Saturday, February 12, 2011

Sneak Peek

I've finished--sort of. I still need to add the binding and I have another idea too, but here it is so far:

I wanted to get a better photo for you, but just as I climbed up the step ladder, framed the quilt, waited for the auto focus, and pushed the button, the "exhaused battery" message popped up. I signaled back "exhaused quilter" and dismounted--I'll have to find more batteries later, but for the life of me, I cannot remember where I put the last package I bought. Did I use it already? Who knows? ARGH!

Anyway, my idea: I think I want to add a wide eyelet ruffle around the sides and bottom edge. There are two reasons behind that idea: (1) I'd like to make the quilt fall a little longer, because we have one of those extra fat mattresses, and (2) I think the eyelet would look cool and romantic! So, I'll get up in the morning and head out to JoAnn's to see what I can find.

Remember how a couple weeks ago, I came home from work on a Friday night and had so much energy, I got all my house cleaning done that night? Yeah, that didn't happen tonight. So I still have the house to clean this weekend.

Then there's a quilt show too. And the monthly antique fair. And dipping a TON of pretzel rods in white chocolate and sprinkles for Valentine's Day. And dinner out with my kids on Sunday night to celebrate their birthdays.

Boy, it's going to be a busy weekend! I have a feeling that not everything I want to do will get done, and I've worn myself out already just thinking about it. I suppose I'd better head to bed and get some rest. What do you have planned?


  1. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  2. Beautiful Kim! I love the idea of the trim too. Very nice! Sounds like you will be busy this weekend. I'm going to a craft fair today, then also doing various Valentine preparations. Oh and some home improvement stuff. Busy busy!

  3. WOW... Kim, you are one talented lady and I like the idea of eyelet.

  4. The quilt turned out beautifully!!! Hugs!!


  5. I've missed you. I've been under a deadline rock, then I've been lving in a funk cave. I think I'm back. I think seeing your beefcake guy post brought me back, so THANKS!

  6. Another Beauty Kim. Congratulations.

  7. I like that!

    My weekend? I planned to sew all day on Saturday, but spent the day out at the shops instead. Oh well, perhaps I will get to the machine tomorrow ;)

  8. Your quilting came out beautifully Kim! I'm going to have to come up to your house with my Juki and get lessons from you! You're very good at it!

  9. Kim, you did a wonderful job quilting. It sounds like you have a fun, hectic weekend planned. Enjoy. Hope to do some quilty stuff myself.

  10. Your newest finish is fabulous! Your idea of an eyelet ruffle sounds perfect. I have cleaning to do as well and hope to wash some fabric to start a pineapple applique quilt.

  11. Kim, your quilt is beautiful. I like the idea of adding eyelet ruffle . You always have such great ideas!

  12. That quilt is just gorgeous! I love the pink in it!

  13. That is a very pretty quilt, and the eyelet idea definitely romantic! Hope you enjoy your busy weekend, seems full of good stuff!

  14. Beautiful quilt! Nothing much planned. Hoping to get into the sewing room and finish up a few things so that I can move on to other new things! Enjoy the rest of your weekend!

  15. Sorry to chuckle over the battery signal from the camera. It is frustrating, eh! Your quilt and your talent shines forth - love it and your idea for the ruffle. I can hardly wait to see it. Please bring it to Knot-y Embroidery Ladies and we will lay it over the pool table.
    My weekend end - sorting out and finding places for things "gone wild" in "The Room". Love Yha!


Tell me what you're thinking--I'd love to hear from you!