BYOE party, you ask? Ah, it's a Bring Your Own Eggs party! We'll all dye Easter eggs and eat, drink, and be merry. Or at least everyone ELSE will be merry. If I don't snap out of it, I'll be there doing my best Eeyore impression. I think I'll go to bed now.

"Why, what's the matter?" "Nothing, Pooh Bear, nothing. We can't all, and some of us don't. That's all there is to it." "Can't all what?" said Pooh, rubbing his nose. "Gaiety. Song-and-dance. Here we go round the mulberry bush."


  1. Aw! Hang in there cupcake! I have this mental picture of you just sliding in under the covers and disappearing from the a wounded animal into it's cave! It has to get better.....doesn't it???

  2. Hang in there! My mom is hosting a similar party for all the little ones in the family in a couple of weeks. Should be fun. They will dye the eggs and then have a big egg hunt afterward. I've even started my first Easter quilty decoration. A cute table runner. Hopefully I'll have it done by the end of the week.

  3. Geesh! What a hassle redoing. I hope they figure out what they are trying to accomplish so your job gets easier. You're in my prayers girl!

  4. The wheels of justice and all! I do hope you find a way to get out of your gloom. I am in a funk as well and this 'spring that is never gonna happen'is not helping. Make time for you to be yourself! You will do fine! And if noone wants to read your rantings... we all deserve to unload every now and again!!
    May the sun shine soon on your gloom! (I know I am hopeing it will soon show my way!!)

  5. Sometimes crawling under the covers just helps! Hope the morning is brighter for you. Hang in there!

  6. Poor baby! In times like you are having, I just crawl into bed, fetal position, covers over my head and MOAN. After awhile, I'm okay. Hope you are too, soon.
    Take care,

  7. So sorry your feeling gloomy. It's certainly not the Kim we know:0 &
    Maybe some retail therapy is in order... and you don't even have to leave your bed/just press purchase on your computer!
    I'll just go read a post from last week instead to get my Kim fix.

  8. Hey Kim,
    Hope you are having a good day and that the trial is finally winding down.
    I can so relate to the belonging and treasures issue- we have been cleaning out the clutter of many years and part of the process is going through stuff. Sometimes its me that is going through it and other times its my son. If he is going through it then much of time stuff is just tossed. Sometimes I have rescued things that would have been tossed and other times they are just gone. It is the double edged sword of someone else helping. My mantra is it is only just stuff.... My only rule is stay out of my bedroom and my sewing room. I am trying not to think of what things are gone and what things are filling up the landfill...
    In the meantime, I have finally started to work on my dad's quilt. Check out my newest post if you would like to see it. I have come up with a new plan for mounting the panels- I am going to machine applique them on rather than try and measure and cut it into blocks.
    I am with Sinta- perhaps retail therapy is a solution...
    Warmest regards,

  9. Oh my goodness...we were separated at birth!! And by 3000 miles. But eerily similar.

    Hope you snap out of it soon. It's too far for me to come out there and shake ya. LOL

  10. I know the cabinet door thing bummed you out but I'm thinking your husband thought he was doing a nice thing for you and making the cabinet you wanted. Isnt that what he's doing? Have fun decorating for Easter.

  11. Yeah, right there with ya Kim. Eeyore is a kindred spirit of mine too. Hope you're feeling better now.


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